People Like Us is a groundbreaking conversation show hosted by award winning journalist Kim Ghattas, bringing people together to connect the dots between today’s Middle East and the world, how it works and why it matters to everyone, wherever they are. Kim talks to film makers, activists, authors, refugees, politicians, a sexologist, exploring a pressing theme in every episode, from Roe v Wade to impunity in Syria and Ukraine, bringing a fresh, distinctive perspective on current events and cultural trends. Anchored in Kim’s home city of Beirut, the show takes a step back from the headlines...
This is a special episode from Project Brazen. How did Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich end up wrongfully imprisoned in Russia, and what happens now?
On March 29, Russian authorities arrested Evan and accused him of spying on Russia on behalf of the US government. Evan was...
Published 05/18/23
This week on People Like Us, we’re sharing a preview of Dynamite Doug, the latest investigative podcast from Project Brazen. Hosted by Ellen Wong (of Netflix’s GLOW and Scott Pilgrim), the 6-part series delves into the alleged crimes of Douglas Latchford, an art dealer who collaborated with a...
Published 04/18/23
This is a preview of Project Brazen's latest investigative podcast, The Sound: Mystery of Havana Syndrome. To listen to the rest of this episode, search for THE SOUND: Mystery of Havana Syndrome, wherever you get your podcasts.
In December 2016, a US official in Havana reported a debilitating...
Published 02/28/23