Good Banter...but a bit too long
I am a big fan of the concept and I enjoy listening to both presenters (on other podcasts as well,) however, the format is too long for amount of content. 50 minutes is a long time to get to the bottom of thing.
jr_fortin via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 12/22/17
More reviews of Omnibus
The language and topics covered are amazing. I look forward to each episode- no doubt it will be on a topic I never heard of before. Plus Ken Jennings is back!
Joe---- via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 01/13/18
I had high hopes given the hosts but this podcast is too glib and chummy. It's not a way to learn new things, but rather an exercise in listening to two people's discursive and pun-prone chat.Read full review »
thargr via Apple Podcasts · Canada · 01/05/18
John Roderick and Ken Jennings engage in humorus, intelligent, conversation about history.
Abram Cove via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 12/11/17
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