Unlimited Main Text Okay, hello, it's me again, AJ, and we're back for another lesson. This lesson is called "Unlimited Power." Great title and of course it comes from the book
Unlimited Main Text
Okay, hello, it's me again, AJ, and we're back for another lesson. This lesson is called
"Unlimited Power." Great title and of course it comes from the book by Tony Robbins
who is another one of my favorite teachers. In fact, I really love Tony. I just got back
from a seminar of his. He is fantastic and I highly recommend his books, his tapes, his
CDs, his seminars...anything you can get from Tony Robbins...fantastic!
And we're going to again do a little excerpt, a little section from one of his books and
this section talks about the number one trait that determines success and happiness in
Tony Robbins' opinion, and I agree with him. And that number one trait, that one factor,
that one thing that really creates success and powers and gives energy to everything
else is passion. So this is a little section about passion from Tony Robbins' book,
Unlimited Power. So I am just going to go ahead and read that section and then I will|
talk about it more. So here we go.
* * ** *
Success is not an accident. The difference between people who produce positive
results and those who do not is not some sort of random roll of the dice. There are
consistent logical patterns of action, specific pathways to excellence that are within the
reach of us all. We can unleash the magic within us. We simply must learn how to turn
on and use our minds and bodies in the most powerful and advantageous ways. Have
you ever wondered what a Steven Spielberg or a Bruce Springsteen might have in
common? What do John F. Kennedy and a Martin Luther King, Jr. share that caused
them to affect so many people in such a deep and emotional way? They have been
able to get themselves to consistently take effective actions toward the accomplishment
of their dreams. But what is it that got them to continue day after day, to put everything
they've got into everything they do?
There are of course many factors however I believe there are fundamental character
traits that they have cultivated within themselves. Characteristics that give them the fire
to do whatever it takes to succeed. These are the traits that can insure your success as
well. Trait number one: Passion. All of these people have discovered a reason, a
consuming, energizing, almost obsessive purpose that drives them to do, to grow and to
be more. It gives them the fuel that powers their success and causes them to tap their
true potential.
Excitement Main Text
Hi, this is AJ, welcome to our next lesson. This one is called "Excitement." We're
going to talk about excitement and I'm going to read a little section from a book called
The 4-Hour Work Week, which is a fantastic book. I love this book.
In fact, I'm going to do a few...
Published 10/20/21
Excitement Vocabulary Text
Hello, this is AJ, welcome to the vocabulary lesson for "Excitement." Let's start.
Our first word is specificity, specificity, a little difficult to pronounce, specificity. In fact,
many native speakers have trouble pronouncing this word, especially if you say it...
Published 10/20/21