Hello, this is AJ. Welcome to the vocabulary lesson for "Healthy at 100." Now, I know the vocabulary lesson is probably the least exciting and interesting lesson of the collection.
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The Effortless English Club Automatic English For The People Healthy At 100 Vocabulary Text Hello, this is AJ. Welcome to the vocabulary lesson for "Healthy at 100." Now, I know the vocabulary lesson is probably the least exciting and interesting lesson of the collection. And that's okay. In fact, it's really my least favorite as well. l'd say listen to it one or two times, maybe the first and second day, and after that you don't need to listen to it every single day. The most important lessons are, y'know, the main, the main lesson, the main audio and the mini-story and the POV. Those are the most important but, y'know, listen to the vocabulary lesson a few times the first couple days of the week. Alright, let's get started with the vocabulary lesson for Healthy at 100. There is actually a good amount of vocabulary in this one. Our first word is correlation, so he talks about the correlation between cancer and animal food. Cancer and animal food, there's a correlation between the two. Correlation means connection or association. It means the two go together. They happen at the same time. If you're eating a lot of animal food then you're going to have more chance of cancer. They're connected. There's a connection there. So that's called a correlation, correlation. Now, it does have a little bit more specific, scientific meaning if you're talking about research but you'll learn that in a research class or a statistics class. The general meaning is a connection, an association between two things, correlation. So correlation, there's a correlation between cancer, high cancer rates, and eating animal food. Next we have the word consumption. There's a correlation between cancer and animal food consumption. So here, consumption just means eating. Consumption, eating, very simple. Animal food consumption, animal food eating. When you consume, it's the verb is consume, to consume means to eat or to use up. Use it all. So consumption is the noun. It just means eating. Very simple. Little bit later we have the word colon. There is a study of colon cancer. Women who ate a lot of meat had high rates of colon cancer. So colon is part of your body, it's your gut. It's your bowel. It's your lower intestine, right? So your food goes in. It goes down your throat into your stomach. From your stomach it goes into your upper intestine...do da do da do...and then finally into your lower intestine. Into your colon, and then it comes out your body again. So colon is your bowel, your gut, your lower intestine. Next we have the word dairy. Dairy products, dairy food. Dairy just means milk or cheese. It's something that comes from milk or cheese. Comes from an animal, you don't kill it. It's not meat. You know, meat is the muscle of the animal. But dairy products, it usually comes from the milk of the animal. So milk and cheese are the most common dairy products. Milk and cheese, dairy, dairy products. So the more dairy
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