Freedom Day or Juneteenth, as it is best known, is a holiday celebrating the emancipation of African Americans who had been enslaved in the United States. We are joined by Rev. Anthony Mtuaswa Johnson, Mississippi born, and Chicago bred, is an Ordained Unitarian Universalist Minister, speaker, writer, poet, producer, soldier, teacher, mentor and Elder. His sermon will share the history of this recognition of the date slavery was officially outlawed in the state of Texas and the meaning of...
Published 06/20/21
Opens with a reading from A Drop in the Bucket by Gordan McKeeman, then our choir sings There is a Love, then Nancy speaks in honor of Volunteer Recognition Sunday. "Church is run by those who find meaning and community in volunteer association with others. This type of activity can create unexpected connection within and between ourselves. Today we will talk about why we volunteer, and then honor those who give themselves to the work of this church community."
Published 06/13/21
Begins with a story by Margaret Rogers - Making Community Soup. Then Jaie leads a hymn by Lyndsey Watson. Then Rev. Nancy speaks: "There is a difference between inviting someone TO a dance, and inviting them to DANCE. How do we move from invitation to inclusion? From wanting to look good by having the right people coming to church, to being good by embracing people. As we talk about our doors and windows, we will explore how we invite folk into our beloved community." Ends with Maria...
Published 05/16/21
In honor of those who nurture others, you will hear a Call to Worship, hymn From You I Receive, a Blessing, the original “Mother's Day Proclamation” By Julia Ward Howe, then stories from three mothers/daughters, Janet, Heather, and Nancy. The recording ends with the hymn Let it be a dance we do.
Published 05/10/21
This Sunday we continue our celebration of Women’s History Month by reviewing the four 'waves' of the feminist movement, and the recognition that liberation will require collective action to prevail, over individualistic achievement.
Published 05/03/21
Opens with a reading of “Thresholds” by Arlen Goff. Then Rev. Nancy reflects on: How do you move through doors? Have you ever pondered this question? Thresholds and doors are very symbolic about how we move through life and how we enter new times in our life. This week's sermon will focus on how we deal with the in-between moments of our lives that can offer the most insight and growth potential.
Published 05/03/21
In the books we read, and movies we watch, we find mirrors - experiences that reflect our own, and windows - views into lives we can barely imagine. Representation is important - all people should be able to find mirrors and we should all be able to peek into all sorts of different lived experiences. If we actively seek out diverse stories, not only do we broaden our perspectives, we also cast an economic vote that helps to increase the chances those stories can be told. Opening Words adapted...
Published 04/25/21
An Earth Day celebration developed by our Climate Action Team (CAT). John P reads “Earth” written By Rev. Mark L. Belletini. A video created by CAT members, sharing something they have committed to doing in light of the current climate crisis. Piano – For the Beauty of the Earth. Video on carbon footprint by Des. A Guided Meditation from Nancy. Greg Smith reads A Prayer of Healing, written by The United Nations Environmental Sabbath Program. Podcast ends with Blue Boat Home performed by our...
Published 04/18/21
Opens with a reading of from The Soul of Money by Lynne Twist. Sermon by Nancy: "Society messages make us feel we never have enough- we need more things, better cars, bigger homes... and we are left with a sense of scarcity and that we ourselves are insufficient. We can change the framing to realize we have what we need, and we can make a difference by choosing what we invest or time and resources in."
Published 04/11/21
The story of Jesus' resurrection from a UU perspective.
Published 04/04/21
CB Beal, M.Div., will be our guest speaker on Sunday, Feb. 28, speaking on "Preemptive Radical Inclusion During COVID Times and Beyond." CB will share reflections on the idea of Preemptive Radical Inclusion as an entryway to increase justice and equity among ourselves and in the world, a way to embody beloved community in a time of physical isolation and social connection. Opens with a reading "I will not die an unlived life,” by Dawna Markova.
Published 03/03/21
Air, one of the four elements, is the only one we can't actually see. But we sense it with our eyes, hearing and touch. We will explore the ways we know air, and then as a communion together we will take a collective breath, honoring this essential element of life. Includes readings from John Fire Lame Deer, Gail Forsyth-Vail, Richard Gilbert, Lewis Latimer, David Abrams, and Lyall Watson, and concludes with Maria playing Prelude in D flat op. 43 no. 1 by R. Glier.
Published 03/02/21
At the end of your life, will you be able to reflect back and know you have lived the life you wanted? Or are you urgently attending to one thing after another, without the time to take care of your basic needs? And what are those basic needs? These questions help give each of us clarity about whether we are doing the works that brings us alive and gives us meaning. We will explore how we prioritize our lives.
Published 02/07/21
In this sermon, guest preacher Ariel Aaronson-Eves invites us to reflect on how we relate to the world around us and the various traditions that have connected or disconnected people from the land and its creatures. What healing becomes possible when we open ourselves up to communicating with even the most pesky of yellowjacket wasps? What kind of counter-oppressive culture might be created through relationships of reciprocity within our ecosystems? (Recording includes a reading by Emily Kedar.)
Published 01/31/21
This will be the longest night this year. So often we use this time of year to long for the light and wait for a kindling of fire to instill new life in us. How about we think about what the night offers to us? Instead of looking for something else, let us explore where we are (darkness) and why this is a normal part of each day, and each life. Recording begins with hymn Dark of Winter, by Shelley Jackson Denham, sung by Northlake choir, ends with When I am Frightened by Denham. Also...
Published 01/27/21
When we think of the homeless/unhoused community, what often comes to mind are tent cities, cardboard signs, struggle, hopelessness, addiction, isolation, and a community with tremendous needs. Eli Poore, a Unitarian Universalist seminarian, Community Ministry Intern, and community organizer who has been working with the unhoused community using a strength and relationship-based organizing process in Corpus Christi, Texas, shares what lessons unhoused communities have to offer us about...
Published 01/27/21
We celebrate fire in this service, thinking of what it offers as one of the basic elements of our planet. And fitting with this, we will have time for a burning bowl; a time to reflect on what to put behind us this past year, and what to move into as we look to the future. (Opening words adapted from “Out of the Flames” by Sara Eileen LaWall; includes a poem by May Sarton, and concludes with music - Romance by Shostakovich.)
Published 01/20/21
Unitarian Universalists have seven principles that guide us... but in 2017 an Eighth Principle was introduced for consideration. This principle is about how we dismantle racism and move to anti-oppression in our faith. This is a fitting topic as we celebrate Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (Includes a chalice lighting written by Rebekah Savage.)
Published 01/17/21
Recording opens with a prayer reflecting on the events at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. This is followed by a reading from Ivone Gebara in Longing For Running Water. Then Rev. Nancy:"Many of us have rejected the theology of God we were raised with. For some, this has left us without a theology and without religious language. We explore theologies that may offer a new way to move into our religious home with intellectual engagement."
Published 01/10/21
Begins with hymn Here Together, written by David Glasgow. Reading: “The Church Has Left the Building” By Margaret Weis. Sermon: Foundation of Congregants - "UU's have a foundational belief in Congregational Polity. This means that we have no higher authority in our faith tradition than the congregation itself. This calls us to know ourselves well and to be responsible. It calls us to make promises to each other, trust each other, and commit to each other that we will care for each other. ...
Published 10/11/20
Rev. Nancy leads a meditation, involving four elements: earth, sky, fire and water. Then Rev. Nancy speaks about Our UU Ancestors. Her summary: "We understand ourselves only in the context of our history, although we may not fully recognize how ancestors are foundational. This week we will talk about our ancestors, talking about why we need to know how they influence us, and then specifically introducing Hosea Ballou and William Ellory Channing, our Unitarian and our Universalist 'fathers'."...
Published 10/04/20
The recording begins with a reading of a poem by Maya Angelou, in honor of the loss of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Then our new music director, Jaie, leads us in singing There is a Love. Nancy shares a "Meditation on Hope and Love in a Time of Struggle" By Alice Anacheka-Nasemann, and a sermon on a Faith of the Heart and the Head - Foundational Theologies of Unitarians and Universalists. The recording closes with the hymn We Shall be Known.
Published 09/20/20
Begins with song "Let Your Little Light Shine". The Time for All Ages was about Creating a Home. Hymn: Return Again. Sermon on Coming Home - synopsis: "Our theme for the year is Our House of Belonging, and we will begin by welcoming you home to Northlake after a summer of wanderings. Which leads to the questions...what makes a place home? Where do you belong, and when we ultimately are alone with ourselves in life, what makes us feel a sense of belonging?" Ends with song: Love Come and Be...
Published 09/06/20