Telescope Finds An Old, Old Galaxy Tomorrow is Star Wars Day! So here’s a story about a galaxy far, far away… 明天是星際大戰日! Telescopes let us see things that are very far away. We can see the moon, stars, and planets. The bigger the telescope is, the more we can see. 望遠鏡可以讓我們看到很遠的東西,像是月球、恆星、還有行星。望遠鏡越大,看得越遠。 The James Webb Telescope is the biggest telescope in space today. It goes around and around the sun. It takes pictures. Then it sends them to Earth. Scientists study the...
Published 05/02/24
Published 05/02/24
A Corpse Flower Blooms and Stinks Whoa! What's that smell?! Is there a dead fish somewhere?! Are there dirty socks? Is there stinky cheese? Is there… poop?!? 這是什麼氣味?是死掉的魚、臭襪子、臭起司,還是糞便的氣味呢? This year, a corpse flower bloomed.* *It’s at a museum in California. That bad smell came from this very big, beautiful, dark red flower. 今年加州一座博物館裡有一株巨花魔芋開花了,它又叫做屍花。花朵本身暗紅色,又大又漂亮,但是很難聞。 It doesn’t have a nice name! But the name tells us the smell is VERY bad. "Corpse" means dead...
Published 05/01/24
Kaohsiung Harbor Duck Race Kaohsiung Harbor has many things to see. It has big ships! They carry many things to and from Taiwan. It has ferryboats! They take visitors around the harbor. And sometimes it has races!* * 高雄港有很多船隻運送貨物,也有渡輪可以帶遊客繞港口,有時候還會辦比賽! Many people came to watch one race. They watched from the harbor. And they watched from the Great Harbor Bridge! People wore yellow hats with… duck faces? Huh! 很多人為了看一場比賽,擠滿高雄港跟大港橋,而且大家都戴著黃色小鴨的帽子。 The race was three hundred fifty meters long!...
Published 04/30/24
Snow for Kids Have you seen snow? Every year, in winter, many places around the world get cold. Some places get so cold, it doesn't rain. It snows. Cold white fluffy snow falls. It makes everything white! 你看過雪嗎?很多地方每年冬天都會下雪,白雪讓所有的東西都變成白色。 In the north of China, winter gets very, very cold. Everything is white with snow. But in the south, it doesn't get cold. Kids don't see snow there. 中國北方冬天非常寒冷都會下雪,但是在南方就沒有那麼冷,南方的小朋友都看不到雪。 Some nice people in the north wanted to take snow to a school in...
Published 04/29/24
Dancing with Frogs Five, six, seven, eight! Let’s dance! Today is International Dance Day! 今天是世界舞蹈日,來一起跳舞吧! Let’s dance with some poison dart frogs! Poison?! 我們一起跟箭毒蛙跳舞! 什麼?! Yes. Don't touch them, but dance with them! These colorful frogs are very good at tap dancing! 沒有錯,記得不要碰牠們喔! 這些顏色鮮豔的青蛙很會跳踢踏舞。 Poison dart frogs have four toes on their feet. They can tap their long middle toes very fast. How fast? They can tap them about 500 times… in one...
Published 04/28/24
From Cow Poop to Clear Water In India, many communities need to clean their dirty water. It's not easy. Many cleaning systems use chemicals and energy. They need workers. 印度有很多人需要淨化髒水,這個工作可不容易。汙水處理系統需要化學物質跟電力,也需要人手。 A man wanted to make a new system. But he didn't want his system to use chemicals, energy, or workers. 有一名男子想要研發新的系統,但是他不希望用到化學物質、能源跟人力。 The man had an idea. A cow's stomach has four parts. Each part has a special job. His system has four parts. Each part has a special...
Published 04/25/24
Protecting the Moon from Garbage Over fifty years ago, the USA sent a rocket to the moon. An astronaut got out and walked! Whoa! How exciting! But after that, not many rockets went there. 五十多年前,美國發射火箭登陸月球,太空人還在月球上漫步。但是在這之後,登上月球的火箭沒那麼多。 Now many countries and companies want to go to the moon. They want to do many things. The USA wants to build houses on the moon! 很多國家跟公司現在都想要登陸月球,美國甚至想要在月球上蓋房子。 Some people are worried. Why? Well, soon, many people will go to the moon. Maybe they will take bad...
Published 04/24/24
Spider Webs with DNA Ahhh! What's that little monster with eight legs? Oh, it's a spider! Spiders can help scientists. They make spider webs. Spider webs are sticky! That’s how they trap flies, mosquitoes, and… DNA! 蜘蛛可以助科學家一臂之力,蜘蛛網很黏,抓得住蒼蠅、蚊子還有…基因! Maybe you know "DNA" from the K-pop song by BTS. All living things have DNA. It's the code that makes living things look and work in one way. 你大概有聽過DNA這首歌,生物都有DNA,它決定生物的模樣跟行為。 Getting DNA is important for learning about living things. Getting it...
Published 04/23/24
Microplastics Are Everywhere Plastic makes our lives easy. We use plastic bottles for drinks and plastic bags for food. When we’re done with them, we throw them away! 塑膠製品像是塑膠瓶、塑膠袋讓我們的生活更便利。通常使用之後就把它扔掉。 Lots of plastic trash goes into the ocean. After some years, it breaks down into microplastics. Microplastics are very small. How small? They're smaller than 5 millimeters. 很多塑膠垃圾流入海裡。幾年後,就會被分解成塑膠微粒,微粒有多小呢? 小於5毫米。 Fish and other animals eat and drink microplastics. Sometimes microplastics are...
Published 04/22/24
A Garbage Warning System for Taiwan's Beaches Yuck! Nobody likes garbage on the beach. Where does it come from? 沒有人喜歡海灘上的垃圾,這些垃圾到底從哪裡來的呢? Some garbage comes from people at the beach. They drink soda. Then they leave the cans on the beach. Or they eat a bag of chips. Then they leave the bag. 有一些垃圾是去海灘玩的人留下來的。他們喝完汽水、吃完洋芋片,就隨手丟在海灘上。 Lots of the garbage comes from the ocean. Waves push garbage from other places onto the beach. 很多海洋垃圾也會被海浪推到海灘上。 Environmental groups try to help the Earth in...
Published 04/21/24
Gambian Photographer Works for Her Dreams **Narrator: **One, two, three, say cheese! Do you like taking photos? You can take photos of people, places, food … anything you want! People who take photos are photographers. 你喜歡拍照嗎?不論是人、物或地方都可以拍,專業拍照的人叫做攝影師。 A young photographer loves taking photos of soccer games. She’s from the Gambia.* *Her dream is to be a sports photographer for the Gambia. 一位甘比亞的年輕攝影師很喜歡拍足球比賽。她的夢想是成為甘比亞的運動攝影師。 One day, she got a big chance. There was a men's soccer...
Published 04/18/24
Flight Attendant Saves Flamingo Eggs Have you been on a plane? Flight attendants work on planes. They bring food and drinks to people. They help people. One day, a flight attendant helped six… flamingo eggs!?! 你坐過飛機嗎?飛機上的空服員會給乘客食物跟飲料,也協助乘客。有一次空服員救了六顆紅鶴的蛋。 Flamingos are big pink birds with long, thin legs. A zoo needed flamingos. So a zookeeper was taking the eggs to the zoo. 紅鶴是一種腳又細又長、粉紅色的大鳥。有一個動物園需要紅鶴,於是飼養員帶了六顆蛋準備送到動物園。 The eggs were in a special machine. It kept them warm. But the...
Published 04/17/24
This Guide Is a Penguin At a zoo in England, a young penguin cannot see well. It was hard for her to do things. Sometimes she bumped into walls or other penguins. Oops! And sometimes she fell over rocks. Ouch! 英國動物園有一隻企鵝的眼睛狀況不佳,行動很不方便。有時候她會撞到同伴或牆壁,也會被石頭絆倒。 Getting food was scary. When it was time to eat, lots of hungry penguins ran to the food! They got food with their long, sharp beaks. 餵食的時候也很危險,很多企鵝會衝到食物前,用牠們長長、尖銳的嘴巴吃東西。 But she couldn't see their beaks! She didn't want to get hurt. She...
Published 04/16/24
No Phones in England's Schools Are mobile phones the most important thing kids have? 手機對小朋友來說很重要嗎? England's government doesn't think they are. With phones at school, many kids can't study well. They don't talk very much to others. They sit and use their phones. 英國很多小孩帶手機上學,讓他們沒辦法專心上課。他們也不怎麼一起聊天,都坐著滑手機。 So England's government will have a new rule: kids cannot use phones at school! They cannot use phones in class! They cannot use them during breaks! This means no phones between classes and...
Published 04/15/24
This Cat Loves Salad A woman wanted a cat. She went to an animal shelter to get one. Animal shelters take care of animals with no homes. People can get a pet and take it home. 有一位女士想要養貓,於是她去動物收容所想要領養一隻。 The animal shelter had many cats. The woman saw a cute black cat. She liked him very much. He went home with her. 收容所有很多貓,她看到一隻可愛的黑色貓咪,非常喜歡就帶牠回家。 At home, she learned something about the cat. He ate a lot! And he wanted to eat more than cat food! 這隻貓進家門之後,女士發現牠很會吃,而且想吃的還不只是貓食。 One day, she...
Published 04/14/24
From a Backyard Rocket to a Space Mission Narrator: Space is so big. There's always something new to learn. 外太空很大,還有很多新知可以去探索。 In 2020, a girl from the UK was six years old. On TV, she saw a rocket launch to Mars. Astronaut Liz, or Astro Liz, fell in love with space then. 2020年,英國一位六歲女孩在電視上看到火箭發射到火星,從此之後愛上外太空。 Astro Liz loves learning about space. She makes videos about space. She posts them online. She shares her learning and excitement with everyone! Liz...
Published 04/11/24
The Thai Ghost Hunters Do you believe in ghosts? Here in Taiwan, we have Ghost Month. It's when all ghosts can walk the earth and visit the living … 你相信世界上有鬼嗎? 在台灣,我們有鬼月,鬼在這個時候都會出來走走。 Some ghosts are mean. They live in spooky places. They do scary things. That makes many people scared of ghosts. 有一些鬼住在陰森的地方,它們很兇又會做出可怕的事情,讓很多人怕鬼。 Spooky old castles may be haunted. That means they might have ghosts in them. Some newer places may be haunted too. Imagine being scared of ghosts and living in a...
Published 04/10/24
AI Opens 2,000-Year-Old Secrets Two thousand years ago, a volcano erupted in Italy. Towns were destroyed. Many people and things were lost. Scrolls were also lost. 兩千多年前,義大利火山爆發,摧毀了附近的城鎮,很多人跟東西都遭到掩埋,有很多卷軸也不見了。 People wrote important thoughts and information on these long papers. Then they rolled the scrolls. 卷軸是一張長長的紙,人們在紙上寫下重要的想法跟訊息,再把它捲起來。 Three hundred years ago, many scrolls were found. They were in a house destroyed by the volcano. 300年前,一棟被火山摧毀的房屋裡面,發現了很多卷軸。 But the scrolls were burned...
Published 04/09/24
A Fan Referees a Game One day, a man went to a big soccer game in the UK. A team named the Wolves was playing. The man was a big Wolves fan! The game was very exciting! 有一天,一個男人去看了一場在英國的大型足球比賽。一支名叫狼隊的球隊正在比賽。這個人是狼隊的超級球迷! Then a referee got hurt! Referees are important for soccer games. They make sure the players are following the rules. Now the teams needed another referee. 裁判對於足球賽非常重要,他們確保球員遵守規則。現在有一位裁判受傷了,需要有人來接手。 This Wolves fan raised his hand and said, "I can help!" They gave him a...
Published 04/08/24
Hungry Hikers Call Fire Department Oh, there's a fire! Call the fire department! 天啊,失火了!趕快叫消防車。 Fire departments help when there's a fire. They also help in other emergencies. The fire department in Nantou County helps with emergencies on mountains. 除了滅火,消防員也會緊急救援。南投縣消防局也會上山救援。 Some hikers were hiking on mountains in Nantou County. The weather was very cold. There was ice on the hiking trails. The hikers walked very slowly to stay safe. It took a lot of time. They ate all their...
Published 04/07/24
K*News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) ________________________________ Oh, there's a fire! Call the fire department! 天啊,失火了!趕快叫消防車。 Fire departments help when there's a fire. They also help in other emergencies. The fire department in Nantou County helps with emergencies on mountains. 除了滅火,消防員也會緊急救援。南投縣消防局也會上山救援。 Some hikers were hiking on mountains in Nantou County. The weather was very cold. There was ice on the hiking trails. The hikers walked very slowly to stay safe. It took a lot of time. They...
Published 04/05/24
Rocking Confidence Do you want to be a rock star? Imagine… you're on a stage. The lights are bright. You're playing a guitar. How scary! But how exciting! 你想成為搖滾明星嗎? 想像一下你站在台上彈吉他,燈光又很刺眼,感覺好嚇人但又讓人好興奮! That's what happened to some women. They joined a women's rock camp. People join camps to learn things. At this camp, the women learned how to play rock music and sing rock songs! 有一群女性就遇到這樣的事。因為她們參加女子搖滾營,學習如何彈搖滾樂、唱搖滾歌! Some women were shy. But they tried many new things! They became...
Published 04/04/24
A Happy Day for Kids! Yea! Are you a kid? Congratulations! Today is Children's Day! It's your day! Make sure to tell your parents that it's Children's Day! 你是兒童嗎?那恭喜你! 今天是兒童節,是你的節日喔! So what do you want for Children's Day? Do you want a new toy? How about a new video game? 兒童節你想要什麼樣的禮物呢,想要新玩具還是新的電玩? Well, a new toy or a new video game is cool. It will make you happy… for about two months. That's right! Scientists say something new makes us happy for about two or three months. After that,...
Published 04/03/24
Dolls Made for All Kids Playing with dolls is fun. You can make dolls dance, jump, and fly! One girl loves dolls. And she has a dream. When she was younger, she was sick. She was in the hospital a lot. She met kids with disabilities there. 有一個女孩喜歡玩娃娃,她小時候常常生病跑醫院,在醫院遇到很多有身心障礙的小朋友。 Some kids used wheelchairs. Some had arms without hands. Some had a new leg. But they didn't have dolls that looked like them. 有一些小孩需要坐輪椅。有一些孩子沒有手,有一些有義肢。但是他們都沒有一個像自己一樣的娃娃。 She wants kids to have dolls that look...
Published 04/02/24