We all experience constriction, or dukkha, within our lives. As we become aware of how and where this is showing up, we can begin to change our habits and our mindsets to create more expansion and release within our everyday lives. Life flows better when we're not in resistance. To learn more about getting into alignment and reducing tension within your life, click to tune in!   Follow Bre on Instagram: @Modernmanifestation https://www.instagram.com/modernmanifestation/   Follow Bre on...
Published 10/23/22
In this episode, we talk about the upcoming changes to the podcast. We're going to continue our personal development topics, but with more flexibility and more spirituality! Tune in to hear more.   Follow Bre on Instagram: @Modernmanifestation https://www.instagram.com/modernmanifestation/   Follow Bre on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/themodernmanifestation/   Follow Bre on Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/ModernManifestation/   All other freebies, show notes, and more:
Published 10/05/22
I'm taking a podcast vacation! Tune in to hear more.
Published 04/25/22
In this episode, Alyssa Dumas and I talk about how we use manifestation throughout our everyday lives to encourage change so we can manifest things like promotions, pay increases, and so much more! Tune in to the episode using the link below if you're interested in getting to know more about different manifestation techniques, important things to work on, and how to address manifestation conversations with your spouses! 
Published 04/11/22
Join in for a summary of the 12 universal laws, or 12 spiritual laws, as well as an overall discussion about manifestation as a whole. Laws Covered: Law of Divine Oneness, Vibration, Inspired Action, Correspondence, Cause and Effect, Compensation, Attraction, Perpetual Transmutation of Energy, Relativity, Rhythm, Polarity, and Gender.
Published 03/28/22
The Law of Gender is one of the 12 Universal Laws of Manifestation, or spiritual laws. According to this law,  each one of us has both masculine and feminine energies within us, and our goal in life is to strike balance between the two. This law represents the ability in each of us to pull from both knowledge and knowing. The person who masters both their masculinity and femininity will align themselves with the things they want to manifest. Tune in to learn more about this law and others!
Published 03/14/22
The Law of Polarity is one of the 12 Universal Laws of Manifestation, or spiritual laws. According to this law, polar opposites of the same always exist, but the difference is in the expression of one over the other. This law represents the potential for another reality to come to fruition, no matter where you are.  Using this law we can learn to appreciate the good AND the bad because they're one in the same. We can always choose change, to align with the expression of the polar end we want...
Published 02/21/22
The Law of Rhythm is one of the 12 Universal Laws of Manifestation, or spiritual laws. According to this law, everything is cyclical and change is always around the corner. This rhythmic law represents the effortless flow of things, the cyclical nature of life around us.  Using this law we can learn to appreciate ALL phases of life, even the ones that are here to force us to grow; allowing us to raise our mindfulness and vibration. Tune in to learn more about this law and others!
Published 02/07/22
The Law of Relativity is one of the most misunderstood of 12 Universal Laws of Manifestation, or spiritual laws. According to this law, everyone will experience challenges in life as a way to encourge growth and transformations--as a way to level up. Using this law, we can learn to appreciate the obstacles in our way and view it with more love and compassion; allowing us to raise our awareness and vibration. Tune in to learn more about this law and others!
Published 01/24/22
In this episode, Emily and I talk about limiting beliefs, getting in touch with your emotions, your intuition, the importance of energy work, the healing effects of breathwork, and so much more. Tune in to the episode using the link below if you're interested in getting to know more about finding your purpose, healing your connection with your higher self, or releasing beliefs that no longer serve you.   Get ready to kick off your 2022 with a new perspective!   Topics discussed...
Published 01/10/22
The Law of Perpetual Transmutation is one of the more difficult concepts of 12 Universal Laws of Manifestation, or spiritual laws. In this episode, I attempt to demystify this law. This constantly moving and transferring of energy allows us to transform excitement into ideas, love into creativity, anger into physical exertion; Using this law, we can transform the constant states of energy within us to work for us. To fully understand and embody the meaning of manifesting the life we want, we...
Published 12/27/21
The Law of Attraction is just one of 12 Universal Laws of Manifestation, or spiritual laws. The 7th of these twelve laws, this guidance focuses on our ability to attract things to ourselves that align with who we are; We a can become a vibrational match for the things we want to bring closer to us. To fully understand and embody the meaning of manifesting the life we want, we have to understand and embrace all of the laws within our lives. To learn more about the first law of manifestation as...
Published 12/13/21
The Law of Compensation is the 6th of 12 Universal Laws of Manifestation, or guidelines. This law states that you will be compensated for everything that you do. All the effort you give, the actions you take, the things you say, how you feel, all of this will determine how you’re being compensated. To learn more about the sixth law of manifestation, and how to use it to manifest a better life, as well as the remaining spiritual laws, tune into this series of episodes!
Published 11/29/21
The Law of Cause and Effect is the 5th of 12 Universal Laws of Manifestation, or guidelines. This law states that for every experience, emotion, or effect, there was an action that came before it (or a cause). For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. If you want to manifest a better life, you have to create a catalyst for change. To learn more about the fifth law of manifestation as well as the remaining spiritual laws, tune into this series of episodes!
Published 11/15/21
In this episode, Kim and I talk about her adventure with her family as they backpacked around the world for a year! Her worldly experience inspired her book, 'Just Plane Crazy! The Ultimate Guide to Affordable, Adventurous World Travel'. This book aims to inspire others to live their world travel dreams by stepping outside their self-proclaimed box and live a great story. In addition to this book, we discuss how Kim and her husband (Scott) have started a business, Just Plane Crazy Travel,...
Published 11/01/21
The Law of Correspondence is one of 12 Universal Laws of Manifestation, or spiritual laws. The fourth of the twelve laws, this guidance focuses on our internal environment; We manifest what we feel. We create our reality from within. To fully understand and embody the meaning of manifesting the life we want, we have to understand and embrace all of the laws within our lives. Click to learn more about these laws of the Universe.
Published 10/18/21
In this episode we’re continuing our discussion of the 12 Universal Laws of Manifestation with the third law, the Law of Action. This law by far one of the most important and most neglected of the spiritual laws. The Law of Action states that you cannot manifest the things you want without TAKING ACTION, or better said, without putting your thoughts to action. Manifestation requires taking steps, or actions, toward success—it is not magic. Many people believe you can manifest the things you...
Published 10/04/21
The Law of Vibration is one of the 12 Laws of the Universe, or the Universal Laws of Manifestation. The second of these twelve laws, the Law of Vibration states that everything has a vibrational frequency—every object, thought, emotion, job, house, friend, movie, restaurant, EVERYTHING has a vibration that it emits and receives on an atomic level. Therefore, everything can be attracted to us if we address our current vibrational energy. But what does “vibrational frequency” actually mean? How...
Published 09/20/21
The Law of Divine Oneness is one of 12 Universal Laws of Manifestation, or spiritual laws. The first of these twelve laws, this guidance focuses on our interconnectedness with creation; We are source and our collective consciousness is what creates the experiences that shape our world.   To fully understand and embody the meaning of manifesting the life we want, we have to understand and embrace all of the laws within our lives. To learn more about the first law of manifestation as well as...
Published 09/06/21
In this episode, Jon and I get into a conversation about healing, understanding our purpose, gaining clarity, and becoming an individual who prioritizes our own needs in an effort to show up better for others.   Topics discussed include:   · How gender roles can cause stress and play a role in our health.   · How can you differentiate between burnout caused by internal vs external cues (i.e. alignment vs. over exertion)?   · What are some tips to help heal your physical pain? ...
Published 08/30/21
Today's episode is inspired by recent IG posts from the Holistic Psychologist, Dr. Nicole LePera. As you work on yourself, you begin to heal the parts of you that no longer serve you by raising your vibration through personal development and self-growth. As you raise your vibration, you’re able to attract a new type of partner. From a manifestation perspective, we have to be a vibrational match for the type of person we want to manifest. A healthier and more conscious version of us will...
Published 08/23/21
Your relationship with yourself is the most important relationship you will ever have, AND YET so many of us neglect it OR we put the needs of others ahead of our own. Can you handle being alone without something to make you appear busy to the people around you? Dating yourself requires that you embrace discomfort in order to build fear resilience. This self-love practice can help heal social anxiety, toxic traits, and create healthier relationships. All of this will help you manifest better...
Published 08/16/21
The Secret is a documentary and book written by Rhonda Byrne that taught many of us what the Law of Attraction is. As a manifestation coach, I've had a lot of people ask me what I think of The Secret. While the documentary covers vibrational frequencies, energetic matching, and manifesting for beginners, there are some missing components that every person new to manifestation should know about. Tune in as we discuss whether or not The Secret teaches you everything you need to know about...
Published 08/09/21
Despite trends, a gratitude practice is more than just a journaling session; it's a way of life. Experts say that the difference between fleeting happiness and a lifetime of joy is that happiness relies on external circumstances, whereas joy comes from within. Joy is cultivated by a practice of gratitude. Cultivating this habit consistently is a great way to ensure a healthy life and mind; no matter your circumstances. How can you incorporate gratitude into your daily routine? Click to read...
Published 08/02/21
What is one of the best ways to source more wealth and autonomy for yourself? Manifesting your dream job! In today's post, I discuss the 6 tips I used to manifest multiple dream jobs, even if you don't know "what" the dream job is yet. Interested in creating more opportunities for yourself? Click to join! Have a topic request? Connect with me and let me know! IG:  FB: 
Published 07/26/21