Trigger Warning: This episode contains sensitive topics related to pregnancy loss and fertility challenges. Listener discretion is advised. In this deeply personal and powerful episode of "On Health," I sit down with Chelsea Leyland, a globetrotting DJ, mother, epilepsy and endometriosis activist, documentary filmmaker, and menstrual health entrepreneur. Chelsea shares her journey through endometriosis, pregnancy loss, and becoming a mother and the importance of breaking the silence around...
Published 06/05/24
Published 06/05/24
"I think one of the most important things about fistula is that it is completely preventable and treatable. So this is a solvable problem. We used to have this problem here in the US and now we don't." – Bonnie Ruder Obstetric fistula affects around 2 million women globally, with 50,000 to 100,000 new cases each year. This devastating, yet entirely preventable condition profoundly impacts women's lives, causing chronic infections, incontinence, and severe social ostracism and isolation. In...
Published 05/22/24
"What if your body had a greater ability to heal than you were ever led to believe?" - This question not only challenges conventional health beliefs but also underpins the empowering message that infuse today's discussion. Welcome to this - literally - energy packed new episode of "On Health," where I’m joined by Dr. Casey Means, a Stanford-trained physician and the author of "Good Energy." Once on the path to becoming an ENT surgeon, Dr. Means experienced a personal health revelation that...
Published 05/15/24
In recognition of Maternal Mental Health Month I am re-sharing this 2023 conversation with the founders of The Motherhood Center in NYC. With Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders (PMADS) being the #1 complication associated with birth in the US and the #2 cause of maternal mortality, this remains a critical conversation. ________________ It’s not just you. You're not crazy. You're not a bad mom. You're not alone. These are words and deep beliefs that resonate through and form the backbone of...
Published 05/08/24
I've been wanting to share this episode with you for awhile, so I finally dusted off the archives and here it is. The sound quality is not as sharp as our more recent episodes - our production values have definitely improved - but I'm certain you'll find it timely and useful. Despite increased attention on the dangers of burnout, recent surveys report that a majority of the population across many countries report feeling burned out. This epidemic of overwhelm has a profound impact,...
Published 04/24/24
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT): Should you use it for your perimenopause or menopause symptoms? Does it prevent dementia? Heart disease? Is it safe? Who should and who shou;dn’t take it? Join me for this powerful conversation with Dr. Sharon Malone, an OB-GYN with 30 years of clinical experience - and an advocate for menopause awareness, and I explore these questions.  In this episode we unpack:  Rethinking aging and embracing the power of menopause - and why Dr. Malone has found this to...
Published 04/10/24
In this must-listen episode I'm thrilled to welcome Dr. Lisa Mosconi, a leading neuroscientist and author of The Menopause Brain,  and my friend, back to On Health to demystify the profound impact of menopause on the female brain. Dr. Mosconi offers invaluable insights into how menopause is more than a hormonal shift - it's a significant neuroendocrine change, and a potentially very important and powerful time in our lives.  We dive deep into: How perimenopause and menopause really impacts...
Published 03/29/24
The teen years are a trope and a meme in our culture. We’re inevitably warned the minute we have a baby and admire her cute little face at a family gathering, in a restaurant, waiting in the checkout at the grocery: Just wait until she’s - or he’s -  a teen. And it’s no wonder - the teen years - which we all remember too - are fraught with big changes: big hormonal shifts, changes in our neurobiology, changes in how we see our place in the world, changes in how we see our parents. It’s...
Published 03/13/24
Welcome to On Health where today I talk about understanding stress during pregnancy, bust myths, and share real tips to take care of yourself before and when the stress hits the fan. In this episode I explore:  The impact of how we talk about stress in pregnancy and its effects on moms-to-be onWhy it's important to understand stress during pregnancyThe pressure to always feel happy when you're pregnant and the guilt unrealistic expectations cause pregnant women to feelWhat stress really is,...
Published 02/28/24
Jillian Turecki, my guest for this On Health episode, is a beacon of light and a font of love and wisdom. A certified relationship coach, teacher, and writer with over 20 years of experience, she's fueled by an insatiable curiosity about what makes a relationship thrive, and she's helped thousands through her teaching and writing revolutionize their relationship with themselves so they can transform their relationships with others. In this episode Jillian and I get real about what it takes to...
Published 02/14/24
Jillian Turecki, my guest for this On Health episode, is a beacon of light and a font of love and wisdom. A certified relationship coach, teacher, and writer with over 20 years of experience, she's fueled by an insatiable curiosity about what makes a relationship thrive, and she's helped thousands through her teaching and writing revolutionize their relationship with themselves so they can transform their relationships with others. In this episode Jillian and I get real about what it takes to...
Published 02/14/24
Fatigue, achy muscles, painful joints, brain fog, strange skin rashes… Could it be the flu? It’s possible. In fact, that’s what women are sometimes told! But these can be symptoms of an autoimmune condition. Autoimmune conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, and Hashimoto’s, to name just a few, have a definite gender bias. Women account for an astonishing 80% of all those who suffer from an autoimmune disease. Yet these are some of the most commonly dismissed, overlooked, and...
Published 01/31/24
I’m not going to lie. I was much more prepared for puberty, pregnancy, motherhood, and even menopause than I was for aging. And you all know that’s a big deal to say because we’re largely unprepared for all the other phases of our lives, too. But the reality is, we’re aging from the day we’re born, and much of what we’ve internalized about aging - the fears, judgments, stereotypes - and even ‘symptoms’ if you will - have much more to do with the culture of ageism we’re steeped in from the...
Published 01/17/24
At some point, too many of us internalized the belief that being a woman means complete self-sacrifice, not setting healthy boundaries for our well-being, and not taking care of our fundamental needs – even for sleep, quality food, and relaxation. Further, as moms, we often take on the lioness's share of the household. As partners, we plan the dates and stay in touch with old friends. At work, we pick up the slack of others without so much as a peep of protest. But here's the thing- often,...
Published 01/03/24
Intergenerational trauma refers to the transmission of unresolved trauma and its psychological, emotional, or even physical effects from one generation to another. This phenomenon can manifest in various ways, impacting individuals' mental health, coping mechanisms, and relational patterns. The cycle of intergenerational trauma underscores the importance of acknowledging, understanding, and actively addressing inherited wounds to break free from its influence on future generations. On today’s...
Published 12/20/23
Self-care - it’s both a profoundly important concept for our physical and mental well-being - a radical step in a culture that demands ever more of us, and it’s a phenomenon that has been trivialized by the wellness world - and any number of influencers and companies that suggest a bubble bath and a candle is enough for what stresses us. But real self care is so much more - it’s an inside job, as my guest Pooja Lakshmin, MD, shares with us. A-psychiatrist, author, and the founder of Gemma...
Published 12/06/23
In the midst of the chaos that seems to be almost a constant in the world, it's easy to forget that individual lives and losses are still happening every day and can be deeply affecting us or those around us, as can family mental health issues. Sometimes those bigger global issues give us perspective, take us out of our own worries, and that can feel actually broadening and helpful and can put our lives into a perspective that brings some ease or inner peace even. Not that we're taking...
Published 11/22/23
Like so many moms, Erica Djossa, a registered psychotherapist specializing in maternal mental health, entered motherhood assuming her “maternal instinct” would guide her through any challenges she faced. Yet, like so many mothers she'd counseled, she too, found herself struggling with identity loss, the mental load of motherhood, and the pressure to be perfect. Eventually, she had a breakdown that turned out to be a breakthrough – a moment where she realized that she was suffering from...
Published 11/08/23
Here's a little secret: hidden inflammation, not genetics, is the most common underlying cause of chronic illness. Hidden inflammation is a root cause of: Premenstrual syndrome Period pain Chronic aches and pains Digestive problems Allergies and eczema Trouble losing weight Trouble sleeping Depression Alzheimer’s Autoimmune diseases Heart disease, Cancer, Diabetes The problem is most doctors are not aware of hidden inflammation let alone how to identify or address it. Western...
Published 10/25/23
In recent years, the term "medical gaslighting" has come to represent the phenomenon and disproportionate impact of medical dismissal of women and other marginalized groups. All too often, women leave the doctor’s office questioning themselves and their symptoms and are too often pressed into silently endure their suffering, sometimes until it's tragically too late. How can we identify when medical gaslighting is happening and protect ourselves or those we love? Join me on today's episode...
Published 10/11/23
Grief and loss touch us all in ways both small and big throughout our lives, yet our culture often struggles to embrace the messy emotions that grief brings. On today’s On Health episode, I'm joined by author and cancer thriver Kris Carr to discuss her latest book, "I'm Not a Mourning Person,” which dives deep into the complexities of grief and healing. We explore how life's ruptures turn our world upside down and reshape us, the importance of acknowledging grief, and the difference between...
Published 09/27/23
Considering whether to embark on the journey of freezing your eggs? Naturally, this comes with a myriad of questions and considerations. If you're pondering this path and wondering if it's the right move for you, you're not alone. Join me in today's "Let's Chat About That," where I address a vulnerable question from a listener who's navigating the idea of freezing her eggs and unpack some of the myths and mysteries of this fertility option. Tune in as I explain the ins and outs of egg...
Published 09/20/23
Menopause is a transition that is so hushed, misunderstood, and often considered "taboo” in our culture. But what many fail to notice is that menopause is a beautiful new chapter in life that deserves respect, recognition, and reverence. I'm on a mission to change the conversation around menopause to one of profound power and wisdom - because at this stage in life, we have ARRIVED! Also on this mission is my guest on today's episode of On Health, the multi-Emmy Award-winning midlife...
Published 09/13/23
As we transition into autumn, with to-do lists piling up and the pressure of getting back "on track," it's an important time to revisit an age-old and perenially resonant topic: Perfectionism. It's part of how we end up overwhelmed, doing it all, and never feel like we're doing enough. i know that feeling, too! Perfectionism, that relentless inner sense of 'not-enoughness; that far too many women know far too well, is a form of what's known as high-functioning anxiety, it's a sign that you...
Published 09/06/23