Todays episode is with the effervescent Laura Campbell from HackerLily - a company bringing her very well designed and super supportive HipSurfer to Australian shores. Laura has worked with some of the worlds' largest companies in a creative manner, and after moving back to Australia with her young family, she realised there was a massive gap in the market for a strap free and stylish hip-style seat for our kids.
We chat about Laura's invention, but more than that, we talk about the working mama juggle. The good bits, the tricky bits, and the ones that make you thankful that you have a supportive partner to lean on too. You can get special access by joining her waitlist, and make sure you follow her on instagram, as this is where she shares all of her amazing things. @_hackerlily
Laura is equally as full of energy as I am, and I hope that you really get that vibe from our chat today. I feel very lucky that we have come into each others orbit, and that I have had a sneak preview of the amazing hipsurfer in action. Enjoy our chat, I'd love to hear your feedback.
Angela Lockwood is my final guest on this iteration of the podcast, and I couldn't be happier to have her share her wisdom with the amazing Work Mama Life listeners. Angela is an OT, speaker and author of the best selling book Switch Off. She now works with parents, children and schools to...
Published 09/22/23
Are you wondering how your bones are influenced by the ageing process... and the why behind lifting heavy things? Today I have Exercise Physiologist - Stephanie Allen, the brains behind Active Range.
Steph is a powerhouse in the world of supporting women as they age, and I loved our chat about...
Published 09/05/23