In this newest of new years, let's make a pledge to tune into our essential birthrights. Our birthrights are the aspects of ourselves that we came into this world with and can never be taken away from us. They define who we are at our core, even if they have been overshadowed or buried along the way. Join me as we embark on a journey to rediscover and live our lives to the fullest potential, embracing authenticity in every aspect. When we think about our relationship with the essential parts...
Published 01/03/24
In the mystical journey of life, we often find ourselves seeking deeper connections, yearning for shared experiences, and craving the support of like-minded individuals. It is within the realms of community that true transformation can occur, where we lift each other up and let our spirits soar. As John F. Kennedy once said, "A rising tide lifts all boats." Today, we delve into the profound impact of community, exploring how women are coming together in sisterhood, collaborating on their...
Published 12/27/23
What excites you or draws you into conversations about the mystical? Do you feel more connected to yourself when you explore new realms or feel connected to your guides and angels? Today, we dive into our current fascination with the mystical, and rightfully so. It's an inherent part of who we are and gets us in touch with the magic of life. Our podcast, Mystical Sisterhood, has been a platform for mystics from various backgrounds to share their insights and experiences. As we celebrate more...
Published 12/20/23
This week your host, Maureen Spielman, shares why connection to yourself is the most important skill to cultivate. This is the first of a series of 3 episodes entitled The Full Circle Series (stay tuned for the following two episodes on Connection to the Mystical and Connection to Community). By focusing on creating a compassionate relationship within, you show up differently in your relationships and in the world. Maureen revisits why she created the Mystical Sisterhood podcast and invites...
Published 12/13/23
Steffani LeFevour joins us today on Episode 50! Steffani is a Happiness and Mindset Coach with over 20 years of experience working one-on-one with clients and leading groups and speaking on stages the world over! Steffani is here to share her expertise of the importance of our thoughts. Quantum physics and science has shown that everything is energy and that the Universe responds to our energy and our thoughts. She shares tools to foster your awareness of what types of thoughts you are having...
Published 12/06/23
Joining us today is Holistic living pioneer, Shiva Rose. Shiva has been supporting and guiding women for over a decade through her online platform The Local Rose, her non-toxic beauty line, Shiva Rose Beauty, online courses, in-person ceremonies, and through her book ‘Whole Beauty: Daily Rituals and Natural Recipes for Lifelong Beauty and Wellness’. In today’s episode we talk about the meaning behind rituals, the symbolism of tea ceremonies and creating sacred experiences for yourself in...
Published 11/29/23
Your host, Maureen Spielman, joins you today to discuss how to apply appreciation practices to yourself and why it matters. You will learn how to truly appreciate yourself in a variety of practical ways. Of course, it always feels wonderful to be appreciated by another but why wait? You are worthy and deserving of being seen, heard and witnessed and we can give this to ourselves! The more caring and compassionate we are with ourselves, the more we feel nourished! EPISODE TAKEAWAYS (what...
Published 11/22/23
In today’s episode, I am joined by Denise Ricard, Galactic Numerologist and Channeler of the Source Light Codes (amongst many other gifts and talents!). Come along to dive into the world of numerology, the elementals, your unique encoding, and wizardry. Denise shares the story of her awakening at age 49; a moment in which she awoke to knowing there was more to her life than met the eye! Gradually she became aware of the messages surrounding her and their meaning and soon after embraced her...
Published 11/15/23
Christine MacMillan is the owner and founder of MacMillan Travel Designs. She is a former business consultant turned travel agent after experiencing burnout in her first career and deciding it was time for a career change. Her passion for travel started early with her family of origin that valued travel. Christine’s consulting job also led her to destinations around the world. But she comes alive when helping women and families design their dream vacations and create memorable travel...
Published 11/08/23
Catherine Rolt joins Mystical Sisterhood to share stories of healing and transformation - her own and those of her clients. Join us for a riveting episode which includes Catherine’s personal stories of healing and her own ability to connect with pain and dis-ease as do the clients who come to her. Catherine describes the pursuit of balance and what health means to her, as well as delightful vignettes of client stories (confidentiality respected) that bring her work to life. Listen in and make...
Published 11/01/23
Molly Rudberg, exceptional Life Coach, joins us today to share with us how she got her start in coaching (by the way, it started in 3rd grade!) and why she is fascinated by humans. Molly brings wit and wisdom to her work and I’ve got to believe all relationships in her life. She is grounded and tells of how her childhood losses informed her life’s path. We talk about all things business, claiming your authenticity, doing it your way, and the realness of aging parents, menopause and children...
Published 10/25/23
Jana Wilson joins Mystical Sisterhood today to share her story of experiencing trauma in her youth and how she eventually found ways to integrate her experiences and heal her trauma. Jana is author of “Wise Little One: Learning to Love and Listen to My Inner Child.” In this vulnerable and real conversation, Jana shares her pain and turned to wisdom teachers to guide her out of a difficult time in her life. The turning point of realizing she wasn't a victim to her circumstances, and that...
Published 10/18/23
Your host, Maureen Spielman, joins you today to educate you on how to be your own advocate when it comes to your body and your physical health. Maureen is a breast cancer thriver who learned a lot about the personal care industry following her mother’s death from cancer. In a world inundated by information that an often be difficult to wade through, Maureen provides some tangible action steps to protect your health and that of your family. Join her and grab some takeaways as you become your...
Published 10/11/23
Danielle Rama Hoffman joins us today from Paris, the City of Light, to talk about manifesting multidimensional abundance! Who doesn’t want to learn more about that? We cover how lightworkers can embody their divine-self and fulfill their highest mission and channel the legacy through their work. Her early interest in psychology and working with women led to new avenues of sharing her healing work throughout her life. Listen into this fascinating interview to tap into your ‘unique...
Published 10/04/23
Annmarie Chereso is a Transformational Coach who has worked extensively with parents and children, reminding them of the power of presence, understanding relational dynamics, and feeling their feelings. Her parenting work extended from having a blended family of 9 children and her mindfulness and coaching business. She is here to support not only parents and teens but women interested in being their true self as they move through midlife with ease and grace. Annmarie is such a divine guide to...
Published 09/27/23
Barbara Horsley is an experienced massage therapist with a speciality in the abdomen, scar tissue, uterine health and organs. She talks to us today about how, through massage, she learned that it was more than working on the muscles. In fact, over time she learned that emotions were often expressed by her clients when she worked on their bodies. Barbara shared that she found “the issues are in the tissues”, meaning we store past emotional experiences within our bodies. The healing nature of...
Published 09/20/23
Steph Radkay joins Mystical Sisterhood to share her story of moving from corporate environments to developing healing work related to sound, sound healing and fitness. Steph brings an unparalleled energy and life to everything she does, including but not limited to Trebled Souls, her newest venture (and adventure!) Learn about how Steph combines drumming work with nervous system regulation, all within one session. Steph runs her business out of Bend, Oregon, and does remote work which means...
Published 09/13/23
Mar Martin joins the Mystical Sisterhood podcast today for a deep and moving conversation. Mar is a coaching colleague, teacher, and mama to 3 children. We dive into Mar’s origin story in Spain, how she trusted her heart and moved to San Francisco, adapted to American culture, and her subsequent move back to Spain. She combines her lived experiences with her coaching certifications (Dr. Shefali Tsabary, Suzi Lula, and Dr. Gabor Mate) to bring mindfulness, the breath, and awareness to home...
Published 09/06/23
Your host, Maureen Spielman, joins you today to discuss how to be in the not knowing. It’s an uncomfortable place we find ourselves and so many of us find ourselves there in some way, shape or form. The not knowings take the form of medical challenges, relationship changes, kid issues, and mid life purpose questions. The truth is that we never really know what’s to come but learning how to be with the emotions that come up for us is the key to discovering what you truly need in the...
Published 08/30/23
Joe Argazzi joins Mystical Sisterhood today! Joe is a spiritual counselor and recovery specialist. His lived experience and wisdom comes through as he shares experiences from his childhood and early adulthood that opened the door for him to lead a life of spirituality and leaning into life as our teacher. Joe is truly a soul who lives out the principles he lives by. Joe continually creates a container of safety, compassion, loving kindness, non judgment and understanding for himself and...
Published 08/23/23
Cindy Kaplan joins Mystical Sisterhood today with the message that “We are completely intact souls” traveling through the human experience.. Through the birth of her daughter Mira over 20 years ago, Cindy not only learned that self-care was essential to her livelihood but to those around her as well. She integrates her lived wisdom with her certifications and degrees to support individuals and families in their quest towards wholeness. This is a not-to-be-missed episode full of takeaways for...
Published 08/16/23
Your host, Maureen Spielman, joins you today to talk about how you can shift the idea of a wake up call into an everyday practice. What if you didn’t wait for the big, seismic event to create change in your life? What if you took the signs and information coming from your intuition and knowings AND from the Universe as data for your growth and transformation? You are supported and let’s join together in looking for the magic in our everyday life in order to create the change we are wanting to...
Published 08/09/23
Catherine Wilde, founder of Soul Care Mom, joins me on the podcast. Catherine began offering meditations over 5 years ago, not knowing that a full-fledged business tending to overwhelmed mothers would be in her future. Catherine now offers coaching and a membership to moms across the world, coming together to lean into one another and learn skills to come to themselves with compassion and understanding. A breath of fresh air, stepping away from the doing culture, and supporting mothers to...
Published 08/02/23
Dr. Therese Rowley joins the podcast today to talk about the children! Dr. Rowley comes to the table with a wide body of work including supporting: parents and their children, individuals wanting to understand their patterns and lives, and businesses seeking to transform. Dr. Rowley inadvertently became involved in working with parents and children many years ago when she read her client’s energy and information from their home life came forward which was important to their overall picture....
Published 07/26/23
Your host, Maureen Spielman, joins you today to talk about Developing Inner Trust. This is also the celebration of 6 months of the podcast! How can you develop inner trust? What voice or qualities take up most of your inner dialogue? Is it supportive or sabotaging? Is it possible to develop a new overriding voice? Maureen not only believes that it’s possible to transform the way we speak to ourselves and how we are with ourselves, she also provides examples of how you can become increasingly...
Published 07/19/23