In the latest episode of the Piano Ninja Tricks podcast, your host, Lisa Spector, reveals a game-changing technique to make your piano playing easier and more efficient. This episode, part of the Technique Thursday series, dives into the art of minimizing movement by strategic thumb placement on the keys.  Lisa demonstrates how this simple adjustment can significantly enhance your speed and overall performance, using examples of the actaves from Chopin's C minor Nocturne Op. 48 No. 1 and...
Published 11/30/23
Published 11/30/23
In this poignant Thanksgiving episode, join me on an intimate journey through the trials, tribulations, and triumphs that defined my piano odyssey. From the unexpected fall that shattered my right hand and soul to the relentless battles with CRPS, the story unfolds with resilience as the central theme. Discover the surprising gifts that emerged from adversity, giving birth to the transformative Piano Ninja Tricks. It's a tale of gratitude, strength, and the melody that arose from the...
Published 11/23/23
In this Mindset Monday, get ready for a dose of piano pep talk. Today's topic revolves around a question that often echoes in the minds of musicians: Can you truly enhance your musicality when you're away from your instrument? Learn why stepping away from the piano doesn't mean stepping back from improvement. Discover how life experiences—whether in nature, at an opera, or in the rhythm of Zumba—can become the unexpected keys to unlocking new realms of musical creativity. Before delving into...
Published 11/20/23
I get asked all the time, "Lisa, how much should I move my wrists when playing piano?" My answer is always...  It all depends!  Some music requires your wrist to be completely still, while some requires a lot of movement to support the phrasing and overall musical line.  Listen and find out when and where to use wrist motion.  Tune in, level up your wrist game, and become a true Piano Ninja! 🎹✨  Plus, don't miss out on exclusive Black & White Friday discounts  up to 65% off on...
Published 11/16/23
I can't overemphasize the importance of doing one thing at a time while you're practicing. Whether it's a suggestion your teacher made or a Piano Ninja Trick you're learning here, you'll accelerate your progress when you learn one skill until it becomes a habit and you don't need to think about it anymore before you add the next thing.  If you're applying my Piano Ninja Tricks to your practicing, you'll have much longer lasting and faster success when you learn one at a time.  Want to know...
Published 11/13/23
Discover why there's no such thing as a wrong note, only getting to a wrong note, and learn the most efficient way to accurate, consistent correct notes. Tune in for expert insights and actionable tips to enhance your piano skills and make your playing more consistent and expressive. When you play a note or chord that the composer didn't write, you don't need to correct the note or chord. You need to correct getting to the note or chord.  Listen to find out the best place to start when you...
Published 11/09/23
Welcome to Mindset Monday on the Piano Ninja Tricks podcast, where we dive into the transformative journey from mindless to mindful practicing.  How do you cultivate mindful practicing habits that can elevate your piano playing?  Discover the importance of intention, focus, and the power of deep listening. Uncover how mindful practicing can turn your sessions into purposeful, joyous experiences at the piano. It's all about creating mindful habits for lasting musical success. Tune in for...
Published 11/06/23
Today, we're diving deep into a question that has the potential to transform your piano practice: "How can I make this easier?" It's a query I encourage all my students and Piano Ninja Tricksters Club members to keep in mind. It's a simple yet powerful concept. Whenever you're at the piano, always ask yourself this question because, without fail, there's a way to make it easier. I'll share an anecdote from my high school days when I attended a music festival and received a profound lesson...
Published 11/02/23
I'm sharing a story close to my heart about my ongoing battle with the Tempo Police. You know, those invisible critics that sometimes haunt us as we play, telling us we're too fast or too slow. They can be real joy-killers! But guess what? I've learned to take charge of my tempo and kick those Tempo Police to the curb. I've found that the most beautiful music happens when I allow myself to play at the tempo that feels just right for me. No more conforming to external judgments or rigid...
Published 10/30/23
Technic Thursday QUICK REFLEX MOTION What's that? It's a Piano Ninja Trick I use so frequently that the members of the Piano Ninja Tricksters Club call it QRM. It's a technique that lets you measure your way to precise piano key by leaping using minimal space.  It's like having a musical ruler at your fingertips, and it can take your piano playing to a whole new level of accuracy. The slower you play, the faster you can move in a direct line to your new position. Join us as we...
Published 10/26/23
In this episode of the Piano Ninja Tricks Podcast, we're diving deep into the art of warming up with your heart. Join us on a journey of rediscovery as we explore the profound impact of "why" in your music practice. Your host, Lisa Spector, shares personal stories and insights into how connecting with your true purpose can transform your warm-up routine. Learn the secrets of warming up not just your fingers but your heart, and discover the joy of playing with meaning and intention. Tune in...
Published 10/23/23
Cyclical Rhythm... what's that? It's a proven method that will save you a ton of practice time while helping build your inner metronome. Music demo on this episode: Skulta Arietta PIANO NINJA FINGERING MASTERCLASS Sunday, Oct 29 Noon PT / 3 ET 9 CET Piano Ninja Fingering Masterclass on Sunday, October 29th. 🎉 🥳 🕛 12 Pacific / 3 Eastern / 9 Central European Time Skip to all the ​Masterclass details here.==>>​ Join for FREE  This Masterclass Is for You If... 🎹 You don't typically...
Published 10/19/23
The 1st full episode will go live this Thursday.  In light of world events, today I share one of my favorite Chopin excerpts as music for healing.  No matter where you live, your political beliefs, your religious or non-religious beliefs,, music is the universal language that can provide healing for all. Take a few moments to listen and bring this music deep in your heart. I hope it brings you comfort.  I'll be back Thursday with the full 1st episode of the podcast, helping you build your...
Published 10/16/23
I had planned to release the 1st episode today.  However, my heart is heavy and being called in a different direction. I'm expressing my emotions the best way I know how, through the universal language of music.  In place of our regular episode, I've recorded a special bonus — Hatikvah, The Hope ✡️ May it bring you hope during these tragic times.  With hope for brighter tomorrows.  Stay tuned for episode 1 next week.  "As long as the Jewish spirit is yearning deep in the heart, With eyes...
Published 10/12/23
The Piano Ninja Tricks Podcast is the best place to learn piano tricks to make your Bach, Beethoven and Chopin easier for you.  Meet your host, Juilliard alum and Piano Ninja, Lisa Spector. She's sharing her treasured tricks honed through years of study with legendary mentors Earl Wild, Leon Fleisher, John Perry and Lillian Kallir.  But here's the remarkable part: Lisa's journey to piano mastery was interrupted when an unexpected fall led to seven complicated right-hand fractures, resulting...
Published 10/05/23