Over the next few months, I’ll be mixing in some of our earlier Motherhood Meets Medicine interviews with new episodes. These ‘best of’ episodes are the most shared and listened to episodes of all time! Today’s featured episode is an interview with Nate and Kaley Klemp of the 80/80 Marriage. When you start a new relationship, it’s logistics 5% of the time and fun the other 95% of the time. However, when you bring kids into the mix, that ratio tends to flip and now you’re struggling to find...
Published 05/01/24
Published 05/01/24
Have you ever thought to yourself, man I’m dreading the teen years… I am not ready for the snark, attitude and hormones. Why can’t my babies stay babies? Come to find out, it’s this type of thinking that can and will lead to the teen years being way more difficult than they have to be. So what can you do to maintain your connection with your teens as they grow into themselves and your relationship evolves?  Here to share is Cameron Caswell, PhD, otherwise known as the teen translator is an...
Published 04/24/24
When a woman becomes a mother, it sometimes feels like she’s entered the wild, wild west without any sort of map, compass or guide. Half the things you read on the internet are purely opinion and not based in fact. The other half may be factual, but how does it apply to your life?  In the U.S. there is a dire need for better and more comprehensive postpartum care. Which is why Megan and Lauren, co-created The Matrescence App. The Matrescence is a maternal mental wellness app created after...
Published 04/17/24
Our children are begging for us to listen to them. In fact, recent polls suggest that many of our children, pre-teens and teens feel like we aren’t listening because we’re engaged with our phones and distracted. Is this true? Are we really not listening? Or have we forgotten the importance of active listening in conversations?  Dr. Maisha Clairborne is an integrative family physician, Master Practitioner and trainer of neuro linguistic programming, hypnosis and timeline therapy and founder of...
Published 04/10/24
Is it impossible to build new friendships when you become a mother? How about maintaining the relationships you already have? No. It’s not. In fact, it’s vitally important to our health that we continue to actively build and maintain our relationships. But how do we do that when we’re juggling all the things as moms, wives, employees, business owners, etc? Here to share her tips and strategies for navigating friendships is Danielle Bayard Jackson.  Danielle is a female friendship coach and...
Published 04/03/24
With processed foods being so excessively available to us, how do we nourish our brains and fuel our bodies for longevity? Believe it or not, you can use nutrition for brainpower and to deter the effects of neurological dysfunction and disease.  Here to do a deep dive on what to eat to support your brain and body for life is Barbie Boules.  Barbie is a registered dietician, certified health coach and meditation teacher with over 22 years of experience. In her practice, she works as a private...
Published 03/27/24
If you’ve listened to the podcast for any amount of time, you know that one of our children has been diagnosed with dyslexia. Once she was finally diagnosed, an entire world of knowledge and resources opened up for us. But it took a LONG time to get to this point.  Because of our journey, it’s important to me to share expert information with you about this extremely common neurological condition. Which is why I reached out to April McMurtrey.  April is a professional reading specialist,...
Published 03/20/24
When your child is being hurt emotionally or physically by other kids or hurting others themselves do you know how to talk to them? Gabriela Blanco shares some tips on talking to our kids in ways they will understand when something like this happens. She also discusses how to deal with the emotions and feelings this brings up and how to listen deeply to what our children are saying. Gabriela says that validating their feelings but also setting boundaries is much more effective than saying...
Published 03/13/24
If you’ve seen the news at all lately, you’ve likely heard that the Supreme Court of Alabama has ruled that all embryos are children. But what does that mean? What implications does this ruling have for the future of IVF?  Here to share more about what this could mean for hopeful families is Dr. Erica Bove.  Erica is a double board certified OB-GYN and Reproductive Endocrinologist (REI) physician at the University of Vermont, as well as a certified life coach through The Life Coach School....
Published 03/06/24
Your postpartum brain is amazing. Not only is your body going through the physical changes that come with motherhood, but your brain is processing a ton of hormones and inputs that help you take care of your new baby.  Matrescence is essentially the process of becoming a mother. It’s a word that describes what your brain and body are going through as you leave the world of pre-motherhood and prepare to usher life into the world. Here to share more is Dr. Nikki Pensak. Dr. Nikki is a Clinical...
Published 02/28/24
What is your first thought when your child lies to you? Are you reactive? Or do you take a moment and think through what their lie is really telling you?  I’m sure you’re not thinking to yourself, this lie is a gift, but what if that’s exactly what it is? Amie Anger joins me to share what to do when your child lies and strategies for figuring out the root cause of their lying.  Amie is a child and family therapist and mom of 6. After two years of post-grad training at Yale Child Study Center,...
Published 02/21/24
“You deserve to be held just as much as your baby.” Just one of the many gems Stephanie Defilippis shares in our conversation about navigating motherhood and the quest for support in America. Because in America, we really fall behind in providing support to new moms, both in our communities and from a policy perspective. Stephanie is a perinatal mental health therapist in Illinois. She owns a group therapy practice called crescent moon therapy, where they specialize in working with...
Published 02/14/24
Have you ever wondered why your child randomly loses their mind over the smallest things? You’re going along, everyone is happy and thriving, and then a pea touches the potatoes and it seems like the world has caught on fire.  Believe it or not, there’s nothing wrong with your peas or potatoes, and there’s also likely nothing wrong with your child.  Dr. Rebecca Hershberg is a Clinical Psychologist, Parenting Coach, Author and Public Speaker, who has been helping parents with their kids and...
Published 02/07/24
What do you do as a family medicine physician when more and more children and young adults are coming to you for anxiety and depression that isn’t made better by medications? You dig deeper. That’s exactly what Dr. Alison Yeung did and what her patients shared with her was astounding. Kids these days are spending an untold amount of time on their phones and its impacting their lives in severely detrimental ways.  Dr. Yeung is a practicing family physician in Ontario, Canada. She has been...
Published 01/31/24
A couple weeks ago I had on Caitlin McLarnon to discuss how to navigate special education in schools. During that episode Caitlin shared how different these programs are from school to school, district to district, state to state. So what do you do if your child isn’t getting the attention and services they need?  That’s where people like Vickie Brett, Esq. come in.  Vickie is a Special Education Attorney in California. Her nonprofit law firm is called Inclusive Education Project, IEP for...
Published 01/24/24
In recent years there has been a lot of talk about co-regulating with your child. The benefits are clear and the science is sound, but how do you do it? How do you co-regulate with your child and what do you do when you’re struggling to regulate your own emotions?  Dr. Sarah Bren joins me to share more about what co-regulation is and strategies you can use to help your children develop healthy emotional insights and skills. Dr. Bren is a licensed clinical psychologist and mom of two whose...
Published 01/17/24
Do you hear the words “special education” and immediately have a negative thought or emotion about it? Me too! Not because there is anything wrong with our wonderful special education teachers or the programs as a whole, but because I wasn’t aware of all the fantastic resources these programs provide to students.  There is so much more to special education than what you remember from school.  Here to share more about how special education programs can help students with a range of learning...
Published 01/10/24
It’s time for another listen to one of your favorite episodes. Due t0 the overturning of Roe v. Wade the abortion debate has only amplified. Which is why I thought it important to reshare the legal facts about abortion and its history. To note, some of what we discussed in this episode is no longer imminent, but the overall content is still absolutely relevant.  This entire episode will be focused on providing information to educate you on the legal arguments surrounding abortion. I know I...
Published 12/27/23
Purposeful play is one of the keys to appropriate motor development and hitting those all-important milestones. But what does it mean to create a home for purposeful play? Listen as Dr. Marissa Aron shares her expertise and what to look out for if you’re concerned about your child’s development.  Dr. Aron is a doctor of physical therapy specializing in infant and toddler development. She founded Mom & Me PT, her physical therapy practice in South Florida, to provide families with the...
Published 12/20/23
One of the most stress inducing parts of becoming a new mom is figuring out how to feed your baby. There’s so much rhetoric around the entire process that no matter what you choose to do it seems like you’re immediately failing at this super important job.  But you’re not! Fed is best, no matter how the feeding occurs. Here to share more about embracing diverse paths in infant nutrition is Erin Moore.  Erin is a pediatric nurse practitioner, certified lactation counselor, and mom of two boys...
Published 12/13/23
One of the most stressful things about being a new mom is worrying about your child meeting developmental milestones. I remember being so worried when it seemed like our first may or may not have been hitting each milestone right on time. But is it really as big a deal as we think?  Here to share more about supporting your child’s motor development from infancy and beyond is Meg Garhan. Meg is a pediatric physical therapist working at a large pediatric hospital in Chicago. She works in the...
Published 12/06/23
Human beings are meant to spend time in nature. There are countless studies documenting the benefits of spending time outdoors on the brain and the body no matter what age you are. Spending time with plants is vital to our health and wellness.  Joining me today is Laura Cochrane, a PA turned lifestyle medicine educator and health and wellness coach. She’s on a mission to help you find the health and happiness you deserve using realistic and sustainable evidence-based tools. She’s sharing what...
Published 11/29/23
  Trigger Warning: There are mentions of suicide and infant death in this episode.  Postpartum hormones are no joke, but sometimes the behavior a woman exhibits is due to much more than hormones. Our bodies and minds react to the magnificent and overwhelming process of growing and birthing life in many different ways, not all of them good. What happens when our minds start to crumble and we aren’t aware of it? Ayana Lage is a lifestyle blogger and freelance writer. She writes about...
Published 11/22/23
There are as many ways to parent as there are parents in the world, but is there a “right” way to parent. Of course that answer is no, but there are definitely ways to parent that help meet your children where they are. Both developmentally and emotionally. No matter what, parenting is hard, but sometimes it’s easier to navigate those challenges with responsive parenting. Liz Luize is an educator, daycare owner, and M.Ed in Learning, Cognition, and Development. After becoming a mom, she found...
Published 11/15/23