Unlock the secret to fostering young minds through the magic of play with Zeba from Kindergarten Cafe, our esteemed guest for the season premiere of Pre-K Spot Talks. Together, we tackle the question: how do we champion the cause of play against the tide of an increasingly academic-driven curriculum? Zeba, with her wealth of experience from Massachusetts, illuminates the transformative role of play in early education and shares her strategic battle to embed play at the heart of learning. She...
Published 04/03/24
Published 04/03/24
Imagine your child's tiny hands molding a majestic sandcastle, each grain of sand a stepping stone towards cognitive and emotional development. That's the fascinating world we uncover with Dr. Linda Harrison on Pre-K Spot Talks, where play is more than fun—it's a journey through reflection, refinement, and re-engagement. Max's story of his sandcastle creation is our guide, exemplifying how the three Rs lead to self-awareness, problem-solving skills, and resilience. Classroom tales of drawing...
Published 02/08/24
Join me, Melysa Mei, on a journey that began with my own challenges as a student teacher and blossomed into a lifelong mission to champion play-based learning. My story isn't just about the evolution of my classroom; it's a tapestry woven from personal trials, an enduring love for Honda vehicles, and my commitment to the Girl Scouts. I take you through the winding road that led me to realize that traditional elementary education was not my endgame and how embracing play not only transformed...
Published 01/31/24
Embark on a mesmerizing expedition into the heart of childhood with me, Melissa May, as we uncover the profound impact of peer play on early learning. Dr. Peter Gray lends his expertise, illuminating how the unstructured chaos of children's interactions is actually a symphony of developmental milestones. Tune in to learn how a simple game of pretend can weave a tapestry of emotional intelligence, cooperation, and linguistic prowess—traits that sculpt future leaders and compassionate citizens....
Published 01/24/24
Discover the magical impact play has on children's development as I, Melissa May, whisk you through heartwarming narratives and empirical evidence celebrating the indispensability of play in education. Drawing wisdom from Peter Gray's profound insights, we unpack the five essential elements of true play and how these experiences carve out robust cognitive, emotional, and social pathways for our youngsters. Embrace the poignant contrasts I've observed in the classroom, where the kaleidoscope...
Published 01/17/24
Embark on a journey through the magical landscape of childhood imagination with me, Melissa, as we unlock the secrets to fostering young minds with the timeless art of storytelling. Discover how tales spun with love and creativity aren't just entertaining but are powerful catalysts for cognitive and emotional growth. As we weave through this week's Pre-K Spot Talks, you'll gain insights into transforming storytime into an interactive tapestry, rich with the colors of diverse cultures and the...
Published 01/10/24
Discover the unsung hero of childhood—and life itself—as we explore the transformative power of play in cognitive development. Imagine every burst of laughter and pretend-play scenario as a vital workout for the brain, with renowned neuroscientists Dr. Jack Panksepp and Dr. Stuart Brown guiding us through the neurological gymnasium. We navigate the intricate interplay between the prefrontal cortex, amygdala, and hippocampus, revealing how play sculpts our emotional landscape and memory bank....
Published 01/04/24
Ever wondered how an ever-changing classroom environment might affect your students' learning? Brace yourselves as we deep dive into the world of material rotation in early childhood education. Guided by the seasoned educators' insights, we will explore the significance of keeping the classroom vibrant and stimulating. From understanding your students' developmental needs to aligning materials with weekly themes, we've got you covered with practical strategies and tips on implementing...
Published 11/22/23
Imagine transforming your teaching methods by embracing play-based education. That's precisely what Amber, the passionate educator behind Cream City Teacher, did and she's here to share how it revolutionized her classroom. With 15 years of teaching experience, Amber has gems of wisdom to offer about the differences between 4K and 5K classrooms in her district, the potent power of play as a classroom management tool, and the overwhelming expectations that kindergarten teachers face. Every...
Published 11/15/23
Prepare to unlock the transformative power of classroom meetings in early childhood education. With your host Melysa Mei, we delve into the magic that comes from establishing routines and predictability, turning mundane meet-ups into an engine to foster creativity, collaboration, and community in your classrooms. We will navigate the nuts and bolts of executing a successful classroom meeting, from sharing time and planning sessions to problem-solving circles and reflection moments. Grab your...
Published 11/08/23
Are you ready to unlock the vast universe of creativity and expression? Embark on a captivating journey with me, Melissa May, as we delve into the transformative power of puppets in early childhood education. This episode of Pre-K Spot Talks is dedicated to exploring the magic of puppetry in the classroom, a craft as ancient as storytelling itself. From the grandeur of marionettes to the simplicity of popsicle stick drawings, I share my personal experiences and insights about using different...
Published 10/31/23
Ready to discover the unexpected magic nestled in the world of puppets and teddy bears? Join us, your favorite teacher duo, Mikey and Melissa, as we unravel how these seemingly simple tools can transform early childhood education and foster a loving classroom environment. We dive into the captivating world of puppetry, showcasing how an array of self-made characters can teach children about respect, boundaries, and what 'rough play' entails. Our puppet characters, each adorned with a unique...
Published 10/27/23
Have you ever wondered about the transformative power of play on children's learning? We did too! We had the pleasure of chatting with Laura Shea from Little Stories that Stick, who shed light on the magic of play-based learning and the joys and challenges that come with it. Laura's 16-year-long adventure, from a Pre-K and K classroom teacher to creating an online community for caregivers and educators, is nothing short of inspiring. As we navigate through her experiences, we also reflect on...
Published 10/25/23
What if fostering a sense of gratitude in the young minds could positively impact their attitude towards life? That's the captivating prospect we're diving into today on Pre-K Spot Talks. Prepare to be enthralled as we unravel the science behind gratitude and discuss innovative ways to weave it into your classroom's fabric. Picture the smiles when you introduce gratitude jars or the excitement of crafting heartfelt thank-you cards. We'll be reminiscing about those little moments of...
Published 10/18/23
Ever wondered how to navigate a bilingual classroom without a designated bilingual staff? Join us, Melysa and Mikey, as we unwrap the day-to-day realities of managing an increasingly multilingual classroom. Our school has seen a boom in Spanish speaking students, and yet we are limited in bilingual staff. We'll share the rewards and challenges of this unique setting, the remarkable speed at which language is acquired in English-only environments, and the role tools like Novel Effect play in...
Published 10/14/23
Are your classroom transitions more chaotic than constructive? What if a dash of play could turn these disruptions into delightful interludes? I'm Melissa May, and on this Pre-K Spot Talks episode, we'll uncover how to harness the power of play to craft engaging transitions. Drawing on research from the University of Virginia's Curry School of Education, we'll explore how simple games like 'floor is lava', 'kangaroo hop', and 'Simon Says' can not only make transitions smoother but also...
Published 10/11/23
Today, we're embarking on a whimsical journey into the enchanted world of play, and its profound impact on cultivating a growth mindset. Get ready, because, by the end of this episode, your perception of play is about to be dramatically transformed. We'll also explore the far-reaching benefits of a playful approach to learning and the lifelong impact it can have on not just cognitive skills but also emotional intelligence.  We're also going to delve into some fascinating research from the...
Published 10/04/23
What if there was more to building a nurturing classroom community than just picking out the right posters? With me, your host, Melissa May, discover why fostering a strong community atmosphere in Pre-K and early childhood education goes far beyond the classroom décor. We promise to share actionable strategies and activities that not only create a climate of mutual respect but also ensure every child feels seen and integral. Think morning circles, individual projects, classroom jobs, buddy...
Published 08/30/23
What if the very foundation of motivation, that we've leaned on for so long, is actually doing us more harm than good? Brace yourself for a shake-up as we dive into Alfie Cohn's provocative book, 'Punished by Rewards', a groundbreaker that has us reevaluating our beliefs around rewards in education and life in general. We explore the origin and effectiveness of rewards and their potential pitfalls, questioning whether they truly serve our goals or whether they erode our intrinsic motivation...
Published 08/23/23
Ever wondered how to build meaningful relationships with the parents and caregivers of your pre-K kiddos? It's a challenging task, but an absolutely indispensable one. In this enlightening episode of Pre-K Spot Talks, we delve into the art and science of fostering these critical connections. Together, we traverse various strategies, ranging from the power of a heartfelt welcome letter to the relatability of a video introduction, along with the significance of expectation setting and the...
Published 08/16/23
Is scripted curriculum killing creativity in our classrooms and reducing the joy of learning for our little learners? I, Melysa Mei, fervently champion a child-centered, play-based approach to teaching, and in this episode of Pre-K Spot Talks, we'll unpack the controversial topic of scripted curriculum versus a more exploratory learning approach. We'll discuss what a scripted curriculum is, scrutinize its potential drawbacks in an early learning environment, and even propose a few...
Published 08/09/23
Have you ever felt the suffocating grasp of burnout, especially in the demanding world of early childhood education? You’re not alone and we’re here to help. This episode is a deep dive into understanding teacher burnout - what sets it off, how to spot it, and most importantly, how to break free if you're already feeling its weight. We shed light on why educators of young children are particularly susceptible and offer pragmatic strategies to keep burnout at bay. From self-care rituals to...
Published 07/28/23
Welcome to this special back-to-school episode, where we discuss essential preparations for the upcoming academic year. We're keeping it simple, practical, and minimal – perfect for play-based educators! Everything you need for back to school set up is here in the Thrivivial Kit! In this episode: On this episode of Pre-K Spot Talks, we dive into the intricacies of back-to-school preparation for early childhood educators. Melysa shares her experience of managing  time within a fixed school...
Published 07/20/23
Hello, Pre-KSpot Talk listeners! In today's episode, Melysa Mei dives into the topic of theme-less and decoration-less early childhood classrooms. Below you'll find some key highlights and resources mentioned during the episode. **Key Highlights:** 1. *The Power of Unthemed Learning*: Melysa explores the concept of classrooms without a central theme, arguing that this allows for more organic, child-led learning and avoids the potential limitations of a one-size-fits-all theme. 2. *The...
Published 07/13/23