Perhaps our BEST episode yet....Or at least our best episode since the last.  Are some bloodlines more apt to experience the paranormal?  If so, why?  We discuss personal & private experiences and conjure up some fairly radical theories of our own.  PLUS, a perfect "Ghost Gab" segment to segue into the topic, AND a truly disturbing rendition of historical "Moments of the Macabre!" 
Published 09/21/24
Published 09/21/24
"MONSTER" encounters!  Perhaps explainable with a merger of the imagination, memories & creepy experiences?  Or is there a dose of paranormal reality behind terrifying monstrous entities?  PLUS, a "Ghost Gab" segment filled with NEW personal ghostly happenings! 
Published 08/30/24
The first reported account of Poltergeist activity in British history is one both creepy & controversial...A perfect topic!  We also have a Paranormal edition of "Would you rather" for our Ghost Gab segment, PLUS another historic "Moment of the Macabre!" Pickled in a barrel, anyone? 
Published 08/13/24
Are the depths of our oceans inhabited by Alien civilizations?  We take a look at possible truths...PLUS, another thought-provoking (and personal) "Ghost Gab" segment, and an undeniably terrifying & historic "Moments of the Macabre."  Oh...."Mmmm, buttons." 
Published 07/28/24
What is meant by the "Thinning of the VEIL?"  Are we manifesting an ability to peek into the spiritual realm, and/or vice versa?  A fascinating topic w/ a not-so-bad discussion, ha!  PLUS, more "Ghost Gab" and a BIZARRE "Moments of the Macabre!" 
Published 07/08/24
What say you?  Bigfoot as Alien; Bigfoot as Spiritual Messenger/Guide; Bigfoot as Wildman/Missing Link??  We dive into hypothetical SASQUATCH questions (and answers) & puzzling conundrums...ALSO, a brain-tickling "Ghost Gab!" 
Published 06/23/24
A TRUE paranormal story, near and dear to our hearts...PLUS, a head-scratching and "ponderable" GHOST GAB segment AND a truly MACABRE "Moments of the Macabre!"  
Published 06/03/24
Bizarre (and sometimes humorous), true stories of MONSTER encounters!  Reptilians to the MATLOG, FLYING HEADS to the DOGMAN, we discuss six eyewitness accounts!  PLUS, a truly disturbing "Moments of the Macabre!" 
Published 05/12/24
We return with some creepy cool GHOSTLY TALES! Plus, an invigorating GHOST GAB segment as we ponder "Haunted Houses V. Haunted People." Finally, have some grisly deaths been caused by GHOSTS??  
Published 04/28/24
An case of alleged violent paranormal attacks...The story of Doris Bither is one of sadness, controversy and potentially the most disturbing of all paranormal phenomena.  Do you believe?  
Published 04/14/24
A baffling, unanswered question: IS the "Shroud of Turin" divine in nature, or simply a man-made hoax??  We take a look at this enduring and mysterious artifact...PLUS, paranormal activity of the mild kind continues at Michael's abode, and we share some more "Moments of the Macabre." EEEK! 
Published 03/27/24
Do DEMONS walk among us??  Yes, we ruminate about this fascinating topic yet again, but with potentially surprising commentary...PLUS, "Ghost Gab" tackles the paranormal "scratching" phenomena; We discuss an eerie "DARK Encounter" and frazzle our brains with some "Puzzling PARADOXES."  #Demons #Demonic #Paranormal #Scratches #Paradoxes 
Published 03/10/24
New venture, new segments but the same fill of the PARANORMAL, STRANGE & MYSTERIOUS! This could be the beginning of a beautiful thing....or not.  ;-) #GhostGab #MonsterMusings #Macabre #Paranormal #Ghosts #Cryptids 
Published 03/03/24
A return to our "roots," of sorts!  CREEPY tales of SQUATTERS; BIGFOOT JOKES (some of them perhaps actually funny!); WEIRD but TRUE facts; The return of PONDERABLES; What sparked our interest in TRUE CRIME; MEMORIES of a personal GHOSTLY Courthouse Investigation & MORE! 
Published 02/25/24
What's potentially more terrifying than actual human beings??  Encounters w/ terrifying HUMANOID creatures!  We share & discuss some truly bizarre tales of the strange!  
Published 02/11/24
Unprepared, unscripted & undoubtedly one of our favorite episodes!  What is the WORST place to be trapped, as a GHOST?  Is it possible to obtain "irrefutable" evidence of the paranormal? Unintentionally hilarious Zak Bagans' quotes & the return of "Ponderables!"  Plus, our personal "best," meaningful ghostly evidence/experiences  AND the proverbial paranormal bucket list! Finally, "SOMETIME FUTURE." ;-) 
Published 01/28/24
Horrifying on their own, we discuss cases of TRUE CRIME with either directly related PARANORMAL substance, or their haunted after affects!  PLUS, ghostly activity seems to be percolating at Mike's abode, and a listener-submitted "ghost" caught on video! 
Published 01/20/24
"Interdimensional GHOSTS" existing within a non-linear time??  If we are to believe in multiple dimensions and/or parallel universes, are these paranormal anomalies "alien" in nature?  Or are we mingling w/ not only alternate versions of ourselves, but our "selves" from both the past & future?  
Published 01/10/24
Detailed newspaper accounts from the early 1800s of alleged encounters w/ the "WILD MAN," SASQUATCH! Fascinating!  PLUS, Joe shares stories of his personal friendship w/ a Babbitt, MN Bigfoot known as "Gruff."  Heartwarming, I tell you...Bring those onions! ;-) 
Published 12/30/23
From the outlandish to the realistically creepy, the topic of GHOSTS & the PARANORMAL has long been a niche cornerstone of the movie industry...Do these films adequately project potentially legit paranormal phenomena?  Believe it or not, we do have some thoughts! ;-) 
Published 12/23/23
Just WHAT is lurking in the dark depths of our oceans?  Truly monstrous and alien ocean-dwelling creatures are already known to science, but what has yet to be discovered??  PLUS, Mike's got orbs...;-)
Published 12/16/23
TRAVELING THROUGH TIME at the behest of a SECRET Gov't. program??!  That's exactly what a Seattle lawyer states as not only being TRUE, but on top of that, proclaims he was one of the time-traveling participants!! 
Published 12/09/23
GHOSTLY TALES from beyond!  The legend of "Ol' Joe Baldwin" and the Maco Lights (The "Case of the Lost Head!"); A curious ghost interested in a child's puppy; The Electrocuted Ghost; The sad tales of a Girl's School Ghosts & more! Plus, what is a "Stay-Behind," and our take on possibly being HAUNTED by your future self! 
Published 12/02/23
An infamous island teeming with PARANORMAL activity??  History & eyewitness accounts argue that to be so!  Was this island cursed?  Who are the spectral ghosts who haunt the prison's confines?  Why are they there?  
Published 11/19/23