Picture Discuss is an improvisation comedy show, hosted by Merrick Watts. Each episode two comedians join Merrick to discuss, dissect and deliberate on what’s happening in a bizarre picture found on the internet.
Join us each Tuesday and Thursday as we attempt to uncover the truth behind these pictures.
The season finale of Picture Discuss sees two of Australia's best comedians take a run at this hairy picture. Can Rhys and Gez figure it out?
In every episode of Picture Discuss two comedians try to work out the context behind weird pictures that Merrick Watts has found on the internet.
To see...
Published 11/18/24
Ever seen a more beautiful wedding photo? The dress, the flowers, the 40 tonne truck. It's all here. Nick and Bron will need to dig deep to figure out the truth behind this photo.
In every episode of Picture Discuss two comedians try to work out the context behind weird pictures that Merrick...
Published 11/11/24