A spaceship? In the mine? The source of Buckstop's power to zombify is revealed ... as Jamie and his gang make their escape.
Published 11/17/17
After a subterranean chase, Jamie and Sam find themselves face to face with the source of the mysterious zombie-juice ...
Published 11/13/17
Buckstop's goons, and a classful of zombiefied schoolchildren, chase Jamie and Sam across town. And those squirrels are back.
Published 11/10/17
Is that a lemonade truck parked outside the school? Or something way more dangerous? Sam and Jamie escape Dr Smillie's trap, but will they be in time to save their classmates ...?
Published 11/06/17
A zombiefied squirrel? And a zombiefied police chief? The weirdness is spreading ... Meanwhile, Dr Smillie tries to lure Jamie and Sam into a trap.
Published 11/03/17
Mine-owner Voom Buckstop reassures the crowd all is well, but Jamie's dad has still not returned home. And later Buckstop unknowingly lets slip his evil plan over the airwaves ...
Published 10/31/17
Jamie and Sam hear an explosion coming from the mine, and run to help. It seems no-one's been hurt, but one of the mineworkers is acting decidedly ... weird.
Published 10/31/17
On the first day at his new school, Jamie is befriended by Sam, and harassed by the school bully. Local billionaire Voom Buckstop makes an unwelcome appearance in class.
Published 10/31/17
There’s a strange glowing liquid which affects those who touch it… and there are zombies.
Published 10/26/17