Published 10/13/20
Mergers have added complexity in a sector that is driven by purpose. NFP Sector Leader, Phil Butler is joined by Verity Hawkins GAICD and Graeme Innes AM GAICD to discuss their own experiences in leading mergers in the sector, and the challenges that that lie ahead.
Published 10/13/20
Aged Care & Community Services CEO Pat Sparrow talks about the role of aged care in society, how the sector is coping with the challenges of COVID-19, the board/CEO relationship, emerging models of care, and the urgent reform needed in the sector.
Published 09/08/20
Charitable giving is evolving. How do you stand out in a crowded funding environment? Katherine Raskob, CEO of Fundraising Australia, and Rick Millen, UNHRC director, discuss how boards can support the fundraising function in the evolving NFP landscape.
Published 07/28/20
Governance consultant Geoff Carter urges boards to lift their gaze from crisis mode. Now's the time to rethink your NFP's mission and how you achieve it.
Published 07/13/20
Experienced business leader Anne Skipper AM FAICD talks about the ‘strategic reset’ required in the NFP sector including the mindset shift needed and the operational challenges that boards must face to ensure a sustainable future in the sector.
Published 06/29/20
The COVID-19 crisis has stretched many NFPs financially. Roslyn Jackson FAICD discusses the challenges facing the sector, including cash flow, solvency issues and funding. Roslyn is the Chair of Health Education Services Australia, Deputy Chair of Capital Health Network and a director of Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council. She is also Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee for the National Blood Authority.
Published 06/09/20
Jane Seawright is the Chair of Netball Queensland, as well as a director of Racing Queensland and the Australian Festival of Chamber Music. In this debut episode of NFP Matters, she discusses how COVID-19 has impacted the arts and sport, how it has changed board dynamics, whether crisis plans were adequate and whether we might see a new era of co-operation in federated NFPs.
Published 05/31/20