Sam discovers that she's not alone. Dr Abbey and Jim discover what's going on outside their spaceship. Jamie makes a new friend, and discovers an old one.
Published 10/31/21
Steve Diamond is desperate to drag Sam back to Buckstop to claim his bounty, but there's Mikey commanding a Zombie Horde in his way! Is there any hope of escape for Sam and Jo?
Published 10/31/21
Jamie is surrounded by police and comes up with a lie to keep them at bay! Sam has to go back to Hydesville House to be picked up by her Dad, but will she be the only one there!?
Published 10/31/21
Bounty Hunters are on the case! Mavis goes into the woods. Bobby goes to visit Criminal Masterminds. Steve investigates Sam's prison break, as Voom grows more out-of-control!!
Published 10/31/21
Can Jamie win the game of hide and seek when Steve Diamond tracks him down to his Auntie and Uncle's house? Can Sam’s new friend Jo and her Foster Parents blow her cover?!
Published 10/31/21
Sam escapes Prison and is hidden away in a Group Home until her Dad, Colonel Jones can rescue her. Meanwhile Jamie only has the internet to find out how to beat Buckstop!
Published 10/31/21
Buckstop is having a great day! The resistance all arrested! His arch enemy Sam is being brought before him by Steve Diamond! Nobody could possibly spoil this day. Or…could they?!
Published 10/31/21
While Sam and Jo are on the run and Sam's Mom and Jamie's Dad still can't get their pilot to land where they want, Jamie joins an online resistance group led by the mysterious P.
Published 10/31/21
When Voom Buckstop is challenged by Jamie and Sam on the White House lawn, Buckstop threatens to blow everyone up with the 'Nuclear Football!' Can Sam & Jamie save the day?
Published 10/30/21
Can Sam escape her fate at the hands of Mikey's Zombie-fingers? And can Jamie hide himself away from Buckstop's newest weapon: Bounty Hunters!?
Published 10/30/21
Buckstop continues to rage against nature, getting ready to launch his global attack - World War Tree! Will our heroes be able to stop him in time?
Published 02/17/20
Published 02/17/20
Jamie and Sam find themselves facing the Squirrel King and his gang of angry animals. Will they be cracked open like a box of nuts? Or can they persuade them to join forces to beat Buckstop?
Published 02/17/20
With Buckstop having let slip where their parents are, Jamie and Sam make their way into the mine. Where they realise they can use the space ship’s time travelling powers to outwit the guards.
Published 02/17/20
Jamie and Sam return to find the spaceship, only to find they’re surrounded. On the ground, and overhead too. But Granny’s armed and dangerous with her skooshy skoosher zombie soaker…
Published 02/17/20
Our heroes touch down in Scotland and are on their way to Jamie’s uncle and aunt. But Buckstop and Smillie are on to them…
Published 02/17/20
Last time Jamie and Sam went back to school to find that everything was crazy. Mrs Singh chased them and they ended up in the woods with some curious creatures. Surely nothing bad at all will happen to them there?
Published 02/17/20
Mikey Buckstop is Mayor. Voom Buckstop is Ruler of the World! Our heroes, the world’s most wanted criminals, are now hiding among the trash – literally! And what’s happening with the animals? They don’t seem happy…
Published 02/17/20
When Jamie and Sam asked the aliens to help them against big bad Buckstop, they laughed. So now they’re returning to Planet Earth to take him on themselves … but they quickly discover things have changed. A lot!
Published 02/17/20
Our heroes make their escape from those nasty old aliens with their gargling gnomes and go in search of food, only to find themselves on another planet where things are even weirder.
Published 02/17/20
Welcome back to our ordinary everyday story of two kids in a battle to save the world. We join them trapped in an alien spaceship, while down below, their hometown and everyone they know are being turned into zombies by billionaire baddie Voom Buckstop.
Published 02/17/20
Chief Anderson demonstrates the effects of ‘Zombie Juice’ to a room full of government officials, meanwhile Buckstop and Mikey head out into the stormy night armed with water blasters filled with yellow liquid, ready to cause havoc on the town!
Published 11/10/19
Dr Smillie fights squirrels over zombie juice while Colonel Jones discovers… no UFO in the the Swenson Farm barn! Meanwhile Jamie wonders where Granny McSporran has disappeared to.
Published 11/10/19
Colonel Jones, Jamie and Sam notice that Granny is missing and alert the authorities, meanwhile, deep underground the mysterious super government set the wheels in motion to to force Sam’s Dad to find the UFO. Later, Sam and Jamie make a new friend… in the woods!
Published 11/10/19
As the mysterious spy guys continue their pursuit of Jamie & Sam, Granny McSporran arrives to save our young heroes and speedily gets them to safety. They arrive at Gunnar Swenson’s farm to get some blue space juice from the secretly hidden UFO. Granny McSporran drives the kids back to Sam’s house where Sam’s Dad, Colonel Jones, is in no mood to hear their nonsense about UFO’s and Zombies! Granny decides to take matters into her own hands but get more than she bargains for…
Published 11/10/19