Ex-CIA Agent Larry Johnson joins Redacted live to talk about Victor Orban's latest NATO warning. He says NATO is preparing for full war with Russia and building three new NATO bases to strategically provide weapons into Ukraine. Serbia's leader Vucic says war with Russia is only 3 months away. 
Published 06/18/24
The White House in full panic mode trying to censor videos of the President wandering off stage, wandering around the G7 and being led offstage by President Obama. The White House is now calling them "disinformation" videos! Meanwhile we now have confirmation that Biden will be replaced on the Democratic ticket in the coming weeks. Will it be Gavin Newsom?
Published 06/18/24
Published 06/18/24
America is secretly building large scale detention facilities in all 50 states. Will they be used to house illegal immigrants? The answer is no and the real reason is far more nefarious. Former customs and border protection, supervisor JJ Carrell shares this unbelievable story. You can pre-order J.J.'s new documentary called Treason right here: https://thisistreason.com 
Published 06/13/24
Democrats are working behind the scenes to have President Joe Biden drop out of the 2024 election campaign while still remaining president. Billionaire, and former Presidential Candidate Steve Forbes says Biden WILL NOT be on the ballot in November and he knows who will. 
Published 06/12/24
Earlier today Russia launched nuclear war game excercises off the coast of the U.S. The Pentagon is downplaying these excercises saying nothing to see here, America is safe. This comes as Poland and the Baltic countries are actively preparing to send troops to Ukraine. 
Published 06/11/24
Russian warships arrived in Havana harbor which sits 90 miles from the U.S. border. Former U.S. Marine Scott Ritter says this is already beyond the level of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Are we heading for full scale war? 
Published 06/10/24
NATO leaders are preparing for war on the eve of the 80th anniversary of D-Day no less! Alexander Mercouris from The Duran joins us to break down what our bloodthirsty Western leaders are trying to do to elevate a war with Russia.
Published 06/05/24
Ukrainian President Zelensky wants to show Israel how to stop the war. Lol. I can’t with the irony. Meanwhile Ukraine is holding a non-serious peace summit and many world leaders are ignoring it including China, India and the U.S. 
Published 06/04/24
Dr. Fauci is testifying to Congress and he will inevitably follow up his previous testimonies of lies with more lies. And he will have to answer for the fact that he switched around his emails and personal devices while managing the pandemic, Hillary Clinton style. Will it matter? 
Published 06/03/24
A hot war with Russia is coming. NATO is cooking up something big right now. Russia is warning NATO that they are on to them. Putin just launched a massive attack against a NATO staging target in western Ukraine. 
Published 05/30/24
Politico says Democrats are in full-blown freakout mode over President Biden's prospect for the election. With approval ratings the lowest they've ever been, Democrats are scrambling to find another candidate to replace him. 
Published 05/30/24
World War three begins in just 51 days... set your calendar... get your shopping done... cancel Netflix... 51 days... Those aren't my words these are actual headlines from mainstream western media and politicians warning us all that doomsday is coming soon. 
Published 05/28/24
America's Electric Grid is Facing Summer CATASTROPHE. 
Published 05/23/24
Tucker fires back at a garbage Newsweek story claiming he's launching a show a television show in Russia. War is coming to the United States and it looks like Chicago will be where the first shots are fired. Germany just gave us the clearest sign yet that it's collapsing. And the WHO says get ready for a new round of Covid hitting the streets. 
Published 05/22/24
Klaus Schwab is OUT at the WEF, handing over control to a group of family members in an unexpected move. Ukraine's President Zelensky is offically a dictator now that his term has expired and he cancelled elections. Putin says the only way to negotiate a peace agreement is with a legitimate government and Zelensky ain't it. 
Published 05/21/24
On today's show: What really happened to the Iranian President's helicopter in that deadly crash? New details in the missing satellite data point to a cover-up. Does the U.N. have a secret army that's already inside The United States? Plus why did the U.S. government just issue a global terror alert? 
Published 05/20/24
You'll recall last week on the show... we were praising Slovakia for standing up against the tyranny of the WHO... rejecting the pandemic treaty... well If you are a pre peace leader who stands up against the tyranny of the WEF and the WHO... you will be shot... assassinated. That's exactly what just happened today to Robert Fico the prime minister of Slovakia.
Published 05/15/24
What happens when when you steal all the money and don't build defensive structures to stop the advance of the Russian army? Ask Ukraine! New reports show Ukraine build shell companies to steal millions in US dollars meant for trenchs and fortifications. 
Published 05/14/24
Seventy people in Colorado are being monitored for bird flu even though none of them are showing symptoms. Now untrustworthy Dr. Jeremy Farrar of the WHO says that they need control of all indoor spaces and farms. Odd timing, isn't it? 
Published 05/13/24
Putin's Victory Day Message STUNS NATO, Tucker's Shocking Interview with Tara Reade
Published 05/09/24
AstraZeneca has now pulled it's Covid vaccine worldwide after it was forced to admit that its vaccine can cause deadly blood clotting. The pharmaceutical company did not disclose this out of good will. Oh no. They admitted this because they are being sued.
Published 05/08/24
Putin sends a shocking message to the West on his inauguration day. Tens of thousands of Israelis protest Netanyahu and demand his resigination. Israel bombards Rafah killing scores of civilians.
Published 05/07/24
Russia has ordered a test of its nuclear weapons after French and UK leaders appeared to greenlight NATO troops in Ukraine. Russia has placed Zelensky on their most wanted list which means all negotiations are finished. 
Published 05/06/24
Why is Antony Blinken bank in Israel again? Could it have anything to do with college campus protests or that shiny new oil port and pier their building together? 
Published 05/01/24