Published 10/17/24
A woman shares her story of meeting a man who initially approached her with the intention of helping her with her business. Trusting him, they began dating, during which he started asking for money but continually postponed repaying her. She explains that she always gave him the money he requested because he promised to return more than what he took
Published 10/16/24
A woman is asserting her right to a portion of her late spouse's assets on behalf of her child. As she navigates this complex process, she seeks to secure a fair share for her child, she highlight the difficulties she faces with her late husband’s brother, who is obstructing her access to the properties.
Published 10/15/24
A woman shares her journey after 13 years in a committed relationship. As they break up due to ongoing issues, she bravely steps forward to request her share of the properties they built together
Published 10/14/24
Obra - Adom TV
Published 10/11/24
A woman alleges that another woman is trying to steal her husband, with whom she has been with for 14 years. In the husband's defense, he claims he told the other woman before their marriage that he intended to marry another woman in addition to her in the future, and she agreed. However, the wife insists that no such conversation ever took place
Published 10/10/24
Grandma asserts that she provides better care for her grandchild than the child's father, and is seeking full custody. Tune in to hear the full story as the grandmother and father battle over custody of the young child
Published 10/09/24
Grandma is adamant about seeking full custody of her youngest grandchild from her aunt, claiming that she has been the sole caregiver since the child was born, without any support from the late father’s family. She struggles to understand why the child is currently with her aunt. However, the story is more complex than it appears. Listen as the aunt shares her perspective and uncovers the deeper truths behind how the child came to be in her care.
Published 10/08/24
A 19-year-old mother of two is facing difficulties as both fathers deny being the children’s biological dads. One of the alleged fathers claims he is not accepting paternity because the young mother told him about the pregnancy when she was six months pregnant
Published 10/07/24
A 19-year-old boy living with his father and stepmother is facing accusations of stealing gold from his parents. He asserts that they have consulted fetish priests and pastors to locate the missing gold, but all signs point to him as the thief. He continues to deny any involvement in the theft
Published 10/04/24
I met a man when I was learning tailoring. We started dating. After, I went to stay with my madam for a while, and her husband also raped me. A week later, I realized my menses were late, but when I checked, I was 4 months and some weeks pregnant, so I figured it was for my boyfriend. I told my boyfriend about the issue, and he claims the child isn’t his since my madam’s husband also slept with me during that period - Girl Shares
Published 10/03/24
My late wife's death was quite mysterious. We had three children together, but after her passing, my sister-in-law took them all and severed our connection. Now, the kids don’t even want to tell me where they are," the man said
Published 10/02/24
A 19-year-old boy living with his father and stepmother is facing accusations of stealing gold from his parents. He asserts that they have consulted fetish priests and pastors to locate the missing gold, but all signs point to him as the thief. He continues to deny any involvement in the theft
Published 10/01/24
Caretaker reports that a man brought her a 3-week-old baby, claiming the child's mother, a Nigerian, had abandoned the child. The boy's family initially agreed to her caring for the baby and provided support. However, the caretaker now states that the family has stopped sending money or supplies to help with the child's needs
Published 09/30/24
Obra - Adom TV
Published 09/27/24
Obra - Adom TV
Published 09/26/24
A 21-year-old girl shares that her father has never shown her any care as she grew up. She became a mother at 18 because the boy she was with was the one supporting her. Her father claims that, despite having money, he will never take responsibility for her because the father of her child is Nigerian
Published 09/25/24
After 22 years of marriage and three children, a man asserts that his youngest child isn’t his, based on claims made by his wife’s closest friend. Meanwhile, the woman argues that the man’s other wife bribed this friend to spread falsehoods about her. As tensions rise, tune in as we delve into this matter to uncover the truth.
Published 09/24/24
Man says he can't take care of the child because the young girl didn't stay with him during her pregnancy, citing cultural reasons. The girl's family demands compensation since he hasn't stepped up. He claims he relies on his "handsomeness" for survival and is currently unemployed
Published 09/23/24
A woman shares her heart-wrenching experience of catching her ex-fiancé cheating, a betrayal made even more painful by the fact that his mother knew about the other girl. This revelation led to their breakup, but she resolved to move forward with her life. However, she now struggles as he has stopped supporting their two children, leaving her to navigate the challenges of motherhood alone
Published 09/20/24
Woman claims to have children with two different men and is struggling with both regarding their parenting responsibilities. She shares the challenges she faces with each of them in fulfilling their roles as parents
Published 09/19/24
A woman expresses that her ex-partner has completely detached her access to their son, denying her the opportunity to see or communicate with him. The man firmly insists on preventing her from having any contact, leaving her feeling isolated from her child
Published 09/18/24
A taxi driver noticed a girl who appeared disheveled and desperate, clearly seeking help. She opened up about her situation: A friend had persuaded her to come to Ghana, promising a job opportunity she didn't fully understand. Upon her arrival, she realized the job was prostitution. Summoning her courage, she managed to leave the house in search of assistance
Published 09/17/24
A man lived in his spouse’s family home for 16 years. Tragically, when his wife was giving birth to their fifth child, she did not survive. Since her passing, the man has left the responsibility of caring for their children entirely to his late wife’s family, neglecting to address any of their needs himself.
Published 09/16/24
A woman reveals that since the birth of her first child, every subsequent pregnancy has sparked fierce arguments with her husband, who repeatedly pressured her to terminate the pregnancies. After giving birth to their 5th child, she was unexpectedly blessed with twins. All attempts to abort the twins failed, and now, her husband has vanished without a trace, leaving no clue about his whereabouts since the twins' arrival
Published 09/13/24