One Way's Peter and Sky talk about how Psy became such an iconic figure. He became something unique. He got famous from his energy on stage; he's a great performer and sells out his live shows. Before singing, he was a producer; he knows what people want. He was successful because he didn't try to look 'cool,' he didn't try to be super stylish. He went for the dorky/geek look instead and owned it. He knew how to appeal with his strong points and his character. He went everywhere, worldwide,...
Published 05/04/17
Published 05/04/17
Peter Hyun and Sky have a special guest this week: Lesley Chiang (Peter Chun's daughter). She gives advice to new artsists, telling them to never stop practicing. You have to be the best because there's so much competition. You have to love what you do. Enjoy it. Find gratitude in every opportunity you get. Never stop growing as an artist. There's no short-cut. Talent doesn't lie. You have to be the best and know you're the best and find your passion. To be creative; it doesn't work if you...
Published 04/27/17
Peter and Sky talk about how you can get into a songwriting camp, or how you get a demo to a publisher. It's good to have connections, and you need to be willing to work hard and persist. It helps if you're signed to a label. Companies get thousands of songs a day, so it helps if you're signed to a label or if you have someone representing you. Publishers are open to any songwriters. Call up, get as much information as you can, and find out the guidelines. It's very formal. They sign you up...
Published 04/20/17
One Way's Sky and Peter Hyun talk about plastic surgery as part of Korea's pop culture. Nowadays people are very open about getting plastic surgery and it's just as common among male stars as female. It's become part of Korea's culture because everyone wants to be beautiful, they want to enhance their looks, everyone has a complex about themselves. The duo think Koreans worry too much about what other people think; they're very self-conscious. So many tourists come to Korea for cosmetics too....
Published 04/13/17
This week is the 'best of' from One Way's Peter Hyun and Sky. Giving you the best tips about being a trainee, revealing what happens after you debut, what it's like to prepare for an album and what it's like to be backstage at a TV show. All you need to know if you want to be a K-Pop star, or have ever wondered what it's like to be a famous idol. Have you got what it takes?
Published 04/06/17
This week Peter and Sky talk about the new way K-Pop companies promote their artist's music. It's less about being discreet and a lot more to do with previews, teasers and pre-promotion. Everything used to be very secretive and a lot of the time music was 'leaked'.  Are you a fan of video teasers?
Published 03/31/17
This week Peter and Sky tell us what happens backstage on the day of a music show. They get up before sunrise, get their hair and makeup done, have a dry practice, then a camera rehearsal and finally perform on the TV. It’s a very tiring day. The duo also admit they don’t really like K-Dramas or TWICE’s ‘Knock Knock.’ But why?
Published 03/23/17
This week Peter and Sky tell us what it's like (and how to) prepare an album. The artists decide on a concept, the company collects songs from producers (SM sometimes collects 1000 songs to choose from), getting everyone in a studio at the same time, album covers and choreography. They reveal what it was like producing music for Super Junior and why they were stuck in a recording studio with the boy band for 12 hours! And insight in to the diet regime for pop stars; it's strict, especially...
Published 03/16/17
- K-Con coming to Australia - Trial run, what type of artists will come- Travelling as an idol isn't that glamorous- Idols can't go anywhere or do anything when travelling- Only rest they get is on the plane- Two break ups in K-Pop this week - How do idols find the time to meet (and date) people?- What happens after you debut- Can change direction if debut isn't a success- If success, no celebration, just how can you maintain that- A lot of pressure being an artist
Published 03/09/17
- The rise of Asian pop stars touring Australia is great - Ailee coming to Australia- Why it's harder for a solo artist compared to a group - Being in a group, you can bounce ideas,  get them to answer interview questions you don’t want to, have someone to chat to when you’re down - Maknae - Sky was One Way's Maknae - he explains what it's like being the youngest -  Beast changing their name to Highlight and why the name change happened - The effects a name change could have on the...
Published 03/02/17
One Way's Peter and Sky give you the lowdown on how they got started in the K-pop music biz.
Published 02/23/17