Today on the podcast we are talking to Lorena Garcia.  She is a co-founder of Majka.  This is a business started by moms for moms.  She and her business partner are on track to hit one million in sales in under two years.  She shares it all on the podcast today. See full show notes at http://beckyjanderson.com
Published 02/21/20
Published 02/21/20
Today on the podcast we are talking all about pop-up shops.  We have Nicole Simms, a pop-up shop expert with us today. Full show notes at http://beckyjanderson.com Connect with Becky: Website: http://www.beckyjanderson.com/ Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/beckyjanderson/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/beckyjanderson.me/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/beckyjanderson/ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/beckyjanderson1/
Published 02/14/20
Today on the podcast I'm sharing three big mistakes that business owners make, so you won't make them. Full show notes at http://beckyjanderson.com
Published 02/06/20
I get asked by a lot of new business owners what they should be working on.  I share with you six things you should do in your first year of business. Full show notes at http://beckyjanderson.com https://www.beckyjanderson.com/perfectly-planned-day https://facebook.com/beckyjanderson.me
Published 01/28/20
I'm so excited to introduce you to Sarah Foster today on the podcast.  She is the owner and founder of Bad Bad Jewelry.   She shares with us how she scaled her business by nailing down her niche.  She also shares how she was able to get her product on BuzzFeed with a simple iPhone photo of her product and so much more. Full show notes at http://beckyjanderson.com https://instagram.com/beckyjanderson https://facebook.com/beckyjanderson.me
Published 01/16/20
It's that time of year when everybody is setting new goals.  I thought it would be a great time to give you some ideas for revenue-generating goals for your product-based business. We talk about why you need to be intentional with your business goals. Why your messaging is important, why you need to visible both online and offline and so much more. Full show notes over at http://beckyjanderson.com Follow me at https://instagram.com/beckyjanderson https://facebook.com/beckyjanderson.me
Published 01/07/20
Today on the podcast, we're talking all about how to build a thriving product-based business when you have a full-time job or are a busy mom.   I'm sharing tips on how to find the time and get things done so you can grow your business. Full show notes on http://beckyjanderson.com Let's talk on Insta https://intstagram.com/beckyjanderson https://facebook.com/beckyjanderson.me
Published 12/28/19
This week on the podcast we are talking all about what you should be doing in your business every week.  I share five things that will help you keep your business focused, growing and on the right track. Full show notes on http://beckyjanderson.com Come follow me https://instagram.com/beckyjanderson
Published 12/28/19
One of the questions I get asked a lot is "what do I talk about in my blog or on social media to market my business?" Today on the Product Biz Made Easy Podcast I'm sharing my system I use for creating consistent content to market my business. Full show notes at http://beckyjanderson.com
Published 12/18/19
Today on the Product Biz Made Easy Podcast we are talking all about how to plan for 2020 now and layout your perfect week and month to set yourself up for success. Full show notes on http://Beckyjanderson.com Find me on Instagram https://instagram.com/beckyjanderson
Published 12/11/19
Today on the podcast, we are talking all about what numbers you need to know and track in your business to be successful. Full show notes at http://beckyjanderson.com
Published 11/26/19
Today on the Product Biz Made Easy Podcast I'm sharing with you five reasons your online shop isn't getting sales.  you'll walk away from this podcast knowing how to write your positioning statement so people who you are, what you sell and why they need it and so much more. Full show notes at http://beckyjanderson.com
Published 11/20/19
Today on the podcast I'm breaking down how many products you need to sell to reach a million-dollar brand. I also share how to develop your own Unique Selling Proposition. Full show notes over at http://beckyjanderson.com
Published 11/13/19
I get asked a lot by clients on how to market their business and drive sales when they don't have a massive ad budget. Today on the podcast, I'm sharing six ways you can market your business to drive sales when you don't have an ad budget. Full show notes at http://beckyjanderson.com Find me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/beckyjanderson.me Find me on Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/beckyjanderson/
Published 11/06/19
I'm so excited to introduce you to Rongrong Devoe.  She is a fashion illustrator.  She turned her love of art into a product-based business that is booming. She shares with us how she was able to land big accounts like Channel, Maybelline, and more by being willing to work for free. Full show notes at http://beckyjanderson.com
Published 10/30/19
Today on the podcast I share 6 lessons I learned while building a business I was able to scale to 20+ million dollars in sales a year. Full show notes at http://beckyjanderson.com
Published 10/23/19
Alex Boxell from Alex Kathlyn Accessories joins us today.  She shares how she was able to build a profitable product-based business and juggle being a new mother.   She shares how she got started. How she was able to get her sales momentum going.  What her sales channels are and so much more.  Full show notes at https://www.beckyjanderson.com/ https://www.instagram.com/beckyjanderson/?hl=en https://www.facebook.com/groups/ProductBizMadeEasy/ https://www.facebook.com/beckyjanderson.m
Published 10/14/19
Today we are talking about how to market your online shop without using social media. Often shop owners think they can make a few posts on social media, and the sales will flow in automatically. If you've been in business for a while, you know this isn't the truth. You have to be very intentional with marketing tactics to get more sales. Today Kathy Cruz from The Savvy Shopkeeper shares with us nine ways to market your business that isn't social media. Full show notes at...
Published 10/07/19
Like it or not, the holiday season is almost here.  Now is the time to plan so that you aren't running around all stressed out the week of Black Friday wondering what you are going to do. Today on the podcast I'm sharing three marketing tactics I used that worked really well to increase sales.   Full show notes at https://beckyjanderson.com https://instagram.com/beckyjanderson.com https://www.facebook.com/beckyjanderson.me/
Published 10/02/19
Today on the podcast I'm sharing with you how I designed my products around trends.  How to watch trends and where to go know what the current and future trends are a year ahead. Full show notes at https://beckyjanderson.com
Published 09/26/19
Episode 25 - In this episode, we talk all about how to get your product based brand more visibility online. Full show notes at https://beckyjanderson.com https://pinterest.com/beckyjanderson1 https://facebbook.com/beckyjanderson.me https://instagram.com/beckyjanderson
Published 09/24/19
How Alyssa was able to take her love for craft and embroidery and make a business out of it. How she decided to do her first tradeshow and how it introduced her into the world of selling to boutiques and other stores. How she markets her business now that she isn't doing trade shows anymore. How she decided to go all-in with one product. Why she decided to swing for the fence and try and get a big-box retailer.
Published 09/16/19
Full show notes at https://beckyjanderson.com Annie White-Brown owner of Annie's Natural Essentials is just back from a trade show in NYC. As you can imagine a trade show in New York is very expensive to do. Can you even believe how upset she was not to write even ONE order? Her show was a bust, and we are dissecting it to find out why.
Published 09/04/19
Today on Q & A Sarah asks if she really needs to blog to grow her product-based business. Today you'll hear: Why I believe product-based businesses should blog and why. Ideas to blog about so coming up with content is not so hard if you own a product-based business. Full show notes at https://beckyjanderson.com
Published 08/30/19