Are you the eldest daughter of an immigrant family?
Oh well, I'm so glad that you are here!
Paola is a doctor in psychology who works in the Bronx community. Paola migrated to the USA from Bogota Colombia when she was 14 years old. Since then she has been in charge of her family pretty much as she calls it the CEO of her family!
This can be a very challenging experience, holding tons of responsibility and Paola also has seen it as an opportunity to learn from all she is capable of...
Published 09/13/23
Are you working in a field where you are the only Latina in the room? Have you ever felt that you are exhausted from doing the hard work of making an impact?
If you answered yes to any of those questions, this episode is for you!
Marcia moved from Ecuador to the USA when she was 7 years old. We explored how her immigration journey has impacted her life in many different ways. From feeling less confident at times to learning that her diversity is in fact her strength!
We also talked...
Published 04/12/23
Nobody really prepares you for how different and complicated dealing with money as an immigrant will be!
I had the amazing opportunity to talk to Tess, she is a financial advisor and an immigrant.
Tess moved to the USA when she was a teenager after graduating from high school in Bulgaria. She also lived in Africa with her family before coming to the states. Tess grew up in a family where talking about money was not taboo and this inspired her later in life to help others manage their...
Published 03/29/23
Paid internships for undocumented immigrants! SPECIAL episode
Jason is the chief operating officer of the Oyate Group, a non-profit, antipoverty organization that supports people, providing resources and filling in gaps in the community.
In this interview, we talked about one of their programs, Beyond Rising Internships, where they provide summer internships for undocumented immigrants. Jason shared the impact of the program, the barriers that undocumented youth face, and how we can...
Published 03/15/23
Have you moved to another country following love? New episode!
Stacey met her American husband and decided to move to the USA to start a life together.
It was challenging to adapt to a new culture and country, especially because she felt lonely many times. For example, having her baby in the USA and not being able to have her family here was not easy (plus during the pandemic, you can imagine!)
Stacey is a lawyer with extensive career and experience in Australia. It was difficult to...
Published 03/01/23
Have you ever felt like you don't have a "home" where to go to?
Veena is our guest of the week and we explored her multiple immigration journeys. From being born in the USA to moving to Canada, then living in India (where her family is from), exploring life in Africa, England, and currently in Costa Rica.
Veena talks about the complexity of the immigrant identity and how our parent's immigration journey can influence us so much.
Something that truly inspired me about this conversation...
Published 02/15/23
I had the amazing opportunity to talk to Oscar about his immigration journey from Mexico. He had a very difficult experience of being separated from his mom when he was only 2 years old when crossing the border to the USA.
In this interview, we talked about the impact that some of our immigration experiences can have on our mental health, the healing process of overcoming those challenges, and the importance of building a community so we don't feel alone!
Oscar also explained how it has...
Published 02/01/23
Grab a pen and paper for this episode! Immigrant coach Annie is here!
Annie is an immigrant coach that has been doing coaching work for over 8 years now!
We explored her immigration journey from the Dominican Republic, her divorce, and how it impacted her immigration.
We also talked about how she supports immigrants overcome challenges, helping them live a better life EVEN when things are not going well, with all of the stuff we can't control.
Annie gave us actionable and specific...
Published 01/18/23
New year new episode! Welcome 2023!
New York writer Annette is sharing her immigration story with us today! In this episode, we talked about her immigration to 3 different continents and the impact of growing up being the daughter of Holocaust survivors.
In this amazing conversation we also explore her writing career, we talked about her book “Aftermath: Coming of Age on Three Continents” and other amazing books that she has written.
Annette touches on the challenges of being an...
Published 01/04/23
Sele was born in Nigeria, grew up in Canada, and now lives in the USA!
In this week's episode, we chatted about the best ways to select a country or a city to move to, especially when you have the opportunity to plan ahead and select the best fit for you.
It was amazing to hear about Sele's journey and all the details around how is the immigration process from Canada when you land a job in the USA!
I learned so much about the intersections of race and immigration, based on Sele's...
Published 12/14/22
Can you imagine the culture shock of a 16-year-old girl traveling to Canada for the first time all by herself?
Back when Katerina migrated phones weren't a thing so communication with her family back home in Ukraine was pretty much nonexistent! Katerina shares how she was able to navigate the challenges and the culture shocks while feeling the most excited about the opportunity of living abroad!
Katerina first moved to Canada and later she came to the USA for medical school. Today she...
Published 12/07/22
Todo el esfuerzo valdrá la pena! NUEVO EPISODIO
Alicia emigró de Mexico a Estados Unidos hace 15 años cuando era adolescente. Poco sabia todo lo que sucedería y lo mucho que su vida iba a cambiar.
En este episodio Alicia habla sobre los retos que ha enfrentado, la gran barrera del idioma, las discriminaciones que ha sufrido por ser Hispana, lo fuerte que puede ser el proceso de asimilación y hasta sobre una relación tóxica de la que salió fortalecida y mas apegada a sus raíces que...
Published 11/30/22
Raquel is the director of Raíz and Latinx campaigns at Planned Parenthood. A program that is in 20 states and that provides support to Latinx communities. They provide resources and information to help the community advocate and access reproductive rights and other health services.
Raquel is also a proud immigrant from Guatemala and brings her roots to everything she does. She shares in this episode how her immigration journey has impacted the work she does in supporting Latinx...
Published 11/09/22
How do you apply for grad school as an immigrant and what are the different visas and options that international students have in the USA? Listen now!
Enrica moved to the USA about 5 years ago from Italy. In this week's episode, we go over the different challenges that she experienced as an international student, the options that she found to work and study in the USA (the CPT and OPT visas), and how is entering the corporate world in the USA as an immigrant.
Enrica is giving us tips...
Published 10/26/22
Les ha pasado que al emigrar sus sueños y las cosas que querían en la vida, han ido cambiando?
La historia de Andel es un recordatorio hermoso de que los sueños pueden cambiar, que ser flexible y estar abierto a nuevas posibilidades es lo más importante a la hora de emigrar.
Andel llegó de 21 años a Nueva York desde República Dominicana tras la muerte de su mamá. Emigró con un duelo gigante y durante su inmigración también experimentó duelos relacionados con el haberse irse de su país,...
Published 10/12/22
Our guest of the week put together her family's cooking recipes and created the most beautiful and meaningful cookbook EVER to support her family and their immigration.
Andrea shares her immigration journey from Mexico to the USA when she was a kid. She talks about the challenges connecting with her heritage when trying to assimilate into the American culture. We discussed how her divorce impacted her immigration process and how was she able to find a solution after fearing...
Published 09/28/22
Qué les hubiese gustado saber antes de emigrar? NUEVO Episodio!
Creo que muchos de nosotros emigramos sin estar totalmente listos. En serio! Hay una preparación emocional que es muy importante de tomar en cuenta y tranquilos, aunque ya hayan emigrado puedes prepararte para continuar el camino. Nunca nunca es tarde.
Tuve la mega oportunidad de conocer a la psicóloga Antares de @psicomigrante que no solo es inmigrante sino también parte de su trabajo es ayudar a otros inmigrantes a...
Published 09/14/22
I virtually met our guest Kimberly thanks to a viral TikTok that reflected the experiences of an immigrant in the USA with a very powerful message of SI SE PUEDE!
The movie Encanto and most specifically the experiences of the character Luisa, inspired Kimberly to record this video speaking about the challenges of a first gen immigrant. The pressure of being the oldest daughter in an immigrant household, being the first one to go to college, and the importance of building financial wealth to...
Published 08/31/22
Tuve el placer de conocer a Diana y nos saben lo especial y mágica que fue esta conversación!
Diana Carolina es terapeuta holística, facilitadora de círculos de mujeres y coach. Ha experimentado multiples migraciones, tanto dentro de su país Colombia como también a Argentina, y diferentes ciudades en Estados Unidos.
En este episodio conversamos sobre la culpa que muchas veces sentimos al emigrar y compartir nuestros éxitos con los familiares que se quedaron en otro país. Hablamos de las...
Published 08/17/22
Have you ever wondered what a borderless world could look like? Well, we were able to imagine that world in this week's episode thanks to our guest of the week!
In this week's interview, Nance talks about their experience being a first-generation Ugandan/Liberian, trans/non-binary American immigrant living in the USA.
We talked about their work as an artist, where to get their book (The Letter Formally Known as Q Voices from Minnesota's Queer Immigrant Community), and the challenges of...
Published 08/03/22
Te ha pasado que has experimentado una crisis de identidad durante tu inmigración?
Esta semana estamos hablando con Caro sobre el termino TCK y la maravillosa comunidad que ha encontrado con otros que comparten su identidad como Third Culture Kids!
Caro ha experimentado muchísimas inmigraciones desde muy chiquita! Ha vivido en varios países en Europa, China, Venezuela y muchos más de los que habla en la entrevista!
En este episodio hablamos del termino TCK, de cómo ha logrado integrar...
Published 07/20/22
Season 4 is HERE! YAY!!!
Warda is a Somali-American writer and in this week's episode, she is sharing with us the reality of her refugee experience in the USA.
Her journey has been challenging, full of barriers and losses, and at the same time, she has risen, healed, and developed resilience. She is a first-generation college student and she wrote a wonderful book where she shares her immigration journey!
What has helped Warda the most in her journey is being able to ask for...
Published 07/06/22
Season 3 is coming to an end...
We have a first-generation immigrant story this week that is reminding us that we can create a sense of belonging anywhere we go!
Robbin is part of an amazing project the Empowerment Movement, an organization that is working towards inclusion and diversity, they are 100% volunteer-run, she shares about their mission and her work there!
We also talked about her experience of being multicultural, navigating multiple identities, finding her true belonging,...
Published 04/20/22
Episodio Especial - Ayuda a refugiados e inmigrantes Venezolanos!
No hay forma de que este episodio no me conmueva y no me haga sentir dolor y a la vez orgullo por el país de donde vengo. Es una mezcla de sentimientos que sé que muchos de ustedes comparten!
Tuve el honor de conocer un poco más sobre una fundación que admiro y respeto muchísimo. Humanitarian Action es una non profit que se dedica a ayudar a Venezolanos dentro y fuera del país.
En el episodio hablé con una de sus co...
Published 03/30/22