CHECK OUT my Flagship Musical Theatre Writing Workshop Course: https://www.michaelradi.com/musical-theatre-writing-collective-course You want to write song…but you don’t have any music. Of course you could go find a composer, or ask the composer you already have, but maybe you’ve run into a few roadblocks. Here are some ways that you, my lyricist friend, can overcome this music-less blockade!
Published 05/03/24
Published 05/03/24
CHECK OUT my Flagship Musical Theatre Writing Workshop Course: https://www.michaelradi.com/musical-theatre-writing-collective-course Do people in musicals know that they’re singing? Can they know? Should they know? Can a show mix and match? And what does “diegetic” mean? Should all music in a musical be non-diegetic???
Published 04/19/24
CHECK OUT my Flagship Musical Theatre Writing Workshop Course: https://www.michaelradi.com/musical-theatre-writing-collective-course Here are 10 mistakes you might be making when looking for a musical theatre writing collaborator. It’s not an easy process, and these errors just might be slowing you down and helping you get in your own way!
Published 04/05/24
CHECK OUT my Flagship Musical Theatre Writing Workshop Course: https://www.michaelradi.com/musical-theatre-writing-collective-course BMI Musical Theatre Workshop website: https://www.bmi.com/theatre_workshop I constantly receive questions from writers about the Lehman Engel BMI Musical Theatre Workshop, since I went through the program and I talk about musical theatre writing all the time. I get asked about my experience, the submission process, the auditions, and generally what the program...
Published 03/22/24
SCHEDULE A *FREE* 30-MINUTE CALL WITH MICHAEL: https://www.michaelradi.com/book-a-free-30-minute-call Here are 10 creativity habits that are life-changing for emerging musical theatre writers. I was introduced and immersed in these concepts while taking part in an experience that drastically altered my writing and creativity forever, and now I’m sharing the wisdom I have gained with all of you!
Published 03/08/24
DOWNLOAD your FREE copy of the NORTH STAR QUESTION SETS here: https://michael-radi.mykajabi.com/north-star-question-sets Artists and audiences are constantly talking about original musicals, saying things like: “There are no original musicals anymore!” “Why is everything an adaptation?” “I wish someone would write something original!” And perhaps you’ve thought to yourself: “Hey, maybe I could be that person who writes an amazing original musical!”…But how???
Published 02/23/24
APPLY for the FLAGSHIP MUSICAL THEATRE WRITING WORKSHOP COURSE: https://www.michaelradi.com/musical-theatre-writing-collective-course Without the audience, it doesn’t matter how much you’ve learned, how much time you put into writing and developing your show, or even how good your writing craft is. And there are a million and one ways that this can all go wrong. But, if follow this one strategy that not nearly enough people are talking about, you will be able to truly take care of your...
Published 02/09/24
APPLY for the FLAGSHIP MUSICAL THEATRE WRITING WORKSHOP COURSE: https://www.michaelradi.com/musical-theatre-writing-collective-course Dialogue in musical theatre is a particular creature of its own. Although it is born out of the same dialogue traditions as the other storytelling media we consume, there are a few inherently different qualities of musical theatre dialogue. Here are 10 traits of musical theatre dialogue to consider as you write your own musicals.
Published 01/26/24
DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE PDF of the “NORTH STAR QUESTION SETS” HERE: https://michael-radi.mykajabi.com/north-star-question-sets Most musicals are adaptations of one kind or another - of books, play, films, TV shows, or even real life events. Which means there’s a highly likelihood that you will - at some point - need to go through the process of taking a pre-existing story and adapting it into a stage musical. So, what does this process of adaptation look like, and how can you avoid the pitfalls...
Published 01/12/24
DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE PDF of the “NORTH STAR QUESTION SETS” HERE: https://michael-radi.mykajabi.com/north-star-question-sets You did it! Your show made it all the way to Broadway after toiling for years without seeing a single penny. So now you can now sit back and just start collecting the dough as it rolls on in…right? Well, not quite. Let me introduce you to: the Royalty Pool.
Published 12/29/23
DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE PDF of the “NORTH STAR QUESTION SETS” HERE: https://michael-radi.mykajabi.com/north-star-question-sets Are you aware of the best-kept secret collaborator in the business? I mean, what other job title in the industry has the potential to be part coach, part consultant, part expert, part liaison, and part quality-control? That’s right, I’m talking about the Dramaturg.
Published 12/15/23
DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE PDF of the “NORTH STAR QUESTION SETS” HERE: https://michael-radi.mykajabi.com/north-star-question-sets You want to write a musical, or you started one, or maybe you even have one written, but now you want this thing to actually happen in a full production. So…how do you get there? Here are the 6 steps you NEED to take to get your show to production!
Published 12/01/23
DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE PDF of the “NORTH STAR QUESTION SETS” HERE: https://michael-radi.mykajabi.com/north-star-question-sets Early on in my writing career I used to have a hard time figuring out how to get a story moving in the right direction, and keep it moving consistently. Until I finally figured out the formula to avoid all of these potential problems. I call them your North Star Question Sets!
Published 11/17/23
One of the most underutilized compositional tools in the musical theatre composer’s tool belt is playing with various musical modes. With a slight change of your starting note - aka the tonic - you can create a whimsical world, set the audience on edge, pull your protagonist through a challenge, or reveal a character’s true intentions. Let’s explore!
Published 11/03/23
Here are 20 big ole writing tips for all of you out there writing your very first musicals, delivered to you in less than 7 minutes!
Published 10/20/23
There is no denying that musical theatre has a specific sound to it, but the music is still rooted in pre-existing musical genres. And having the ability to utilize differing musical genres in your musicals can help with storytelling, world building, framing your structure, and even character development. So, how do we approach this? What can we do with different genres of music?
Published 10/06/23
Composers: What if I told you that you could use one simple set of tools to pull yourself out of that box you’ve put yourself in, to write something fresh, create variation in your scores, and amplify your musical world and characters beyond your usual compositional tricks? You want in?
Published 09/22/23
Here are 5 myths about the editing and revising process that are holding you back from getting your shows to where you want them to be!
Published 09/08/23
Writing compelling stories and characters has to be one of the most common issues and blocks I see amongst writers, and particularly musical theatre writers. So what can we do? Where do we start? There are three incredibly powerful tools we have at our disposal.
Published 08/25/23
This one concept is the easiest way to quickly write your musicals. Because, let’s be real, sometimes we get stuck or overwhelmed or caught up in a form of Writer’s Block - however that shows up for you. With this idea, we can get around our blocks and finish our shows with speed and ease!
Published 08/11/23
In this interview with David Benkof - aka the Broadway Maven - we talk all about the freedom to interpret musical works in a deep analysis that goes beyond what you might initially see. What did the writer include for us to find? What else is there to uncover that the writer may not have even consciously planted? We also talk about Stephen Sondheim (our main topic), BroadwayCon, Howard Ashman, Cabaret, and much more!
Published 08/04/23
Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, being crystal clear in these 7 areas will help you be able to write your musicals and make them great! But without clarity on all 7 points, blocks and struggles may appear and obstruct your work.
Published 07/28/23
The writing and development process for musical theatre can be a real rollercoaster of emotions that’s filled with a lot of hurry up and wait. It was a long long road to the first ever full production of The King’s Legacy, and what a strange, magical, frustrating, and fantastical journey it was. And today I’m going to break down that entire journey to production for all of you!
Published 07/14/23
In this interview with EFT Coach Jenny Clift, we discuss how tapping can be extremely helpful for writers - and all creatives - to release energetic blocks, overcome inner obstacles, and find creative freedom.
Published 07/07/23