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Psychology NCERT serves the basic understanding of psychology, which efficiently covers 11th and 12th class NCERT books in a most revitalized manner on this podcast.
NCERT books covers the basic nuances of the subject which is very crucial for anybody having keen interest in the subject. So this podcast serves different purposes in various faculties- for students, it covers the basics of the subject; for practitioners in therapeutic set ups or in medical field, it covers the aspects...
In this episode, You will learn:
1. Impression Formation and Explaining Behavior of Others Through Attributions
2. Behavior in The Presence of Others
3. Pro-Social Behavior
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Published 07/20/22
In this episode, You will learn:
1. Factors that Influence Attitude Change
2. Attitude- Behaviour Relationship
3. Prejudice and Discrimination
4. Strategies for Handling Prejudice
5. Social Cognition
6. Schemas and Stereotypes
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Published 07/13/22