This is a conversation on the pan African payment settlement system with the CEO of PAPSS, Mike Ogbalu.  Webiste: https://papss.com/
Published 05/06/22
Published 05/06/22
Penser les problèmes d’une société dans une langue qui est non seulement étrangère mais aussi non maîtrisée par la majorité des locuteurs du pays conduit inévitablement à proposer des solutions décalées des réalités vécues et ressenties par les gens du commun. Penser des solutions endogènes qui feront sens pour l’ensemble de la communauté invite non seulement à renouer avec son histoire, mais aussi avec sa langue et les valeurs qu’elle a incorporée dans la longue durée. Se réconcilier avec...
Published 01/24/22
Since the 1970s many African nations have missed out on the most important economic policy of them all. Export-oriented industrial policy has been essential to the success of most high-income and rapidly emerging nations. Whether in the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Israel, Japan, China, Costa Rica, Chile, India, Morocco, Mauritius or Vietnam, this policy tool has been indispensable, and the evidence on the critical importance of what you export to your development trajectory is clear.
Published 12/30/21
Export-led industrial policy comes across to many as highly technical and complicated, including many well-versed global leaders and development practitioners. Yet actually it is a simple concept: it is merely the coordination of policies across governments to ensure the facilitation of investment in sectors that have the greatest potential to develop an economy by growing the number of value-adding, job-creating, foreign exchange-earning businesses. Whether Chilean wine, Vietnamese...
Published 12/30/21
At the surface level, Africa copies and longs for what the West has today: the technology, the economic power, the political system and the educational infrastructure and resources. However, as far as following the principles that earned the Western world its place in the global comity of nations, Africa appears to be going in the opposite direction.
Published 10/30/21