What did you read in 2015? What movies were your favorite? What was the best issue and series of 2015? What are you looking forward to most in 2016? We discuss all of these question and more in our 2015 year in review.
Published 01/19/16
Our topic for this month's book club episode is Jessica Jones. We will be covering Volume 1 (issues 1-9) of the groundbreaking Marvel Max series, Alias by Brian Michael Bendis and Michael Gaydos and the hit Netflix show, Jessica Jones.
Spoliers for: Alias and Jessica Jones
Published 12/23/15
For this episode of Panel Discussion we talk about the beginning of Mignolaverse as we discuss Hellboy: Vol. 1, Seeds of Destruction .
Published 11/09/15
Welcome to the second half of our continuing book club discussion on The Walking Dead.
Spoilers for: The Walking Dead issues 1-96, both AMC television series, 28 Days Later
Published 10/07/15
For our September book club episode, we cover the first 96 issues of The Walking Dead. We also discuss both AMC television series, the Telltale and Road to Survival games and read twitter interactions.
Part 2 will be posted on Tuesday.
Spoilers for: The Walking Dead issues 1-96, both AMC television series, 28 Days Later
Published 10/04/15
For this month's book club we discuss the first volume of Ultimate Fantastic Four and the new Fox movie that (kind of) draws inspiration from it.
Spoiler Warning: Ultimate Fantastic Four Vol 1 & 2, Fantastic Four (2015 movie)
Published 08/30/15
San Diego Comic Con 2015! Join Felix and Kyle as they discuss their highlights from the con, trailers galore, new comic book announcements and news.
Walking Dead
Agents of S.H.I.E.LD.
Published 07/27/15
For this weeks episode we discuss the biggest announcements from E3, our favorite superhero video games and what we've been reading watching lately.
Here's what's in store for this week
1- News: E3
2- Pull List Picks
3- Editorial: Superhero Video Games
4- From the back bins: Favorite Video Game Related Comic
Published 06/29/15
For this weeks episode we shake things up a little and try a new format for the show. Our new format sees the show broken into 4 following segments: 1- News, 2- Pull List Picks, 3- Editorial, 4- From the back bins. Was our experiment a success? Let us know.
Heres what's in store for this week
1- News: 2015 Comic Events, All-New All-Different Marvel (some new info has come out since the recording of this episode)
2- Pull List Picks
3- Editorial: Media coverage of Superhero Movies
4- From...
Published 06/15/15
We check back in to see what everyone is reading in this month's edition of "What's In you Pull List?".
Spoilers: Fight Club (novel and film), Batman Eternal, Batman (new 52), Secret Wars, Saga
Published 06/01/15
This weeks episode is a twofer as we discuss our thoughts on Marvel's "The Avengers: Age of Ultron" and tackle the nerdy taboo of spoilers. In the spirit of spoilers if you want to skip the Age of Ultron discussion we switch topics around the 1:04:12 mark.
Spoilers in this episode include:
—Avengers: Age of Ultron
—Agents of SHIELD
—Batman (New 52)
—The Sixth Sense (not a joke)
—Star Wars
—Daredevil (Netflix)
Published 05/18/15
“Worlds will live, worlds will die and nothing will ever be the same." For this month's book club episode, we discuss the seminal classic, "Crisis on Infinite Earths" by Marv Wolfman and George Perez.
Note: We had some microphone issues so the quality isn't what is usually our standard. We apologize for that.
Spoilers for: Forever Evil, Identity Crisis, Infinite Crisis, 52, Justice League (current run)
Published 05/04/15
On this weeks episode we discuss webcomics the the use of the internet as a publishing platform. Is it the future of comics, can it be monetized, and what types of webcomics are people reading?
Published 04/20/15
We check back in to see what everyone is reading in this month's edition of "What's In you Pull List".
Published 04/07/15
In this episode, we discuss continuity – the fiercely discussed and argued topic almost as old as comic books themselves. Find out what Kyle and Felix have to say about it and what our listeners' opinions are as well.
Spoilers: Endgame, Death in the Family, Death of the Family, Under The Red Hood, Red Son, Winter Soldier, One More Day
Published 03/23/15
In 1984 Marvel changed the comic book industry when they took all of their major characters and put them in the first cross-over 'event' story called 'Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars.' 31 year later Marvel intends to revisit Battle World in their upcoming Series of the same name. For this book club we decide to take a look back at this pivotal work and how it might inform what is to come.
Published 03/09/15
Our first Pull List episode of the year. Tune in to find out what we've been reading lately as we share your lists as well. It's our most interactive episode yet!
Spoiler Warnings: Saga, Batman #38, Avengers, New Avengers, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Published 02/23/15
The digital revolution is rolls on. About a year ago we recorded an episode discussing the pros and cons of digital comics and how they have changed the industry. Now we discuss how things have changed during course of that year.
Published 02/09/15
Welcome to our 2015 preview! We will run down the list of comics, movies, music, TV shows and video games this year has in store, share our most anticipated selections and read yours as well.
Spoiler Warnings: Welcome to Night Vale, Fight Club, Batman: Endgame, Batman: Death of the Family, C.O.W.L., Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Breaking Bad
Published 01/26/15
We kick off 2015 with our newest book club episode where we discuss Charles Burns' masterpiece 'Black Hole'.
Published 01/12/15
Welcome to the conclusion of our 2014 Year End Review where we discuss our favorite films, new comic series, novels, moments and more.
Published 12/29/14
2014, what a year! Join us for the first part of our year end review where we discuss our favorite ongoing series, single issues, mini series and graphic novels.
Published 12/22/14
New series, old favorites, or that trade you finally dusted off to finish—This week we find out what you're reading as we ask the profound question: What's in Your Pull List?
Note: Due to a recording issue there is a persistent crackling during the last 15 min of the show.
Published 12/08/14
Whether they are classics, new takes on characters, enriching existing film franchises or fighting demons – live action superhero TV shows are never more prevalent than they are today. Find out what some of our and your past and present favorites are and what we're all looking forward to seeing on the small screen in the future.
Published 11/24/14