Imposter syndrome is real, but there’s a fix: radical self-discovery. Radical self-discovery isn’t just a nice to do, it’s a must-do. And it’s a must-do on a REGULAR basis if you want to step into the highest level of your purpose and live the most empowered version of your personal brand.    
Published 12/08/20
On today's episode, I take you behind the scenes of the morning routine that changed everything and helped me OUTGROW my goals.This new morning routine changed EVERYTHING - the consistency mixed with  intention helped me outgrow my prayers in 30 days.Many thanks 🙏🏾 to Kailei Carr @kaileicarr Ash Johns @ashinspires Monique Ruffin @moniqueruffin and Jereshia Hawk @jereshiahawk *** Welcome to December! How are you feeling about 2020? If you're like most of my clients, you may be thinking about...
Published 12/02/20
The end of the year is the perfect time to manifest money quickly. Many people are thinking about how they want to make changes in their lives, or may be reflecting on what they didn't accomplish this year that they need to bring back into focus. This is where you come in. How can you position your skillset as the solution to someone's end of year problem? How can you make yourself top of mind for those who may be ready to work with you at the top of the year. In this episode, I share five...
Published 11/25/20
Another rewind episode finds us here. This one is a bit personal, I've noticed a pattern with myself lately. I've been getting these confirmations about the things I'm doing that correspond to practices and worlds I'm not well-versed in. I heard the same message from two different people in as many days so I thought - hmm - maybe that's a podcast! The message was - we are often affected by forces we're not even aware of. It all goes back to clarifying what you want and putting that out there...
Published 11/20/20
I’ve never done a rewind episode, before but I was reminded by how many episodes I’ve recorded (157 and counting, yay!) AND how everyone listening hasn’t necessarily been here since the beginning. And even for those of you who HAVE been here since the beginning, some episodes bear repeating, so here we are. I’ve been thinking a lot about the intentions we set and how even when we make plans, our intentions tend to make the real difference because we never know exactly how we’ll reach our...
Published 11/15/20
You can land a mainstream book deal during a pandemic without a huge following... 🤯🤯🤯 After working together in our PYGA Agency program this spring and summer, our longtime client and academy alum Amber Cabral, a diversity consultant and Fortune 500 trainer, landed a mainstream book deal with Wiley Press. It all happened really fast - Amber wrote the book over the summer and it will be released on November 17 in just a few weeks. Since preorders are such a huge piece of helping books do well,...
Published 11/03/20
A little update about where the Package Your Genius podcast is going...   I haven't sat down to record an episode of Package Your Genius in eight months and for that, I need to be straight up with you and offer my sincerest apologies. When the year started, I was in a season of searching that took me a little longer than it usually takes at the beginning of a new year. I knew I was on the cusp of a season of personal and business change - I can't tell you how I knew it, but I did know it. And...
Published 10/28/20
As a personal branding coach to high achievers, I have a special insight into the inner lives of many of my clients. And one unfortunate thing many of them have in common?  They don't see themselves clearly. Their possibility and their potential for GREATNESS is often obscured by a lack of self-awareness. So they downplay their gifts, sell themselves short, and end up overlooked for the very opportunities they seek. Since the company we keep is important, and we base so much of our...
Published 02/27/20
This past fall, I had the pleasure of working with conscious business and brand strategist Ash Johns in Package Your Genius Academy. Ash has quite the bio; trained in corporate advertising, she's also highly spiritual and intuitive. Her spiritual talents and passion for social equity inform her current business where she works as a psycho-spiritual coach. Before entering PYG Academy, Ash was rightfully hesitant about money. She'd just returned to the U.S. from Bali, and her business wasn't...
Published 02/20/20
A common idea keeps many high achievers stuck in analysis paralysis. It's the inability to decide on a focus area because they are admittedly 'multi-passionate.' Every day, talented professionals fail to move their brands forward because they can't pick a direction. I've talked to many people who feel they need a separate website, distinct social media pages and brand identities for each of their passions. Let's face it - that's a lot to keep up. In my opinion, characterizing yourself as...
Published 02/12/20
Trying to figure out the next level of your brand? As much as you may think you need to start from zero and do something completely brand new, the key may be to go back to the beginning so you can see how you've always been able to summon success.  Go back.  Back to the early days. Back to those foundational experiences that defined you early on. How have you been always doing what you do? Too many of us are reinventing the wheel, thinking that "building a brand" means forging ahead into the...
Published 02/05/20
Activating a project requires a different type of energy than maintaining a project. You won't always have to work as hard to maintain something as you had to work to get it off the ground. If like me, you're a high achiever who's grown accustomed to striving, that may feel unfamiliar to you. But at some point, after you've put in the work, understand that the work will become easy.  The trick here is to remember you've earned the ease. You don't have to tear down what you've built to "make...
Published 01/30/20
This past weekend, I decided to honor the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. by doing a write-a-thon with my kids. We each have a dormant writing project that could use a little intentional time and focus - Connor has a new fiction project, Logan has a fiction/comic book project, and I have another non-fiction project in the works. So we dedicated our weekend to writing. All said we wrote for 6 hours 🤯 over 2 days - broken up in two 90 minute writing sprints each day. In between...
Published 01/21/20
One of the biggest lessons I've learned from nature is this: the leaves and flowers of any growing plant are not visible all the time. And the same is true for us as ambitious high achievers. Even though we may want to be perpetually "in bloom", that's not realistic. This time of year, it's easy to get swept away in the energy of a new year. Fresh starts. New beginnings. But what happens when your grand ambitions for the year have yet to surface? When your actual life doesn't match the...
Published 01/16/20
For high achievers, it's common for us to become immune to our accomplishments. Before the triumph of a win has settled in, we're on to the next. After jumping a major hurdle, we've already mentally raised the bar again before our feet even touch the ground. The danger is that doing this creates a diminished and completely false self-image. We're BOSSES in the world, yet when we diminish our accomplishments we begin to mentally see ourselves as ordinary people who have yet to do big things....
Published 12/24/19
I don't know about you, but I've never gotten really good at something without a ton of practice. And yet, when we get caught up in our perfectionism, we rob ourselves of the valuable practice that would make whatever we're contemplating, well, perfect. When we don't put ourselves out there, we miss out on the practice of sharing our ideas clearly having sales conversations powerfully articulating our value improving our timing and presence understanding what our audience wants getting...
Published 12/17/19
You don't need a perfect blueprint to lay the first stone. And yet, as high achievers, many of us would rather wait until we have the most failproof plans before taking the smallest action. But action, no matter how imperfect, will refine even our best plans. I learned this (again) recently when I decided to make a pivot. I went from hosting a one-day virtual event to hosting a one-month evening intensive after thinking through the needs of my academy alumni. But in this mindful pivot, I...
Published 12/08/19
If you're anything like me, you've probably had a zillion ideas that somehow 'magically' dropped into your spirit - things you somehow knew you were supposed to be doing, or chances you new you were supposed to be taking, but you couldn't explain how you knew exactly what you knew. You may call it intuition, your inner knowing, God or the Holy Spirit. Whatever you call it, you know when you've gotten a direct download. But acting on those downloads is another thing all together.  I've...
Published 11/20/19
It's The Fifth and Final Day of the Brand with Purpose Challenge! You can find Day One of the challenge, here and Day Two of the challenge here, and Day Three of the challenge here and Day Four of the challenge here. Today, we're going to take everything we brainstormed and wrote down in the challenge workbook and use it to map out the month by month calendar for next year. I've asked you what you will make it a priority to create next year. If you've decided to write your book or launch your...
Published 11/15/19
It's Day Four of the Brand with Purpose Challenge! You can find Day One of the challenge, here and Day Two of the challenge here, and Day Three of the challenge here. Today we're going to think through what we need to launch in the coming year to increase our revenue. What program or service is it time for you to launch? What is your existing audience begging you to bring forth? What have people asked for your help with this year? Does it make sense to create a course or strategy session...
Published 11/14/19
It's Day Three of the Brand with Purpose  Challenge! You can find Day One of the challenge, here and Day Two of the challenge here. Today we're going to focus on what we need to promote in the coming year to increase our visibility. What vehicles are you using to promote yourself next year? What times of the year will you be reaching out to media? What conferences and events will you apply to speak? As you've heard me say before, your expertise is likely more relevant at some parts of the...
Published 11/13/19
It's Day Two of the Brand with Purpose challenge! If you missed Day One of the challenge, listen to that episode here. Today we're going to focus on what we need to create in the coming year to optimize our personal brand platforms. What you are going to add to your platform? What can you evolve?  To give you some examples from my own brand platform, in 2016 I launched the first iteration of Package Your Genius Academy group program, and it has become an anchor program in my business. But in...
Published 11/12/19