In this immersive fantasy series, a pair of heroes brought together by fate embark on a journey of revenge, redemption, and love. Set in the vast world of Thedas, Dragon Age: Vows & Vengeance was created in collaboration with BioWare and based on their award-winning video game franchise, Dragon Age.
Nadia, a retired cat burglar, finds herself back on the prowl after scoring the job of a lifetime. Unknowingly employed by the Dread Wolf, Nadia hunts down a powerful ancient artifact and both she and her lover, Elio, find themselves caught in a web of lies that threaten the entire world. When...
Lucanis, an Antivan Crow and expert assassin, finds himself on the run after a high-profile hit takes an unexpected turn. Meanwhile, Drayden returns home with Nadia only to learn of devastating news that will force them to reckon with their past and confront the fallout of the Crow’s job gone...
Published 10/03/24
After washing up on the shores of Par Vollen, Nadia and Drayden are tossed into a dark prison. With things looking grim, matters are only made worse when a dragon attacks the city, forcing a Qunari treasure hunter named Taash to step-up and battle the ferocious creature.
Dragon Age: Vows &...
Published 09/26/24