Noah Kagan is Totally Not As Annoying And Cheesy Anymore
“I first started getting emails from Noah bragging about being one of the first employees at Facebook and getting fired. It seemed he kept getting lucky opportunities at rocketship companies like Mint and then getting fired all the while claiming he was some marketing genius signing every email with some cheesy pander to tacos. I sort of thought he was a bro-guy-cocky-punk-- like challenging his audience to be really annoying to people in the world like asking a barista for a discount on coffee while offering absolutely no reason.
But I kept myself on his email list. And I kept reading the emails. And I kept finding the length
and rhythm of his emails perfect. More importantly he kept offering free tools that helped me increase my email list and make small improvements in my life.
I've now just listened to his brand new podcast and he delivers right off the bat. He opens by stating to Tim Ferriss "I am going to ask you questions you've never answered publicly before." I've listened to nearly every Tim Ferriss podcast, and Noah delivers. The entire set of newly released podcasts kept me interested from beginning to end. Half of the time I felt like I was googling for the links to resources that came up in the interviews.
After really digging this podcast, I find I respect Noah's authenticity. Truth is if you are authentic, you are sometimes going to come off embarasssig yourself occasionally, I'm the punk. I've been sitting comfortaby back on my couch judging him because I felt challenged and threatened.
I'm dropping my judgement of my impression of Noah's "bro-ness" and just going to admit, Noah is really really helpful, he's dedicated to providing effective tools to improve the self and your business. And anyway, any guy who mixes dorky excalmations like "holy moly" with the f-word interchangeably will always keep you guessing.”Read full review »
Gabe Mott via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·
“Noah's stuff is always above and beyond, regardless of form factor. This podcast is no different. Free advice from one of the top overachievers, who can say no to that?!”Read full review »