i've never been the same since listening to paul washers message to the youth. since then i've devoured all of his teachings as i can and sought to know the scripture as it ought and how I've been wrong all this time! Paul Washer is a God send. i listen to at least one of his sermons everysingle day and never get tired of it. don't listen to him if you don't want the truth!Read full review »
jodee12345678 via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 11/24/08
More reviews of Paul Washer on SermonAudio
In a time when so many preachers only offer ear tickling, Paul's teachings offer uncompromising bible truth. His teachings are not for those who want to have their egos stroked or just want milk & cookies, rather is real meat for those who need it.Read full review »
NutsakJak71 via Apple Podcasts · Canada · 03/17/15
These titles and sermons from Mr Paul are great! and a blessing to me
Br@wl3r via Apple Podcasts · South Africa · 05/07/14
Que Dios bendiga a su siervo, me gozo que hayan hombres que no le temen a nadie. El mundo y mucho mas la iglesia necesita oír el mensaje de los últimos días que santifiquen al pueblo para su glorioso encuentro con EL DIOS SANTO que habita en los cielos. La VERDAD no se vende, se PREDICA y gloria...Read full review »
A su nombre? GLORIA via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 07/16/10
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