Excitement Main Text
Hi, this is AJ, welcome to our next lesson. This one is called "Excitement." We're
going to talk about excitement and I'm going to read a little section from a book called
The 4-Hour Work Week, which is a fantastic book. I love this book.
In fact, I'm going to do a few lessons based on sections of this book because I really,
really love it. I think it's just an incredible book that really has a very creative way of
looking at life and work and enjoying...
Published 10/20/21
Excitement Vocabulary Text
Hello, this is AJ, welcome to the vocabulary lesson for "Excitement." Let's start.
Our first word is specificity, specificity, a little difficult to pronounce, specificity. In fact,
many native speakers have trouble pronouncing this word, especially if you say it fast
in a sentence, specificity, specificity, specificity. Sometimes have trouble
pronouncing it, too, but I'm doing it correctly now, specificity.
Specificity is the noun. Specificity means,...
Published 10/20/21
Automatic English For The People
Excitement POV Text
Hi, this is AJ, welcome to the point of view mini-stories for "Excitement." Let's get
Since last year Brad has needed money for school. He has been very poor since last
year. He lost all his money last year, so since last year he has needed money for
school. Of course, he has had a worthwhile purpose for needing money. He's had a
worthwhile reason for needing money, during this whole time from last year up...
Published 10/20/21
Automatic English For The People
Excitement Mini-Story Text
Hi, this is AJ, welcome to the mini-story for "Excitement."
* * * **
There was a guy named Brad. Brad was a student. Brad was a poor student, he
needed money for school.
What was Brad?
A student, Brad was a student.
What did he need?
He needed money, Brad needed money.
What did he need money for?
For school, Brad needed money for school.
What kind of student was Brad?
Well, he was a poor student. Brad was a poor student...
Published 10/20/21
Automatic English For The People
The Art of Power Vocabulary Text
Hello, this is AJ. Welcome to the vocabulary lesson for "The Art of Power." Let's get
started right away, here we go.
Our first word is subconscious. We've talked about this word already several times, so
I'll review it quickly. Subconscious means the deep part of your mind. It's the deep
emotions, the deep thoughts. They're not at the top of your mind, you're not thinking
about them. You don't realize that they are...
Published 10/16/21
The Art of Power Main Text
Hello, this is AJ, welcome to our next lesson. This lesson is called "The Art of Power"
and it comes from a book. The topic comes from a book with the same name. The
book is called The Art of Power by Thich Nhat Hanh.
Thich Nhat Hanh is a Buddhist Monk, he is a Vietnamese Buddhist Monk and really
one of my favorite writers, one of my favorite people, one of my favorite teachers. And
I've been reading Thich Nhat Hanh's books and listening to his audio teachings...
Published 10/16/21
Hello, this is AJ. Welcome to the POV stories for "The Art of Power." Let's start.
Since 2002 Sally has craved chocolate. She has wanted it every day, every hour of
her life since 2002. She has become, unfortunately, super fat because she has craved
chocolate so much. So Sally, since 2002, has become super fat because she has
craved chocolate every day and every hour.
Now, of course, during this time she has wanted to lose weight. She has wanted to
lose weight all this time. Every day...
Published 10/16/21
The Art of Power Mini-Story Text
Hello, welcome to the mini-story for "The Art of Power." Let's begin.
* * * * *
Sally was a cow. And Sally the cow craved chocolate. She desired chocolate.
She had to have chocolate all the time. She always wanted chocolate. She
craved it.
Who craved chocolate?
Sally, Sally the cow craved chocolate.
What was Sally?
She was a cow. Sally was a cow.
How did she feel about chocolate?
She craved it. Sally craved chocolate. She wanted it so much. She...
Published 10/16/21
Healthy Heart Vocabulary Text
Hi, this is AJ, welcome to the vocabulary lesson for "Healthy Heart." Let's get started.
Our first word is fibers, fibers. So in the story there was quote from Herman Melville,
he said, “A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men." Fibers are really like
strings, basically, it's just strings. It's just long strings. Usually we talk about fibers, for
example, in clothing. So if you have, you know...your clothes are made of lots of little
fibers that...
Published 10/16/21
Hello, welcome to the point of view stories for "Healthy Heart." Same stories, different
points of view, different timeframes, let's start.
Since he was a teenager Zach has loved bright, expensive clothes. In fact, since he
was a teenager he has always worn conspicuous clothes when he was on the street.
He has always been very conspicuous every time he walked on the street, since he
was a teenager and continuing until he was an adult, until very recently.
And since he was a teenager...
Published 10/16/21
Healthy Heart Mini-Story Text
Hello, this is AJ, welcome to the mini-story for "Healthy Heart." As always, let's take a
deep breath, leť's get our bodies standing up strong or sitting up strong. Lift your
head, big smile on your face. I'm doing it now, so do it with me. Feel good?
Let's move a little bit. Let's move our bodies a little bit. I'm standing up right now I
can't really move, but l'll jump around a little bit and get my body moving. You move
your body, too, and let's start....
Published 10/16/21
Hi, this is AJ, welcome to the next lesson. This one is called “Healthy Heart" and l'm
going to talk about, again, a section from Healthy at 100 -- the book Healthy at 100 --
by John Robbins. I've already talked about it a little bit and I'm going to talk about a
different section this time.
And in this section John Robbins talks about another factor that contributes to a long
and healthy life. Now before we talked about diet and what you eat and how that can
really affect your healthy,...
Published 10/16/21
Hello, this is AJ. Welcome to the vocabulary lesson for the "Attractor Factor." Now the
vocabulary lesson is sometimes a little...not so exciting, right? It's probably the least
exciting lesson, so it's even more important that you breathe and you bring your
shoulders back and you move your body during this lesson.
You have to keep your energy high so you'll focus, so you'll concentrate on the
vocabulary lesson. Are you feeling good? Wake up! Let's do it!
v Our first word is activate...
Published 10/16/21
Hello, welcome to the POV (Point of View) mini-stories for "Attractor Factor." Let's
Since starting 10 years ago, Eve has felt bad. She has felt tried every day. She has
had no energy. This started 10 years ago. Before 10 years ago she felt great, but
since 10 years ago...you know until now, until recently...she has felt very tried. She
has not had energy. She hasn't had energy.
In fact, starting 10 years ago she has gotten sick all the time. She has frequently
gotten sick,...
Published 10/16/21
Attractor Factor Mini-Story Text
Hello, this is AJ. Welcome to the mini-story for "Attractor Factor." Let's begin.
There was a cat named Eve.
Was Eve a doggy?
She was not a doggy, she was a cat.
Eve was a cat. She was a cat who decided to abstain from eating mice.
What did she abstain from?
She abstained from eating mice.
Did she abstain from eating chicken or did she abstain from eating mice?
Well, she abstained from eating mice.
Who abstained from eating mice?
Well, Eve. Eve the...
Published 10/16/21
Attractor Factor Main Text
Hello, welcome to the next lesson. This is AJ from EffortlessEnglishClub.com. Let's
start our next lesson the "Attractor Factor."
The Attractor Factor is the name of a book by Joe Vitale. Joe Vitale is an interesting
man. He is an Internet marketer and businessman. He's kind of a marketing expert,
especially for Internet marketing. But, he also writes about very general topics,
how to achieve your goals and how to reach your dreams in life.
He's a very...
Published 10/16/21
Page 1
The Effortless
English Club
Automatic English For The People
Leaders Make Mistakes Vocabulary Text
Hello, this is AJ, welcome to the vocabulary lesson for "Leaders Make Mistakes."
Let's go to the beginning. They have a phrase "they make no bones about it." Tom
Peters says "Leaders make mistakes and they make no bones about it." So that's a
little idiom there, to make no bones about something. When you say "they make no
bones about it", it means they don't apologize for it or...
Published 10/12/21
Leaders Make Mistakes Mini-Story Text
Hello, this is AJ, welcome to the mini-story for "Leaders Make Mistakes." Let's start.
* * * * *
There were two penguins; their names were Todd and Louis. Todd and Louis
were penguins, they lived in Antarctica.
Where did Todd and Louis the penguins live?
They lived in Antarctica.
Did they live in Florida or Antarctica?
Well, they lived in Antarctica.
What were Todd and Louis?
Well, they were penguins. Todd and Louis were penguins.
Were they...
Published 10/12/21
Leaders Make Mistakes Mini-Story Text
Hello, this is AJ, welcome to the mini-story for "Leaders Make Mistakes." Let's start.
* * * * *
There were two penguins; their names were Todd and Louis. Todd and Louis
were penguins, they lived in Antarctica.
Where did Todd and Louis the penguins live?
They lived in Antarctica.
Did they live in Florida or Antarctica?
Well, they lived in Antarctica.
What were Todd and Louis?
Well, they were penguins. Todd and Louis were penguins.
Were they...
Published 10/12/21
Leaders Make Mistakes Main Text
Hello, this is AJ, welcome to the next lesson. This one is called "Leaders Make
Mistakes" and it comes from a book called Leadership by Tom Peters.
Tom Peters is one of my favorite business writers. The reason I like Tom Peters is
that he's very passionate. He's not a boring businessperson. Most business books
are boring, but not Tom Peters. His books are excellent and they're full of passionate,
emotional language and words and emotional passionate ideas...
Published 10/12/21
Small Is Beautiful Vocabulary Text
Hello, welcome to the vocabulary lesson for "Small is Beautiful."
Let's talk about our first word. Our first word is cultivate, to cultivate. Of course,
cultivate means to grow or to encourage something. So it's to cultivate, it means to
grow or to encourage something.
Our next word is envy, envy. He says our cultures are cultivating envy, they're
encouraging envy. Envy really means jealousy. Jealousy, it means someone else has
something good and...
Published 10/07/21
Small Is Beautiful Point-of-View Text
Hi, this is AJ. Welcome to the point of view lesson for "Small is Beautiful." Same
story...different points of view, different time frames. Let's go.
* * ** *
Since they were children Jeff has always had great hair. And Michael has always
been bald. He's never had hair. When Jeff was a baby, he came out with long,
blond, beautiful hair. He has always had long, blond, beautiful hair. And Michael
has always been bald, from when he was a baby until...
Published 10/07/21
Automatic English For The People
Small Is Beautiful Mini-Story Text
Hello, this is AJ. Welcome to “Small is Beautiful," the mini-story. Take a deep breath.
Smile, move your body. Shoulders back, let's go!
* * ** *
Jeff had great hair.
What kind of hair did he have?
Great, Jeff had great hair.
It was long, blond and beautiful.
What kind of hair did he have?
Well, great hair, long, blond, beautiful hair.
Who had long, blond, beautiful hair?
Jeff, Jeff did. Jeff had long, blond,...
Published 10/07/21
Small Is Beautiful Main Text
Hi, this is AJ again. Welcome to the next lesson. This lesson is called "Small is
Beautiful." Small is Beautiful is the name of a book by E.F. Schumacher. It's a very
interesting book. It's a little bit difficult to read. The level of English is actually fairly
difficult, but I do recommend it. If you have an advanced level of English, go ahead, try
to read Small is Beautiful. It's an excellent book. E.F. Schumacher was an economist,
still is an economist....
Published 10/07/21