Hello, this is AJ. Let's get started with the POV, point of view mini-story for “Healthy at 100." Same story, different points of view.
The Effortless
English Club
Automatic English For The People
Healthy At 100 Point-of-View Text
Hello, this is AJ. Let's get started with the POV, point of view mini-story for “Healthy at
100." Same story, different points of view.
* * ** *
Since he was 16 Joe has wanted to be a movie star.
Since when?
Since he was 16, since he was 16 Joe has wanted to be a movie star.
Who has wanted to be a movie star? Bill?
Not Bill, Joe. Joe has wanted to be a movie star.
Since when?
Since he was 16, since he was 16 Joe has wanted to be a movie star. Starting when he
was 16 and continuing.
What has he wanted since he was 16?
To be a movie star, he has wanted to be a movie star since he was 16.
Has he wanted to be a music rock star since he was 16?
No, he hasn't wanted to be a rock star. He has wanted to be a movie star.
What kind of star has he wanted to be?
He has wanted to be a movie star.
Has he wanted to be a movie star a little or a lot?
Well, he has wanted to be a movie star a lot, really, really, really wanted to be a movie
star. He has wanted to be a movie star so much, a lot, since he was 16 years old. And
now he's 38.
Excitement Main Text
Hi, this is AJ, welcome to our next lesson. This one is called "Excitement." We're
going to talk about excitement and I'm going to read a little section from a book called
The 4-Hour Work Week, which is a fantastic book. I love this book.
In fact, I'm going to do a few...
Published 10/20/21
Excitement Vocabulary Text
Hello, this is AJ, welcome to the vocabulary lesson for "Excitement." Let's start.
Our first word is specificity, specificity, a little difficult to pronounce, specificity. In fact,
many native speakers have trouble pronouncing this word, especially if you say it...
Published 10/20/21