The Joy of every farmer is to be productive and be successful in his farming operation. Becoming successful requires deliberate understanding of daily activities and its alignment to PURPOSE. https://youtu.be/Drw1DlvxXoQ
Published 05/10/21
The categorization of farmers into smallholder and commercial hang on two factors: the farm size and revenue. The quest to rescue smallholder farmers from economic challenges that chained them has created a research and production paradigm rooted in a belief system of “input is the King”. Input can create the primary product but it doesn’t create the wealth because wealth is created through meeting the demands of the consumers consistently. The wealth created by input for smallholder farmers...
Published 04/30/21
Welcome to our Daily Podcast! What makes a business stronger is ability to withstand challenges capable of sinking the ship and still stay afloat. In this Podcast we are discussing strategies that can help a business move from just surviving into sustainability. For enquiries, kindly visit www.justoneplot.com or send us an email address [email protected]
Published 04/19/21
Welcome to our Daily Podcast! The bedrock of successful crop production is right knowledge of plant Nutrition beyond the general requirement for crops but into specificity. Join Dr. Shamie Zingore of African Plant Nutrition Institute as he takes on the Journey of Plant Nutrition Essentials for successful crop production. For enquiries kindly contact us on [email protected]
Published 04/09/21
Welcome to our Daily Podcast! You can only overcome a challenge you have identified and its threat mapped out. Knowing the area of your Agribusiness investment, what do you think is threatening and will threaten the sustainability of your agribusiness Investment? Kindly listen and share todays' podcast and lets help as many MSME farmers in our cycle. For enquiries: [email protected]
Published 04/09/21
Welcome to our Daily Podcast! Seeing through the eyes of challenges is core to reaching the desire future. Today we continue on our discussion on Diversity. If accessibility to water becomes harder than present time and underground water becomes more scarce what options do you have to achieve your desired goal? Kindly reach out to us on [email protected] +2348037263527
Published 04/08/21
Welcome to our Daily Podcast! Tim Berners-Lee "We need diversity of thought in the world to face the new challenges". The challenges we are faced with and still facing are changing everything, operational models, farming systems etc. To design a sustainable model, we must understand the type of challenges we are faced with. In today's podcast we will be discussing the "The New World Order of Agriculture" Kindly listen and share with everyone. We cant be doing same thing same way, expecting a...
Published 04/07/21
With over 500million smallholder farmers in developing countries, Food insecurity should have been forgotten. Our present challenges globally is an indication that smallholder farmers and many commercial farms are just existing. Mr. BHUPINDER SINGH MAMIK took us through some of the reasons why both commercial farms and smallholder farms will continue to fail until steps are taken. Kindly catch up with his presentation in this podcast. for enquiries kindly contact us on [email protected]...
Published 04/06/21
Agribusiness Investment is not different from other businesses. It operates in an environment and its success depends on our ability to identify internal and external forces. In this series, Mrs. Edobong shared with us 10 important forces we need to master in other to be build a successful Agribusiness Enterprise. Kindly listen, absorb and share with others. for enquiries kindly contact us on [email protected] +2348037263527
Published 04/05/21
Welcome to our Daily Podcast! There is no way you can be effective in costing without detailed stock validation. Today we are discussing stock validation as an element that helps the growth of agribusiness enterprise. Kindly review your costing system by validating your stock position as it relates to your costing system.  for enquiries kindly contact us on [email protected] +2348037263527
Published 04/02/21
Welcome to our Daily Podcast! As Smallholder farmers and Agribusiness actors we assumed our current positions because fundamentals of business growth were ignored. In this podcast, we are discussing an essential element that will help you understand the position of your Agribusiness Investment. Kindly create a document and list out all your assets with depreciation value to the smallest. for enquiries kindly contact us on [email protected] +2348037263527
Published 04/02/21
Welcome to our Daily Podcast. We like to continue on the discussion started yesterday on efficient costing system that helps promote efficiency in your farming operations.
Published 03/31/21
Welcome to our Daily Podcast! When we operate inefficient costing systems, it is like digging holes in our pocket. The more we think our revenue through selling price is fantastic, the more we become broke and growth impedes. How efficient is your Costing System? when we don't know the cost to capture, we create a table with two legs and as such making the growth of our Agribusiness Enterprise more challenging and unsustainable. Join us today as we discuss the Costing system in our farm...
Published 03/30/21
Welcome to our Daily Podcast! Today we are looking at 4 types of depreciation you can adopt to help you become more efficient in your product and services costing.  Kindly list out all your assets and equipment and evaluate its depreciation value and introduce it into your costing model. If you encounter any difficulty, kindly contact us on [email protected] or +2348037263527
Published 03/29/21
Welcome to our Daily Podcast! Smallholder farmers remain in the community of smallholders for years not because the Agribusiness sector is poor but because they choose to neglect and not embrace Farm record keeping. Today, we are discussing an element that caused a poor costing system and as such impedes growth. Kindly listen, share and follow us. +2348037263527, [email protected]
Published 03/26/21
Welcome to our Daily Podcast! Knowing why and how to generate a record/data is quite different from keeping them and knowing why and how to use it in making decision. Becoming effective with this process is another level. Kindly join us today as we discus these linkages and benefits of these linkages to your Agribusiness Enterprise. kindly share with others. +2348037263527 [email protected]
Published 03/25/21
Welcome to our Daily Podcast! Keep the record, has become a slogan but to achieve efficiency in farming operations, be detailed about your production process and then keep its record. In today's podcast we will be learning about what to keep and why you should keep production records. Kindly share with others and lets support as many MSME agribusiness enterprise. www.justoneplot.com
Published 03/24/21
 We like to welcome you to todays podcast! Success demands singleness of purpose and if the purpose is not known abuse is inevitable. why do you keep records? If the why is not known find how might be of no need. Today, we are looking into- why the records? Kindly listen and share with others
Published 03/23/21
We like to welcome you to today's Podcast! Do you like to know how records can become the vehicle to take you to desired place? Join us on the series to discover the why and how it helps.  
Published 03/22/21
Having a DREAM IS NOU ENOUGH to be a successful and sustainable Agribusiness Enterprise, what next? Listen to RECAP of Farm Planning and a secret to successful Agribusiness Enterprise. Send us email on [email protected] 
Published 03/12/21
What you see and how you see it will define the approach you will deploy in achieving what you see. Today we will be looking at whole farm Planning, an holistic approach to entire farming operations. Its the secret to building sustainable farm business beyond RETIREMENT PLAN.
Published 03/11/21
Jonah Lehrer said“...the imagination is unleashed by constraints. You break out of the box by stepping into shackles.”  Constraint is natural and unique to every agribusiness. The responsibility to identify and manage is on the Agribusiness Enterprise management. What are possible constraints that are found in agribusiness enterprise and how can it be managed. Kindly listen, learn and grow.
Published 03/10/21
 Ken Robinson said “Human resources are like natural resources; they're often buried deep. You have to go looking for them, they're not just lying around on the surface. You have to create the circumstances where they show themselves.”  Agribusiness Enterprise objectives cant be achieved without right people. why should I be concerned about my recruitment process and how can I set up recruitment process that can help me achieve my Purpose. Kindly listen, learn and grow and share with others....
Published 03/10/21
Pablo Picasso Said “Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.” Financial planning is an element of farm planning that all actors must consider as important. Inability to put up a process to manage our finances has cut short many identified goals. Join us as we discuss tips on financial planning. --
Published 03/08/21