#430 Michael Bungay Stanier | Author “The Coaching Habit” | Global Thought Leader in Coaching
I have to tell you a little about today's episode. A few weeks ago, one of our former guests wrote to me. He asked me to support him. He wanted to give his most successful book to date, "The Coaching Habit", which was published in 2016, another boost. For me, it's one of the most important books I've read and episode 363, in which he was our guest, was one of the best we've ever done. I quickly realized that we would do another episode in which he first explains the idea and then we do a deep dive into the book.
The Coaching Habit's sold about 1.2 million copies. It's got more than 10,000 5-star reviews on-line, and has been ...
... deemed "a classic" by Brené Brown
... said to teach "the essentials of coaching" by Dan Pink
... called "the best book on coaching" by Seth Godin.
Over the past 7 years, we have talked to more than 500 people in 430 episodes about what has changed for them when it comes to work and what needs to continue to change. We are absolutely certain that it is important right now. After all, the idea of "New Work" was developed during a real crisis. Why is coaching an important key to a better understanding of leadership? And how exactly does it work? We are looking for methods, role models, experiences, tools and ideas that bring us closer to the core of New Work! From the very beginning, we have also been concerned with the question of whether everyone can find and live what they really, really want at heart. You are at "On the Way to New Work" - today for the second time with the wonderful and inspiring Michael Bungay Stanier.
#thecoachig habit
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