Today's podcast is a very much-needed conversation. I look around the body of Christ and I see a lot of anomalies. Some have miss interpreted their roles and rather than cover, guide and counsel they want to control and dictate. I know there are Elizabeth- Mary covenant relationships. Women who acknowledge those gifts and anointings God sends their way. We need more of such especially within the local assembly. Identifying, acknowledging and appreciating the ministry grace around you is a...
Published 04/25/23
Published 04/25/23
The Bible's prescription for a successful marriage is clear. Husbands Love your wives, wives submit to your own husbands. Women who have the unique grace to be influential in ministry, the corporate world or in the marketplace, need to learn submission through the Holy Spirit not rob themselves of the unique role their husbands play in bringing out the best in them. The goal is not who is more influential, it is how we establish thr purpose of God.
Published 04/18/23
Sadly, we have found ourselves in a generation where submission has been modernized. Many don't even want to hear the word submit. Immediately their guards are let up! They become defensive. Because of erroneous teaching on the subject, some have decided to throw away the baby with the bath water. Submission is emphasised at weddings as a law rather than a tenet of faith that is mutual. The issue of submission is drummed in the ears of young brides leaving out the importance of Christ being...
Published 04/04/23
Offence is a cancerous plague attacking the body of Christ. We undermine its power to stand in the way of our progress and prosperity. John the Baptist was offended by Jesus. David's brothers were offended by his boldness and inquisitiveness. Joseph's brothers were offended by him because they perceived his father loved him more and he thought too highly of himself. Jesus could not do any miracle in his hometown because they were offended by him. Prov 18:19 says "A brother offended is harder...
Published 03/29/23
Sadly, relationships nowadays have become very superficial. Some want to identify with the big names and shots just because of how it makes them look. It's just for thr gram. We call people mama and papa and yet they cant correct or rebuke us. We hop from one person to the other as it pleases us and when needed. Relationship is beyond someone's word, post or youtube video blessing you. It is deeper than that. It has to be genuine, time must be invested and it should be mutual. This is how we...
Published 03/21/23
Hello Beautiful! This is so dear to my heart. See a lot of young people make the mistake of just running off on half revelation. Some feel because they now have a voice and a following they don't need anyone guiding or counselling them. Their ego has gotten in the way and they don't even realize it. God will always surround you with people that have gone ahead of you or are in positions you desire to be in. Emotional intelligence is very vital in delivering on your assignment. Sometimes these...
Published 03/14/23
Welcome to March 💃💃. I am excited to be doing this with you this month. This March I will be looking at Managing relationships. Relationship is a currency more powerful than money. Many times money has failed and relationship has made a way. Managing the relationships God brings on our journey is very crucial to finding fulfilment and succeeding in the role. Not just as a pastor's wife but generally as a human being. Do not despise the importance of relationship and the role it plays in...
Published 03/07/23
Whoever said you must be the women's ministry leader simply because you are the pastor's wife. Too many women feel frustrated in roles they don't have grace for. Many have left their post like Queen Vashti and concerned themselves with duties they have no business with. The Pressure to be relevant has come at the expense of being the wife of the pastor.
Published 02/28/23
I get asked this question a lot. Pastor's wives are perceived as women whose life purpose is to serve the purpose of their husbands. In this podcast, I tried to enlighten us and possibly change this narrative. Everyone who shows up on the earth has a unique assignment. That you got married to a pastor should not steal that away from you. Rather it should provide a platform for you to give expression to it better. Because marriage is a partnership that makes two better than one.
Published 02/21/23
Too many wounded people in the church. Many hurting by something someone did to them either unknowingly or unknowingly. Many have left the church or are in the process of disengaging because of unaddressed offences. I pray for healing and restoration.
Published 02/20/23
Regardless of the role/office, it is such a unique privilege to be able to serve the purpose of God. But I believe the devil is trying so hard to stand in the way of helping many embrace the blessedness that comes with this unique responsibility. Being a pastor's wife if at all should enhance God's calling and assignment over your life. Embrace this truth and see your life blossom. 🥰
Published 02/14/23
Welcome to February!! To all my dear sisters who feel robbed because the man they married was a young committed brother who just loves the Lord but at the same time has a job or a career they are pursuing. Suddenly says he has a calling to pastoring. How? When? Such women begin to feel pressured and feel they will be deprived of their privacy and no longer will have full access to their husbands. Is that true?
Published 02/07/23
Do not try and fit into a box God did not put you in. To truly fulfil your assignment you need to be truly Free. Understanding that your true freedom does not come from being accepted by people but from being accepted by God. Do not fall victim to the trap of comparison. No one is the standard. Christ is our standard. We measure ourselves with Christ NOT another creation of His. Paul says it's unwise to do so. This year give yourself permission to truly live!!!
Published 01/31/23
NO ONE is like you! Let that sink in. Think about it. Let it become a revelation to you. You were uniquely created and formed by God for a specific assignment that has your name tag and your thumbprint. That means no matter how many pastor's wives there are, no one can carry out your assignment the way you would. As you grow and subject yourself to inevitable change, as you allow yourself to evolve you permit yourself to become an improved version of who you are. To know this is to know...
Published 01/24/23
This January I will be speaking to your identity! Who are you? Is your life purpose defined solely by the office you occupy? Is there more to you? Did you know understanding your identity as first defined by God will help you fulfil your role as a pastor's wife? Did you even know that there are several expressions to who you were created to be? And being a pastor's wife is just one of the many ways to give expression to who you are meant to be. Click and listen! You will be blessed. ❤
Published 01/17/23
Welcome to 2023 and welcome to the first episode od Diary of a Pastor's wife. I am excited to be going on this self-discovery, purpose redefining and assignment-establishing journey with you. The office you occupy is a unique one that God only graces you to fill and function in. So come along. Every Tuesday let's unravel!!!
Published 01/10/23
If you are not ready to serve then don't aspire to be a leader.
Published 08/08/22
It's not just about you. You are a part of something much more bigger than you.
Published 08/07/22
You need to train your spirit man to be able to decode how God speaks. You can limit Him to a language.
Published 08/06/22
The people that navigate towards you are those you have grace for. Be sensitive
Published 08/06/22
Before you stand before Goliath, He will first test you with the lion and the bear Before you go naming Eve. He will test you with the animals..
Published 08/04/22
It is important to own your story. Embrace your journey. It is unique to you.
Published 08/04/22
You cannot get everybody to like you because you are not sent to all. Some will accept your assignment in their lives and some will reject it. It doesn't mean you have failed.
Published 08/03/22
God does not call the qualified. He qualifies the called.
Published 08/01/22