“This podcast is a long time favorite of mine. I'm deeply saddened by their decision to cut the second hour, but that's okay. I'm a Conservative/Libertarian that loves following politics and current events. I constantly listen to serious political podcasts like Ben Shapiro, Jason Stapleton and Dave Smith. But sometimes you just have to take a break from all the hustle and bustle of the constant stream of news. Pat and Stu is my refuge that I turn to. Usually I'll listen to Bill Burr's Monday Morning Podcast or JRE to take a break, but sometimes it's nice to have a break with a conservative bent. Pat and Stu (and the blob) is where I go to be entertained without having to deal with leftist ideology creeping into my entertainment. It takes awhile to understand all the subtle undertones of the show, but listen for a month and you'll be able to fully enjoy the complexities of Jeffy bashing, things going good with milk, eighteen, spoons, and everything like such as. Be prepared for distinguished guests like Michael Jackson, Al Gore, Arlen Specter, Yoda, and John Kerry. 60-70% of this show is joking around and I love it. Check this podcast out and be sure to vote for the next Douche Hall of Fame nominee. (Just don't listen from Guam as it has a tendency to tip over and 'capsize')”Read full review »
Ritchurd.Price via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·
“Was wondering where my 4th hour was. Nice to see the guys making a name for themselves. Time to leave the GB nest and fly on your own boys. Jeffy will make sure of that.”
337wise via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·
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