When anyone thinks! This is a great honour to him, because the philosophy is a good food to human spirit. The philosophical idea is so important to individual, because it open all new doors for him. I know that speech about the philosophy is so difficult at Arab lands, but I know also that any human can make his way by his special philosophy of life. Everyone was born with a mind, in some cases! The human being can lose his capacity of thought, but it is not a raison to keep silence for the...
Published 02/10/24
When anyone thinks! This is a great honour to him, because the philosophy is a good food to human spirit. The philosophical idea is so important to individual, because it open all new doors for him. I know that speech about the philosophy is so difficult at Arab lands, but I know also that any human can make his way by his special philosophy of life. Everyone was born with a mind, in some cases! The human being can lose his capacity of thought, but it is not a raison to keep silence for the...
Published 02/10/24
Published 02/10/24
When anyone thinks! This is a great honour to him, because the philosophy is a good food to human spirit. The philosophical idea is so important to individual, because it open all new doors for him. I know that speech about the philosophy is so difficult at Arab lands, but I know also that any human can make his way by his special philosophy of life. Everyone was born with a mind, in some cases! The human being can lose his capacity of thought, but it is not a raison to keep silence for the...
Published 02/09/24
When anyone thinks! This is a great honour to him, because the philosophy is a good food to human spirit. The philosophical idea is so important to individual, because it open all new doors for him. I know that speech about the philosophy is so difficult at Arab lands, but I know also that any human can make his way by his special philosophy of life. Everyone was born with a mind, in some cases! The human being can lose his capacity of thought, but it is not a raison to keep silence for the...
Published 07/26/23
When anyone thinks! This is a great honour to him, because the philosophy is a good food to human spirit. The philosophical idea is so important to individual, because it open all new doors for him. I know that speech about the philosophy is so difficult at Arab lands, but I know also that any human can make his way by his special philosophy of life. Everyone was born with a mind, in some cases! The human being can lose his capacity of thought, but it is not a raison to keep silence for the...
Published 07/15/23
When anyone thinks! This is a great honour to him, because the philosophy is a good food to human spirit. The philosophical idea is so important to individual, because it open all new doors for him. I know that speech about the philosophy is so difficult at Arab lands, but I know also that any human can make his way by his special philosophy of life. Everyone was born with a mind, in some cases! The human being can lose his capacity of thought, but it is not a raison to keep silence for the...
Published 07/13/23
When anyone thinks! This is a great honour to him, because the philosophy is a good food to human spirit. The philosophical idea is so important to individual, because it open all new doors for him. I know that speech about the philosophy is so difficult at Arab lands, but I know also that any human can make his way by his special philosophy of life. Everyone was born with a mind, in some cases! The human being can lose his capacity of thought, but it is not a raison to keep silence for the...
Published 12/25/22
When anyone thinks! This is a great honour to him, because the philosophy is a good food to human spirit. The philosophical idea is so important to individual, because it open all new doors for him. I know that speech about the philosophy is so difficult at Arab lands, but I know also that any human can make his way by his special philosophy of life. Everyone was born with a mind, in some cases! The human being can lose his capacity of thought, but it is not a raison to keep silence for the...
Published 12/24/22
جليٌّ أمام عيون الأستاذ ماركيز تلك الصورة التي تشرحُ نفاق رجال الدين عند استعمال تعاليم الديانات لأغراضهم الخاصة، متحججين بقداسة المقدسات لدى المؤمنين، فينفذون مِن زاوية الإيمان ليستغلوا الإنسان أبشع استغلال، لكنَّ الأستاذ ماركيز ما لبث حتى اكتشف بأنَّ استعمال الدين لقضاء الكثير من الحوائج الوسخة لدى بعض المنافقين لا يختلف أبدا عند الفئة المقابلة، إذ هناكَ مَن يستغلُّ الإنسانية كشعار أو عنوان مِن أجل تمرير ما يرشح عن نفسه مِن مساوئ فيسوِّقها للبسطاء على أنَّها مِن القضايا الإنسانية الهامة،...
Published 03/10/22
شاهَدَ ماركيز الدمار الهائل نتيجة تقاتل الجنس السلافي على شاشة سي أن ان (CNN) الأميركية، فعادت إلى ذاكرته صور أشلاء أطفال الصومال، العراق، سوريا، الجزائر، اليمن، لبنان وفلسطين كما أفغانستان، الكاميرات التي نقلت وتنقل دمار أراضي أوربا الشرقية هي ذاتها التي نقلت لنا أشلاء الأبرياء عبر العالَم، مِن بورما إلى القدس، لكنَّ الضمير العالَمي هذه المرَّة ها قد أظهر ضحالة ميزانه، ذلك الذي يصنِّفُ البشر حسب العقلية النازية التي ادعى هذا الغرب ذاته، أنَّه بريء مِن تصرفاتها: هل دماء السلافيين زرقاء بينما...
Published 03/05/22
يشرح نيتشه في كتابه "الفجر" مصطلح الاستلاب الذاتي، وكيف أنَّ الفرد الإنساني يقع ضحية جملة مِن المفاهيم المتناقضة، تلك التي اخترعت لتنعم النفس بالهدوء، وإذا بها تُوظَّفُ بشكل يجعلها تقمع كلَّ هدوء يصيب الإنسان؛ فعلا! يرى ماركيز بأنَّ هناك ما يقلب المفاهيم لأجل تعاسة الإنسان، لأجل الاستمتاع بتنغيص أيَّام الآخرين تحت شعارات كثيرة تجتمع في رؤيا واحدة وهي: إظهار الذكاء. هناك ما يسميه ماركيز بالثقافة الضحلة (the dirty culture)، هي طريقة في التقليد البائس، لأنَّها تجعل المنتمي إليها يقوم بكافة...
Published 01/29/22
العداوة التي يحملها نيتشه للأخلاق واضحة جدا، لا أفهم السبب، ولا نيتشه يقدِّمُ مبررات كافية لهذه العداوة الرهيبة والجليَّة، ولكنه يشرح بكثير من الاسترسال بأنَّ هناك نصوصا كثيرة كتبها وهو جالس على السواحل الإيطالية، تذكر عداوته الشديدة للأخلاق على اختلافها، بل أحيانا يوضِّحُ عداوته الساطعة للأخلاق المسيحية، وله أعذاره طبعا، لكن سؤال الأخلاق لا يزال يدفع ماركيز للتفكير بعمق، ولا يزال مبهما أمام الرؤى الجادة، كما اعتقد بأنَّه سيبقى مبهما رغم أنَّ أغلب القراصنة يعتقدون بأنَّه واضح جدا. لقد تمَّ...
Published 01/28/22
هناك صفات لا يكون القرصانُ قرصانًا سوى بالتحلِّي بها، وهي الخيانة، الكذب والفجور؛ وعليه فإنَّ الجنَّة ما وراء البحر التي تعجُّ بالقراصنة، هي أرض مملوءة مِن بابها لمزرابها بالخونة والكذّابين والكاذبين إضافة إلى الفاجرين، وهذا بالضبط ما يراه ماركيز في كلِّ ثانية مِن حياته على هذه الأرض دون غيرها. صادف ماركيز أثناء دراسته للثقافات الكثير من المفكِّرين الذين حاولوا التنظير للمثالية، على أنَّها مصدر العَدَم قبل أن تكون مصدرا للتواجد والموجود على سبيل سواء، وهذا ما جعله يضع صفات القراصنة هذه في...
Published 12/22/21
يومٌ خريفيٌّ ممطر، يجلس ماركيز مع زميل له إلى طاولة الغداء، وأخذ يأكل بشراهة شطائر البيتزا على الطريقة الإغريقية القديمة، بينما راح ذلك الزميل الممتع والمرح، يسرد على مسامعه حكايات عن طرائف تواجههم معا في العمل، لأنَّه مِن الصَّعب أن تكون أستاذا في مدرسة للقراصنة، زعيمها قرصان بعَصابة سوداء، وصغارها كلّهم هُم أبناء القراصنة الأوفياء لجنسهم المقدَّس. أمضى ماركيز وقت الظهيرة وهو يسامر زميله، وبينما كانا يتحدثان عن مواضيع من كثرة تكرارها في الحياة على أرض القراصنة، قد صارت مستهلكة حدَّ الملل،...
Published 12/02/21
When anyone thinks! This is a great honour to him, because the philosophy is a good food to human spirit. The philosophical idea is so important to individual, because it open all new doors for him. I know that speech about the philosophy is so difficult at Arab lands, but I know also that any human can make his way by his special philosophy of life. Everyone was born with a mind, in some cases! The human being can lose his capacity of thought, but it is not a raison to keep silence for the...
Published 11/23/21
When anyone thinks! This is a great honour to him, because the philosophy is a good food to human spirit. The philosophical idea is so important to individual, because it open all new doors for him. I know that speech about the philosophy is so difficult at Arab lands, but I know also that any human can make his way by his special philosophy of life. Everyone was born with a mind, in some cases! The human being can lose his capacity of thought, but it is not a raison to keep silence for the...
Published 11/16/21
When anyone thinks! This is a great honour to him, because the philosophy is a good food to human spirit. The philosophical idea is so important to individual, because it open all new doors for him. I know that speech about the philosophy is so difficult at Arab lands, but I know also that any human can make his way by his special philosophy of life. Everyone was born with a mind, in some cases! The human being can lose his capacity of thought, but it is not a raison to keep silence for the...
Published 07/10/21
When anyone thinks! This is a great honour to him, because the philosophy is a good food to human spirit. The philosophical idea is so important to individual, because it open all new doors for him. I know that speech about the philosophy is so difficult at Arab lands, but I know also that any human can make his way by his special philosophy of life. Everyone was born with a mind, in some cases! The human being can lose his capacity of thought, but it is not a raison to keep silence for the...
Published 07/03/21
When anyone thinks! This is a great honour to him, because the philosophy is a good food to human spirit. The philosophical idea is so important to individual, because it open all new doors for him. I know that speech about the philosophy is so difficult at Arab lands, but I know also that any human can make his way by his special philosophy of life. Everyone was born with a mind, in some cases! The human being can lose his capacity of thought, but it is not a raison to keep silence for the...
Published 06/28/21
When anyone thinks! This is a great honour to him, because the philosophy is a good food to human spirit. The philosophical idea is so important to individual, because it open all new doors for him. I know that speech about the philosophy is so difficult at Arab lands, but I know also that any human can make his way by his special philosophy of life. Everyone was born with a mind, in some cases! The human being can lose his capacity of thought, but it is not a raison to keep silence for the...
Published 06/21/21
When anyone thinks! This is a great honour to him, because the philosophy is a good food to human spirit. The philosophical idea is so important to individual, because it open all new doors for him. I know that speech about the philosophy is so difficult at Arab lands, but I know also that any human can make his way by his special philosophy of life. Everyone was born with a mind, in some cases! The human being can lose his capacity of thought, but it is not a raison to keep silence for the...
Published 06/11/21
When anyone thinks! This is a great honour to him, because the philosophy is a good food to human spirit. The philosophical idea is so important to individual, because it open all new doors for him. I know that speech about the philosophy is so difficult at Arab lands, but I know also that any human can make his way by his special philosophy of life. Everyone was born with a mind, in some cases! The human being can lose his capacity of thought, but it is not a raison to keep silence for the...
Published 06/05/21
When anyone thinks! This is a great honour to him, because the philosophy is a good food to human spirit. The philosophical idea is so important to individual, because it open all new doors for him. I know that speech about the philosophy is so difficult at Arab lands, but I know also that any human can make his way by his special philosophy of life. Everyone was born with a mind, in some cases! The human being can lose his capacity of thought, but it is not a raison to keep silence for the...
Published 05/28/21
When anyone thinks! This is a great honour to him, because the philosophy is a good food to human spirit. The philosophical idea is so important to individual, because it open all new doors for him. I know that speech about the philosophy is so difficult at Arab lands, but I know also that any human can make his way by his special philosophy of life. Everyone was born with a mind, in some cases! The human being can lose his capacity of thought, but it is not a raison to keep silence for the...
Published 05/21/21