In instances where a parent stays home longer than the average few months of parental leave, they are often in a hurry to enroll their children in “nursery” schools in order for them to “start learning early.” These well-meaning parents are often unaware that the most important education for a child under the age of 3 is social-emotional learning, which is best provided within the family setting. Fidgety at the fact that their child is lagging behind the working mother’s child,
Published 10/30/21
In order to holistically address the safety, security, and health needs of young learners, we need to have supportive services/systems in every environment that they interact with, i.e., the home, community, and school. Take a look at teenage pregnancy as an example. If we want to address the alarming rates of school attrition due to teen pregnancy, we must support families with the information, capacity, and time to discuss sexual and reproductive health with the children in their care....
Published 10/18/21
''Education systems in Africa, not unlike its health systems, were built to reinforce hierarchies and indoctrinate indigenous people into participating in their own oppression. It is not so crazy, then, that after the end of formal colonization, Africans were left with institutions that were centred around colonial activity both in their physical locations and in their goals and methods''.
Thank you for taking the time to listen to this pan African conversation with Alice Bayingana.
Published 10/18/21
This is the second part of the Pan African Review conversation that Cynthia Umurungi had with Veronique Nyiramongi Mbaye on her article titled: Panafrican Feminism: A Case Against False Female Liberation.
Published 09/24/21
This Panafrican conversation features Véronique Nyiramongi Mbaye, a copywriter and cultural commentator. She is a feminist who loves telling African stories. Her work principally critiques West and East African post-colonial political movements.
In this episode, Veronique explains how Afro-feminism is a fundamental feature of Panafricanism.
Published 09/20/21
In this episode, Levi Kabwato explains how the African Union and African states have failed to say NO to imperialism.
Published 09/09/21
In this episode, Levi Kabwato explains how colonialism manifests itself around culture.
Published 09/08/21
''Success for a liberation movement does not lie simply in measuring up to international standards of anything or turning the country they inherit into an instant liberal democracy or run-away economic success.''
In this episode, Dr. Golooba explains that success for a liberation movement lies in the consistent pursuit of its original goals; inclusion, as much as possible, of groups that might otherwise foment instability and even of ordinary citizens, in decision making; and pursuit of...
Published 07/09/21
The term ‘liberation movement’ has been part of the political lexicon in Africa since the emergence of organised groups, usually armed, to free African countries or societies from the yoke of colonial rule. Interestingly, those that sought to achieve independence through peaceful means never qualified for the label. Instead, they became ‘independence movements’. Liberation movements usually sprang up in countries where the colonial powers were so determined to frustrate calls for independence...
Published 07/09/21
Many African governments have remained in the service of imperialistic goals and activities. These best represent the tragedy we face where leaders speak big but act the opposite, denounce the West but keep Africa tied to Western imperatives.
In this episode, Dr Moses Khisa mentioned the case of Uganda’s economic transformation that over the last three decades has done little to fundamentally turnaround the fate of the majority poor Ugandans because the bulk of the economy remains out of...
Published 07/07/21
Without ownership of the means of production and active participation in meaningful productive economic activities, which is precisely the problem with Uganda’s economy today, and indeed other African countries, true liberation and social emancipation are a distant dream.
In this episode, he talks about those key things that Africans should do to save themselves from the arrogance, disrespect and demeaning paternalism of their ostensible Western benefactors.
Published 07/07/21
The African continent remains hostage to myriad forces, both internally generated and externally produced. True Uhuru has eluded the continent for more than half-century now. The agenda for genuine liberation, for self-determination and the freedom to chart a path that assures the full dignity of the African people is not some abstract and academic ideal; it is a real and concrete goal.
In this episode, Dr Moses Khisa explains why he says that : 'Africa is captive, a beaten continent,...
Published 07/07/21
This conversation was inspired by the ideas expressed in this article: A Pan-Africanist believes the African way of life is valid.
''Some, like those who resisted slavery and colonialism, had fought and were defeated—or so it seems. Yet, others – like the African nationalists who agitated for independence and the civil rights activists who demanded full citizenship rights – had gained a partial victory. But it was the resistance and courage of those who had been considered defeated that...
Published 05/17/21
Part of the problem facing Africa is that the agency to articulate the trials and tribulations of Africans has for long been usurped by foreigners. As a principle, everyone should get involved in debates on Africa, of course. However, rather than seek to understand Africa, these foreigners prefer to legislate for Africans how their societies should be, mostly based on how their own home countries are politically organised. Until Africans, who are primarily faced with the consequences of the...
Published 05/17/21