In this episode, Omri Amirav-Drory (NFX), Joe Betts-LaCroix (Retro Bio), and Alex Colville (Age1) discuss the history, recent progress, and hurdles in the longevity industry, including the evaluation of potential founders and business risks. The discussion further encompasses the global fundraising potential and societal impact of the longevity sector, viewing aging as a disease, and the future of longevity drugs. Learn more at - https://nfx.com/bio
Published 04/10/24
Published 04/10/24
Hercules builds high-quality, enterprise-grade AI solutions based on data extraction, transformation, and verification, while integrating with enterprise systems and tools for maintenance and monitoring. Join NFX general partner James Currier and HerculesAI CEO Alex Babin talk about the latest breakthroughs in the AI space of enterprise companies.
Published 03/20/24
This is an essay readout using an AI voice clone of NFX general partner, Pete Flint. AI has the potential to smooth out many links in the real estate production chain and create a cascade that will close the productivity gap. This essay reveals what’s on the way and how founders can seize this opportunity. Read the full essay here - https://www.nfx.com/post/ai-revolution-proptech
Published 10/22/23
Morgan Beller calls up Raed Khawaja - CEO & Co-Founder at Open - to catch up and talk about the current movement around one's 'inner-space'. Open is a social space for meditation, movement, and practice — on and offline, who’s raised close to $15M to help friends be present together. They blend old and new to bring you to the here and now on their app, in person at their Venice Beach studio, and even in the sky on JetBlue airlines. Their hybrid method strengthens the mind-body...
Published 07/26/23
This is an essay readout using an AI voice clone of NFX general partner, James Currier. Generative Tech is the next step in software. It’s a new level of human-machine partnership. It turns deep learning engines into collaborators to generate new content and ideas nearly like a human would. This area is so new, and moving so fast, you can have an advantage in your chosen area in a few months… for now. Read the full essay here - https://www.nfx.com/post/generative-tech
Published 07/23/23
This is an essay readout using an AI voice clone of NFX general partner, James Currier. Every 14 years there’s a tech revolution, and we have now entered the Generative Tech revolution. Anything you’re interested in, anything you’re working on is going to be impacted by generative tech and generative AI. In addition to the AI model companies, many unicorns and decacorns will be built, starting now. We’re already seeing three types of winners. If you can wrap your mind around what is happening...
Published 07/16/23
This is an essay readout using an AI voice clone of NFX general partner, James Currier. The AI revolution just ratcheted up the speed bar for startups. You think you’re moving fast enough. You’re not. Speed is the number one advantage of a startup. But now that generative AI here, your definition of speed has to increase 10x. Read the full essay here - https://www.nfx.com/post/speed-and-ai
Published 06/25/23
There’s a concept in network theory called Preferential Attachment. When one node gets ahead, it attracts more resources, and more attention. It's a snowball effect. PR for your company works the same way. Once you become the biggest node, more resources flow to you. Today, NFX General Partner James Currier sits down with Vijay Chattha, founder of PR agency VSC to reveal how to build that attention flywheel. VSC has worked with NFX unicorn companies like Mammoth Biosciences, Poshmark, and...
Published 01/20/23
The transition from Founder to CEO is a watershed moment in your company, and in your life. A great Founder creates something from nothing. A great CEO takes the next step, and builds mechanisms of success. They turn that vision into a well-functioning machine. Becoming a great CEO is a matter of tactics and personal growth. Today, NFX General Partner Gigi Levy-Weiss reveals how to get there, with special guest Avishai Abrahami, the founder of Wix. Avishai built Wix into a company of about...
Published 01/18/23
There are two parts to building a bioplatform: you have to focus on the science, then you have to think about the business side. When do you partner? When do you develop your own products? How can you determine the real value of a deal? How do you build a strategic network? What avenues are Founders overlooking right now? These are questions our companies ask us all the time. Today, Head of NFXBio Omri Amirav-Dory, Yael Gruenbaum-Cohen, a venture partner at aMoon Fund, and Peter Nell,...
Published 01/10/23
There’s huge value in integrating tech and bio. But many tech entrepreneurs don’t realize what they can bring to the field. Tech entrepreneurs: you can come to bio, if you learn to speak the language. Today, head of NFX Bio Omri Amirav-Drory sits down with his former co-founder at Genome Compiler, and Founder of Mana.bio Yogev Debbi. Yogev has bridged the gap between tech and bio several times in his career. Here’s how to build a culture of trust, leverage your fresh perspective, and build...
Published 01/05/23
Biology is the most advanced technology on earth. It’s a nanotechnology that actually works, and it scales. The rest of the world will benefit when there are more TechBio founders and investors in the space and this sector has never been more central to shaping a better future. The next significant phase of human progress is going to be led by these Scientist-Founders who build TechBio companies capable of unlocking that future. In this episode, general partner Omri Drory explores how network...
Published 12/21/22
We are in the first wave of web3 games, and some believe that games don't have network effects built into their development or long-term strategy. In this episode, listen to NFX partner Gigi Levy-Weiss as he dives into the world of defensibility within the gaming industry, sharing the 4 layers of network effects, the future of virtual goods, and a case study on Steam - the leading platform for video game development. This is an audio version of episode 10 from The Network Effects...
Published 12/14/22
Coming soon: The Beller Family Web3 Show, a new podcast from NFX. For the Bellers, Web3 is a family affair. Morgan Beller, her dad Michael, and her baby brother Drew have more in common than their last name: they are each dedicated to building the future of Web3. Together they’ve been through all the dumpster fires, from Mt. Gox to FTX, and now they're inviting founders everywhere to join them at the dinner table as they discuss how to lead crypto and web3 ever forward.
Published 12/07/22
In Web3, network effects are fundamental and critical to survival. If you’re building in Web3 properly, then it should automatically include network effects. Listen in as General Partner Morgan Beller acts like the river guide of network effects for Web3 as she shares her experience and insights on how to be defensible in this new world. Eventually, we will see Web3 swallow Web2 - look how much we’ve learned since that white paper for BTC arrived in 2009. Founders on the frontlines of the...
Published 12/07/22
We're highlighting a breakthrough moment - this summer, Dr. Jacob Hanna, a professor at the Weizmann Institute of Science published a paper demonstrating that synthetic mouse embryos could be grown outside the womb, without an egg or sperm. This is a major advance that was covered by Nature, The Washington Post, The New York Times, and others. Today, the head of NFXBio Omri Amirav-Drory is sitting down with Dr. Hanna to discuss how we reached this milestone, what it means for science, and...
Published 12/06/22
What city you live in. Who you date or marry. Which job you choose. What clothes you wear. We all think we make these choices ourselves. It certainly feels like we’re in full control. The unseen hand in them all is the networks that surround us and the powerful math they exert on us. This episode outlines how we see network effects impacting nearly every aspect of your life. It will hopefully help you make decisions that are more true to the kind of life you want to lead. This is an audio...
Published 11/30/22
What city you live in. Who you date or marry. Which job you choose. What clothes you wear. We all think we make these choices ourselves. It certainly feels like we’re in full control. The unseen hand in them all is the networks that surround us and the powerful math they exert on us. This episode outlines how we see network effects impacting nearly every aspect of your life. It will hopefully help you make decisions that are more true to the kind of life you want to lead. This is an audio...
Published 11/30/22
We spend a lot of time teaching Founders how to use network effects to create these giant, world-changing businesses, but we think that too little has been said about how society should adapt to these new network effect behemoths we’re helping create. This episode is hosted by general partner James Currier as he discusses how network effect businesses are reshaping the world, why it's our responsibility to design and thoughtfully set up social contracts with our different constituents, and...
Published 11/23/22
In biology we have a saying: what doesn’t kill you mutates and tries again. Cancer. Deadly viruses. These problems are so hard to tackle because the goalposts are always moving. Thanks to evolution, these diseases often outpace therapies and vaccines. Today, NFX General Partner and Head of NFX Bio Omri Amirav-Drory is sitting down with two Founders using platforms to stay a step ahead of evolution. Jacob Glanville, Founder of Centivax, has developed a platform to create broad spectrum...
Published 11/22/22
These are case studies and stories that outline network effects in the wild - it is a montage of how big tech companies like Trulia, Meta, Uber, and even Bitcoin navigate their defensibility over time. For the best experience of this episode, watch our case studies at nfx.com/masterclass or by searching on YouTube to get the visual side of these deep dives. That was episode 6 of 11, from the Network effects masterclass. Stay tuned and subscribe as next up is Ep. 7 - Network Problems Demand...
Published 11/18/22
Realize that your startup itself is a network. Your goal is to bond people to it. When you attach, or bond, one node to your network, it adds value to all the other nodes. This is episode 5, from the NFX Masterclass, covering Network Bonding Theory. Learn best practices for bonding nodes to your network led by NFX General Partner James Currier as he shows you a set of mechanisms that will help you build network effects startups even better. This is an audio version of episode 5 from The...
Published 11/09/22
Durability = Network Effects + Economies of Scale + Brand + Embedding + IP. Learn about these other 4 strategies for startup durability outside of network effects from NFX General Partner, Pete Flint. Value creation mostly accrues in the out-years when usage, revenue, and growth compound. Founders who win big spend more time at the beginning on creating products and business mechanisms that follow these five durability factors and thus drive increasing returns at scale. This is an audio...
Published 10/26/22
Unlock the NFX map to understand how each network effect works — in episode 3 of the Network Effects Masterclass, General Partner James Currier will review the 16 types of network effects and how they reinforce each other in powerful ways. Learn to analyze the NFX map to determine how to engineer sustained, long-term growth into your startup. This is an abridged version of episode 3 from The Network Effects Masterclass, curated for audio and listening on the go. For the full video...
Published 10/19/22