Entering in the contract law is an exchange of rights where master enjoys obedience and the labour of their slaves in exchange for clothes food shelter and care....
Published 05/26/20
Racism is a man made construct , nasty, and brutish
Published 05/26/20
For Emerson metaphysics is dangerous as a single pursuit
Published 05/26/20
The individual subconscious intuition is important,....one can inherit truth outside of the four walls institution...
Published 05/26/20
We the people meant we the whites...socially slaves had no identity, culturally slaves had no culture, and politically one slave means a half of a property and two slaves meant a whole or one property
Published 05/26/20
Rights are listed in the Declaration of independence, The Universal declaration of human rights and other instruments
Published 05/26/20
Calvanism was outlawed and subversive and radical thus there was a tidal wave of migration from Europe across to the USA
Published 05/26/20
To understand American philosophy one has to understand knowledge in pragmatism
Published 05/26/20
There is no culture that is not reflective on its own practices. Therefore, every culture, either oral or written is philosophical...
Published 05/25/20