Wow. I am so grateful for these podcast sermons. Listening to these I was nourished, convicted, challenged, and taught about real faith in Jesus! Words fail to tell how much I appreciate them. Why don't more preachers teach like this? *be aware - once you have a taste of a "real meal" (listen to teaching like this) you won't be satisfied with the "milk" (the watered down preaching) that's out there! :)Read full review »
gratefulgirl9399 via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 01/10/10
More reviews of Paul Washer on SermonAudio
Que Dios bendiga a su siervo, me gozo que hayan hombres que no le temen a nadie. El mundo y mucho mas la iglesia necesita oír el mensaje de los últimos días que santifiquen al pueblo para su glorioso encuentro con EL DIOS SANTO que habita en los cielos. La VERDAD no se vende, se PREDICA y gloria...Read full review »
A su nombre? GLORIA via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 07/16/10
I really appreciate these sermons ! God bless everyone who listens to these ! :)
cellistin85 via Apple Podcasts · Great Britain · 08/24/11
please please please keep posting the spanish podcasts! the hispanic community needs to hear the true Gospel preached!
dwplay via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 10/20/09
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