Kathie (AKA Olivia Kent) joins Jakob and Mandi in a discussion of erotica and erotic fiction that is NOT fan fiction. What is HuCow? Find out within.
Published 07/06/17
We made a survey about Star Trek. A whopping 47 people responded (including us)! These results are totally scientific and reveal the ultimate truth about who the best and worst characters are and what series is the true fan favourite. You can't argue with the opinions of a whole 47 people. This episode is also available as an "enhanced" audio podcast if waiting for sporadic humorous images and pertinent graphics are your bag.
Published 01/06/17
Jakob and Mandi discuss the end of all things Gilmore... or is it? And what is the cultural relevance of having seen "A Year In The Life" or not having seen Rogue One. Plus, 2016 takes another life.
Published 12/29/16
Since having a baby (the titular Quill), we watch a LOT more Netflix and get out to the movies a lot less. So no timely Rogue One review (probably to the relief of many listeners). Instead we talk Orphan Black, Star Trek: Enterprise, For The Love of Spock, Gilmore Girls and Captain America: Civil War.
Published 12/19/16
This week we talk about a couple DC television shows, the fabulous Gotham and the pretty good Supergirl.
Published 11/15/16
Jakob and Mandi chat about the marvelous marvels of the Marvel universe. Well, Luke Cage and Deadpool at least. They also discuss Star Trek: Enterprise Season 3 and Bones Season 11.
Published 10/25/16
Mandi and Jakob had a baby. It's been... an experience. An experience during which they've watched a lot of Star Trek: Enterprise.
Published 10/14/16
Popular guest host Kathie rejoins Jakob and Mandi to talk about Star Trek Beyond, which they all saw together a few weeks ago and have varying opinions about.
Published 08/30/16
Two pretty darn good things that haters are hating on. Resident haters Jakob and Mandi give them some love. Pokémon Go and Ghostbusters 2016 reboot. What's not to like?
Published 08/03/16
Jakob and Mandi liked Stranger Things so much they immediately did an episode on it highlighting some of its weaker points (naturally). And in typical "nuanced" Nerd Hurdles fashion Jakob comes of somewhat negative about the theme music which is very similar, if not pretty much identical, to an album he recently released called Mind Thief which you can hear a snippet of at the end of the episode or in full HERE. Jakob claims his poo-pooing of the John Carpenter-esque synth music in Stranger...
Published 07/26/16
Having run out of quality shows to watch on (Canadian) Netflix, Jakob and Mandi get Scandalous.
Published 06/22/16
Jakob and Mandi take a trip to the tunnels underneath the former Lakeshore Psychiatric Hospital (aka Mimico Insane Asylum, aka Mimico Hospital for the Insane, aka The Police Academy, aka Humber College) during Doors Open Toronto. (www.asylumbythelake.com) They also talk about Poirot: Murder on the Orient Express, Midsomer Murders, London Spy and M:I Rogue Nation.
Published 06/02/16
Jakob and Mandi talk about a totally random assortment of things they've been watching on Netflix. Mainly Daredevil Season 2, Downton Abbey Season 5, House of Cards Season 4 (well, the first 3 episodes), most of Poirot, and the Ender's Game movie.
Published 04/12/16
A Valentines Day special! Our good friends James and Nicole pop by to talk our fabulous wedding, their rad wedding, weddings we've been to that were maybe not so awesome and married life. Thanks to Joe Strutt for the very special easter egg (valentine's heart?) so stick around after the credits. And be sure to check out James' book, Our Inland Sea. wolsakandwynn.ca/books/154-our-inland-sea | www.amazon.com/Our-Inland-Sea-James-Lindsay/dp/1928088066
Published 02/11/16
We stopped sleeping on The Force Awakens and went and saw it finally. It took us a while on account of all the GTA V we were playing.
Published 01/01/16
Detectives. Private Dicks. On TV. Warning: This episode contains spoilers for Jessica Jones Season 1, Death In Paradise Season 3 and Bones Season 10.
Published 12/21/15
Before heading back to Africa, Kathie wanted to slam the new E.L. James book. Mandi wanted an update on her Tinder adventures and tangents ensued. So much so neither topic gets talked about much—"Grey" not at all. We do however critique the so-called "best selfie ever". Heck, even the title of the episode is a reference to a post-credits easter egg at the end of the episode. Have fun. We did.
Published 10/14/15
Regular co-host Kathie (What introduced Mandi to fanfic, apparently) signs up for Tinder just in time to leave the country for nine months. Married couple Jakob and Mandi live vicariously through her (potential) online dating adventures.
Published 09/22/15
After Mandi comes back from a camping trip, the Hurdlers discuss one of Jakob's biggest hurdles: Camping. They also discuss Sense8 (spoiler free!) and Age of Ultron.
Published 09/02/15
Kathie drops by to talk about Octavia E. Butler's harrowing post-collapse books 'Parable of the Sower' and 'Parable of the Talents'. Thanks to Matthew Fava for giving us these cheery reads.
Published 07/27/15
A topic suggested by listener Rose, Jakob and Mandi talk about cosplay (something they admittedly don't know all that much about), dress codes and personal identity.
Published 07/07/15
Jakob and Mandi watch one of the seminal "manic pixie dream girl" movies, 'Harold and Maude' (1971), then talk about the MPDG trope.
Published 06/29/15
Jakob and Mandi go for a drive on Fury Road.
Published 05/19/15
Kathie (what came back from Chad and made us watch the Fifty Shades of Grey movie, apparently) joins Jakob and Mandi to talk about the Fifty Shades of Grey movie.
Published 04/10/15
Dan drops by to travel back in time and get trippy in the year 2001.
Published 04/02/15