We practice sentences like 'she is coming Madurai in the morning', and the question format of this, 'do you drink mllk?' and 'S/he (p) is your friend.
Published 09/10/24
We practice sentences like 'who is there in Coimbatore?', 'This is your vehicle' 'We are in their house' and 'I'm eating at your restaurant'
Published 09/03/24
We practice words like 'forest', 'beach', 'flower', 'ocean', 'fish', 'bag', 'vegetable' and 'fruit'
Published 08/27/24
We practice the verbs 'to work', and words like 'computer' 'however' and 'morning' 'afternoon'
Published 08/20/24
We practice the questions "do you eat fish?", "where is that vehicle?", "Is that the sea?" "Is that the beach?", "are they [Human and Non-human] going to the beach?", "Is that vehicle going to the beach?", "where is this computer?", "Are you (polite) working on the computer?" and some answers thereto.
Published 08/13/24
We practice questions like "is only the vegetable in the bag?", "Is there [only] fruit in the shop?", "what is that?", "what is in the bottle?", and sentences like "There is water in the bottle", "Which tree[s] is / are there in Auroville?", "Does this plant exist in Thanjavoor?" "Does that flower exist in Thirunelvelli?"
Published 08/06/24
We practice the questions "who is here", "what is your name" "what are their names", "why is s/he going/ here / in Pondy, this afternoon", "do you drink milk"and "Is the vegetable in the bag" and answering those questions, while pointing out some colloquials, and recognising the difference between long vowels and short vowels.
Published 07/30/24
We practice the verbs 'to do', 'to call', 'to use', words 'now', today and sentences like 'who are you', 'what is your name', 'why are you here' and introduction to dialects, usage of madame and sir, and making these sentences into questions.
Published 07/23/24
We practice words 'to come', 'to go' and Tamil city names like Coimbatore (Kovai), Thanjavoor (Thanjai) etc.
Published 07/16/24
We practice 'to read / study', 'to eat' 'only', 'also' and they (NH) as an object in the sentence.
Published 07/09/24
We practice the verbs 'to study' and the plural of it
Published 07/02/24
We practice verbs 'to go' 'to speak' 'to use' and words 'knife' like 'also' 'however / but' 'only'
Published 06/25/24
We review 'Australia' 'to use' 'airplane' 'bus' etc.
Published 06/18/24
We review the words 'to go' 'to be' 'to come' 'by bus' 'today morning' 'airplane' etc.
Published 06/11/24
We review the words 'to come' 'to go' 'to be' and 'bus' specifically with differentiating '[we exclusive]' and 'we [Inclusive]' and with emphasis,
Published 06/04/24
We review the words 'Chennai' 'to go' 'to be' ' to come' 'from' and 'to' 'tonight' 'by bus' 'in the bus' with confirmatory questions, and with various person perspectives
Published 05/28/24
We review the words 'in the morning' 'to speak' 'to eat' 'but / however' 'today morning' 'today early in the morning' 'noon' 'afternoon' before noon' 'AM and PM' with various person perspectives
Published 05/21/24
Where should I be polite in Tamil? Here is the answer...
Published 05/17/24
We review the words 'sleepiness' with 'that' 'today' 'England' in Tamil, 'from England', 'to come' 'to speak' 'Pondy' 'from Pondy', 'here' and 'there' 'where' and how to use emphasis in a sentence
Published 05/14/24
Is Tamil Gender Neutral? Where do we use genders in Tamil?
Published 05/10/24
We learn to say Tamil Nadu correctly. We review 'from' in both ways, 'to come' and 'to go' 'to sleep' and 'sleepiness', but/however', 'from Chennai' 'from Tamil Nadu, the difference between 'they' for humans and 'they' for non-humans,
Published 05/08/24
Learn how to say the name of the state / nation / country Tamil Nadu
Published 05/03/24
We review 'to drink', the exclusive 'we', 'early morning', 'to come', 'from' 'from there' and questions
Published 04/30/24
We review 'sleepiness', 'feeling sleepy', 'to drink' 'tea' 'water' 'in the morning' with various conjugations
Published 04/23/24