When you think of your close relationships, what are your biggest challenges? Are you looking to improve your communication skills or find other ways to grow? If so, you're in the right place today. Join us in this enlightening conversation with Dr. Marcy Cole, a holistic psychotherapist and personal development and relationship coach. Dr. Cole has contributed to publications such as Goop and Maria Shriver's Sunday Paper and participated in two bestselling anthologies. One of the core themes...
Published 06/12/24
Published 06/12/24
Have you ever wondered what a life filled with inner safety, compassion, loving kindness, and understanding for oneself looks like? In this episode, we revisit a deeply insightful conversation with Joseph Argazzi (Joe), a spiritual counselor, and recovery specialist. Throughout the episode, Joe shares his practices, principles, and lived wisdom on achieving a life of spiritual well-being. Join us as we delve into Joe’s  journey and his teachings on assuming radical responsibility for our...
Published 06/05/24
Have you ever wondered how personal challenges could potentially alter and define a professional journey? In the latest episode of Mystical Sisterhood, I sit down with Dr. Jill Carnahan, a leading voice in functional medicine who has transformed her personal battles into a wellspring of inspiration and knowledge for many. Dr. Jill's story is a testament to human resilience, hope, and the confluence of science and faith. Dive into our conversation as we explore her profound narrative that...
Published 05/29/24
Have you lost your creative flame? In a world that often labels and categorizes us based on our perceived level of creativity, today we are challenging these notions by inviting you to explore the true nature of creativity.  How can societal conditioning and educational systems sometimes stifle our creative instincts? We cover this, and I share personal stories about feeling inadequate in art classes and how such experiences can shape our beliefs about our creative abilities. Despite the...
Published 05/22/24
In a world where the lines between the physical and spiritual realms often blur, the experience of near-death encounters remains a profound mystery. Today, we delve into the extraordinary journey of Susie Pearl, who bravely shares her remarkable near-death experience and the transformative insights it brought into her life. As Susie gets deeper into her near-death experience, she paints a vivid picture of leaving her physical body and embarking on a soul-stirring journey through the cosmos....
Published 05/15/24
How many hats have we worn in our lifetimes? Do we have to stay the course we initially chose? These are questions that often plague us as we navigate through life's unpredictable waters. It's a story of transformation and actualization that resonates deeply in the tale of Sarah Maher, the proprietor of Village and Vessel, a beacon of light and vibrational healing in the heart of Oak Park, Illinois. Sarah's journey is not just her story; it mirrors the quest of many who seek purpose beyond...
Published 05/08/24
In a world that constantly oscillates between skepticism and belief, the mystical realm offers an intriguing blend of magic, energy, and pure consciousness that captivates the seeker in all of us. This fascination was at the heart of an enlightening conversation with Laura O'Malley, a spiritual intuitive and psychic channel. The conversation dives deep into the essence of vibrational alignment, discussing the physical and spiritual sensations that accompany both harmony and discord in one’s...
Published 05/01/24
In this episode of the Mystical Sisterhood Podcast, I welcome Tirzah Shirai, the visionary founder of the Venusian School of Business, for an enriching discussion. Their conversation spanned from creating heart and soul-centered businesses to balancing feminine and masculine energies in entrepreneurship.  At the core of the Venusian School of Business is the principle of heart and soul-centered entrepreneurship. Tirzah and her school advocate for a business model that transcends traditional...
Published 04/24/24
In a world that often feels teetering on the precipice of transformation, women are increasingly called upon to navigate the shifting paradigms with grace and bravery. In a profound conversation with Suzi Lula, we go deep into the themes of change, worthiness, and the pivotal role of compassion and community in our personal and collective evolution. Our collective culture is undergoing a significant transformation, inviting women to play a leading role in ushering in a new era. Suzi's wisdom...
Published 04/17/24
In this episode, I invite you to join me in reflecting on the recent interviews and trends that have been unfolding in the world of Mystical Sisterhood. From messages channeled by intuitives and healers to courageous souls sharing their wisdom, each conversation is crafted to seed new ideas and insights for your personal evolution. Now more than ever, we are called to deepen our practices of self-care, self-awareness, and inner reflection. It is a time to honor the patterns and belief systems...
Published 04/10/24
In this week’s episode of Mystical Sisterhood, I speak with Sophie Chiche and Katie Hendricks, and we talk about finding what you love to do and the profound impact it can have on your life. Katie shared her insights on how discovering your passion can be a major source of nourishment, as it activates your creativity and brings a sense of fulfillment. In our conversation, Sophie and Katie highlighted the importance of not only identifying your interests but also surrounding yourself with...
Published 04/03/24
This episode of Mystical Sisterhood features a replay of the highly popular episode 'Consciously Parenting Your Adult Children,' with guest Nani Langenstein. We get into the principles of conscious parenting, discussing how it's never too late to foster change and transformation in relationships with adult children.  We highlight the importance of parental growth, self-healing, and recognizing children as sovereign beings on their own life journeys. Nani shares her transition from a...
Published 03/27/24
In an era where the quest for spiritual identity and evolution becomes increasingly paramount, this episode invites us into a profound dialogue about the essence of divine femininity, spiritual awakening, and the transformative power of recognizing ourselves as sacred beings with the remarkable Julie Piatt. She delves into these themes with depth, vulnerability, and a luminous sense of clarity that beckons listeners to explore the more expansive vistas of their own spiritual journey. Julie, a...
Published 03/20/24
In this episode of the Mystical Sisterhood podcast, Alicia Isaacs Howes, Valerie Wood, and Heather Hanson join me to explore the intricacies of spirituality, healing, and trust. We get into the fascinating world of human and mystic recollections, and discuss our journeys toward enlightenment. Several topics are discussed during the roundtable discussion, from the importance of discerning truth from fiction to navigating our past and future spiritual lives. We delve into the importance of...
Published 03/13/24
Spiritual medium and intuitive coach Jessica Snider is no stranger to the ethereal realm. Harnessing the fascinating power of spiritual mediums, she joined us for an enlightening conversation on embracing intuition, understanding the mystical, and aligning with our true selves.   Delving into her own personal journey from teaching to spiritual medium, Jessica detailed her experiences and encounters with the spiritual world. Her life transformed drastically when she began consulting with her...
Published 03/06/24
Our bodies, the vessels that carry us through life, are often subjected to our own scrutiny and criticism. We constantly desire them to be different, to conform to societal standards of beauty and perfection. It’s an exhausting and never-ending cycle. But what if we shifted our perspective and saw our bodies as our friends, rather than enemies? In today's episode of Mystical Sisterhood, we explore the profound truth that our bodies are not adversaries, but allies. I introduce the concept of...
Published 02/28/24
As we journey through life, we often encounter unconscious scripts ingrained in us by our upbringing. These scripts shape how we interact with ourselves and the world around us. At times, they serve as roadblocks on our spiritual journey and hinder us from reaching our fullest potential. In this exploration, we will illuminate these scripts, delve into the fascinating world of intuitive abilities, and discover ways to better navigate our emotions. Scripts are embedded in us by the people in...
Published 02/21/24
Forgiveness can be an intricate and complex concept to navigate. Despite being a frequently discussed topic, its true essence often remains misunderstood. However, understanding and implementing it in our lives can be liberating and transformative, and that's what this blog post is about - treading on the path to forgiveness. Drawing from an enlightening conversation between Brenda Reiss, a renowned forgiveness coach, and I, we uncover the concept of forgiveness and its profound significance...
Published 02/14/24
In this episode of the Mystical Sisterhood Podcast, I’m joined by Dr. Ricci-Jane Adams, who holds a PhD in Magical Realism and as a founder of the Institute of Intuitive Intelligence, strives to bring spirituality and intuitive intelligence to the forefront of everyday life. She believes in using intuition as a guiding force in our lives. According to her, intuition can enable us to understand our life's purpose and surrender to our unlimited self. This belief is reflected in the array of...
Published 02/07/24
In this episode of the Mystical Sisterhood Podcast, I’m joined by Pam Grout, New York Times Best Selling Author, author of over 20 books, and leader in the spiritual space. We talk about the power our thinking holds over our reality, the illusion of life, personal growth, and the state of connectivity we share with the universe. Pam shares how seductive it is to believe that your reality is a product of your culture, your family, or events from early in life. She encourages listeners to dare...
Published 01/31/24
Do you ever feel like parts of your life are not as aligned as you'd like them to be? That the ways you've tried to solve the challenges only work for so long and before you know it, you're living in the same pattern once again?  If you've tried to find the answer to fix the issue and yet you still keep running into the same challenges, I'm here in solidarity with you. I want to share the practices I've applied in my own life that allow me to see the bigger picture and lean into the support...
Published 01/24/24
In this episode, I have an insightful conversation with a dear friend and esteemed colleague ML Wahlfeldt. ML is a certified breath coach who believes in the transformative power of intentional breathing. She has helped countless students discover the intrinsic link between proper breathing, wellbeing, and a centered, mindful life. As you’ll hear in our conversation, an integral part of our bond is our shared belief in the potency of local voices. ML shares her belief in the power of...
Published 01/17/24
In this episode, I interview Abigail Zoe Martin. Abigail wears many hats – portrait photographer, healer, coach, and creator of the exquisite exhibition, "Energy Unlimited," based in Chicago. She discusses her life journey, experiences, and her work, opening up new realms of conversation on spirituality and healing. Abigail, described as an intriguing blend of different talents, has embarked on various ventures, ranging from photography to curating art exhibitions. Her portrait work has been...
Published 01/10/24
In this newest of new years, let's make a pledge to tune into our essential birthrights. Our birthrights are the aspects of ourselves that we came into this world with and can never be taken away from us. They define who we are at our core, even if they have been overshadowed or buried along the way. Join me as we embark on a journey to rediscover and live our lives to the fullest potential, embracing authenticity in every aspect. When we think about our relationship with the essential parts...
Published 01/03/24