Reviewing the most popular books about only children, advice on how to help your kid become independent, and an announcement about the show. Until 2:50 is the announcement, 2:50 on is book reviews, with the exception of 11:30-21:30, which is the section on empowerment and independence for only kids.  Here are the books mentioned, with ratings out of 4 stars **** One and Only: The Freedom of Having an Only Child, and the Joy of Being One by Lauren Sandler *** Parenting an Only Child by Dr....
Published 10/31/20
 "There are no small things." We continue with information and reframes around mental health, executive dysfunction, and faith, as it pertains to parenting one child. Audio repeats at one point due to a glitch- if this happens, just skip ahead a few minutes. 
Published 10/22/20
Some reframes to help us parents of onlys have more self-compassion and perspective on this awesome endeavor we're undertaking. And since it's episode 10, we are celebrating by giving away 10 copies of the classic parenting book How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk! Simply share our show on social media and send the screenshot to [email protected]. We'll send copies to the first 10 folks who do it! Meanwhile, in this episode we validate that 1) being the only...
Published 10/21/20
"When single child families idealize what they don't have: how the fantasy of larger families can poison our happiness and development" by Lauren Sandler arrived right on time for Jamie, who was struggling with intrusive thoughts about the second child that isn't here. This episode is the journey to get closer to being more fully present with the child who is here, moving from the "bargaining" stage of grief into a genuine and deeper acceptance of the reality and the gifts of being a single...
Published 10/14/20
Our onlys are our focus; sometimes we forget significant others. Kathy shares 3 ways to stay connected to our partners and the movie that helped her marriage through a rough spot. We value our single parents too and have an episode tailored to them in the works. Intro biz ends and episode officially starts around [3:00]. Email us at [email protected]. You’re welcome to join our Facebook group One and Done: Raising an Only Child, Not a Lonely Child. --- This episode is sponsored...
Published 10/09/20
When your kid has much older or younger siblings, including potentially half and step siblings, how can you help create the conditions for a positive relationship? Jamie shares personal feelings and experiences around growing up as an only in that situation. She touches on scheduling logistics* and then, at the [6:50] mark, the importance of “consistency of narrative.” We are looking for guests, especially if you feel blissful about your family size! Contact us with episode suggestions and...
Published 09/30/20
In this vulnerable, funny, & practical episode, Kathy shares some relatable true stories about people’s reactions to her having one child. She offers thoughts on how to deal with uncomfortable conversations, normalizes the stages of grief for those going through them, and suggests a wide variety of comebacks and responses to the nosy, well-meaning folks who just can’t get the hint. Content notice: this episode very briefly mentions miscarriage. It also alludes to “triangle families” but...
Published 09/23/20
[3:10] 1. Chill out. [5:15] 2. Take care of ourselves. [6:15] Geeking out about active listening. [7:53] 3. Active listening. [14:09] 4. Family traditions and norms. [18:20] 5. Community. [20:12] 6. Responsibility. [21:51] 7. Choose gratitude. Books: How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk, Happiest Kid On The Block, How to Raise an Adult. Email: [email protected]
Published 09/17/20
What famous onlies have said about their childhoods. Key themes: relationship with oneself, comfort with solitude and reflection, connection to nature and animals, self-reliance, and grit. You are welcome to join our Facebook group One and Done: Raising an Only Child, Not a Lonely Child. [1:01] preview of episodes to come. Email [email protected] with episode ideas and feedback. [2:01] Betty White [3:59] implications of Betty’s story for us parents. [6:15] Alicia Keys [8:00]...
Published 09/09/20
We discuss two main myths about only children: that we’re spoiled and have poor social skills. We also talk about concrete ways to help our kids learn empathy and responsibility. You won’t want to miss Kathy’s hilarious “parenting fail.” Books mentioned: How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk, Parenting with Love and Logic, 123 Magic, How to Raise an Adult: Break Free from the Over-parenting Trap.
Published 09/05/20
Email us at [email protected]. Scroll to your child’s age for most relevant content. [4:00] Less than 5 years old. [30:00] 6-10 years old. [58:40] teenager. References: PBS Kids, Epic reading, Scholastic storytelling, Go Noodle, Sago Mini, KiwiCo, Duolingo, virtual babysitter
Published 09/05/20
Have you ever wondered how only children feel when they grow up? Meet Kathy, a co-host of the show who shares her experience growing up as an only child and what was helpful and unhelpful to her, and how she applies those experiences as she parents her 11 year old son. Spoiler alert: she and her son are awesome!
Published 09/01/20