Welcome to "The Jewish Jesus," a thought-provoking series delving into the intersection of faith, history, and culture. In this inaugural episode, "The Bible & Antisemites," we embark on a profound exploration of the rich tapestry woven between Judaism and Christianity.
Unraveling misconceptions and delving deep into scripture, we shed light on the often misunderstood connection between Jesus' Jewish identity and the emergence of antisemitism throughout history. Through meticulous analysis and engaging discourse, we confront the shadows of prejudice while celebrating the shared heritage...
“Anatomy of Hate,” exploring its origins and impact, especially in the context of current global events affecting Israel and Jews. In this powerful video, Joseph shares personal insights and historical reflections on overcoming hate. Don’t miss this thought-provoking journey towards understanding...
Published 06/13/24
Who is this Jesus?
Can you find Santa Clause in the New Testament?
How about Nuns?
How About Christmas?
6th session of The Jewish Jesus Series by Netivyah International
#StandUpToJewishHate #loveisrael #Bible #Christianity #Religion #Faith #History #Theology #Spirituality #ChristianHistory...
Published 06/13/24