Ortho.i® Podcast since 2010. LifeStyle in Digital Orthodontics and AI Technologies. Dr Adriano Marotta Araujo, DDS, MS, PhD
Design e função tem grande correlação e com os alinhadores ortodônticos não é diferente. Escute nesse podcast como você pode ser tornar um ortodontia mais completo e aumentar a eficiência dos resultados nos tratamentos com alinhadores transparentes na Ortodontia. Autor: Prof Dr Adriano Marotta...
Published 10/10/20
Great business case review about Miss Dior, a masterpiece of fashion world and how the orthodontist can get important lessons about Experience, Delivery, Innovation and Results. Sponsored by Orthoi Consulting. Producer: Dr Adriano Marotta Araujo, DDS, Ms, PhD
Published 07/14/20
Orthoi New Trend is now reality for most large aligners companies. Check out how Orthoi Remote Practice, Invisalign Virtual Care, Dental Monitoring, ClearCorrect DenToGo and SureSmile can help you to start to upload your practice to the clouds, monitoring patients remotely and get a large step to...
Published 06/23/20