Brittany Curry, Nicole Albertson, and I continue our conversation about queer relationships while diving into attachment styles, intimacy, building independence, and IVF. The two also give advice on finding someone in the convoluted 2024 dating scene.
Published 08/22/24
In this episode, Brittany Curry and Nicole Albertson discuss their relationship values, communication styles, what it's like to be a married lesbian couple, and of course, the proposal and wedding itself. Content warning: absolutely wholesome and adorable.
Published 08/08/24
Published 08/08/24
Daniel and I initially discuss our experiences with grief and why we think everything happens for a reason. We then lean into the unrealistic standards placed on members of the LGBTQ+ community and how we combat those on a daily basis.
Published 07/18/24
Two besties taking our phone calls and putting them on the internet. In this episode, Daniel discusses growing up in Miami, his experience with bullying and weight loss and moving to Los Angeles. Just to put the gays at ease, no pop divas were harmed in the making of this podcast.
Published 07/11/24
In this episode, Kelly and I delve into our attractions to masculine-presenting lesbians, her documentary film Beyond the Norms: Masc vs. Masc, heteronormative cliches in queer relationships and the abnormal expectations put on various members of the LGBTQ+ community.
Published 05/23/24
Kelly discusses their nonbinary identity, their work as a professional photographer/filmmaker, pushing boundaries, and the connection between queerness and spirituality. Also, how exactly do you pronounce Balch?
Published 05/16/24
Katie explains her passion for behind-the-camera work, sci-fi, imagination, and creativity. The discussion moves into what it means to attract creative energies and allowing yourself to pursue artistry as a career.
Published 05/09/24
In this episode, Katie and I discuss her career as an actress and her passion for the craft. She dives into her preparation for roles and the techniques she uses to keep a good head on her shoulders. Fair warning, you will definitely hear some cliche quotes that should solely live on bumper stickers.
Published 05/02/24
Jenna dives into her recovery journey, the benefits of not drinking, and the difficulty of maintaining sobriety in social settings for the foreseeable future. *Content warning: This episode contains difficult conversations around addiction and addictive personalities.*
Published 04/18/24
This week, we explore what it's like to be both an extrovert and sober in a society centered around drinking culture. Jenna courageously opens up about her addictions and lifelong commitment to sobriety. *Content warning: This episode tackles difficult conversations around addiction and addictive personalities.*
Published 04/11/24
Lina discusses her faith and practice as a queer, Christian woman. We also engage in an detailed conversation about family dynamics and shifting mindsets post-toxic relationships.
Published 04/04/24
In this episode, we explore Lina's upbringing in Iran, her immigration to the United States and her personal journey to finding success in this country. Part one of two.
Published 03/28/24