Ever wondered if rough and tumble play is right for your highly sensitive child? In this episode, we dive into why it's not only okay but also crucial for their growth and development. I share four ways rough and tumble play can benefit highly sensitive children, from building resilience to fostering social skills. But safety first! Of course it is important to monitor play sessions, ensuring boundaries are respected, and promptly addressing any injuries. With the right supervision, rough and...
Published 05/15/24
Did you ever realize that your child's high sensitivity might be a mirror reflecting your own? In this episode, I take you on a personal journey back to my own childhood, where I grappled with being highly sensitive, often feeling overwhelmed by emotions and retreating to my room to cry when things felt too intense. I share the shame and isolation I felt growing up, feeling too much and too deeply, and how these experiences initially left me confused and easily hurt. It wasn't until I became...
Published 05/10/24
Have you ever been in the middle of a store when your child suddenly has a meltdown? It's tough, right? In today's episode, I share a personal story about my own son's public meltdown and how I managed to navigate that situation. You see, there’s a difference between a child giving you a hard time, and having a hard time. The shame and anger you may feel during a public meltdown are valid, but what if we could shift those feelings all together, and instead think ahead to handling the meltdown...
Published 05/08/24
Do you feel like all the parenting responsibilities just automatically end up on your plate? You're not alone. In this episode, I dive into my own journey as the 'default parent,' a role I slipped into almost without noticing when we had our first child. As I stayed home and stepped away from my career, I found myself managing everything from night feedings to daily outings, never having a moment to myself. I quickly became overwhelmed and exhausted with the weight of parenting on my...
Published 05/03/24
Have you ever considered therapy for your highly sensitive child, hoping it might be the key to managing their meltdowns and aggressive behaviors at home? If so, this episode offers a different point of view along with 5 reasons that may change your mind. As a former play therapist and owner of a private practice, I've worked with many highly sensitive children who behaved picture perfect during sessions. And yet, the stories I'd hear from their parents painted a very different picture, one...
Published 05/01/24
Have you ever dreamed of taking a trip alone, stepping away from the daily grind of parenting to just breathe and be yourself? If the idea sounds like a distant fantasy, this episode is for you. Last weekend, I took a life-changing solo trip across the country—yes, just me, no kids, no parenting responsibilities—and it was nothing short of magical. In today’s episode, I dive into why taking time for yourself isn't just a luxury—it’s essential. We'll explore 3 crucial benefits of having a solo...
Published 04/26/24
Ever noticed your highly sensitive child getting jealous when it’s a sibling’s birthday? You’re not alone - it’s tough to see them struggle during what should be a fun family celebration.  In this podcast episode, we get personal about sibling jealousy, especially around birthdays. We’ll explore why these feelings aren't actually about selfishness, but rather deep, complex emotions, and I’ll share 3 practical strategies that have worked in my own family to help manage these big...
Published 04/24/24
Kelsey and Cody were desperate for help with their four-year-old daughter and two-year-old twin boys. After their daughter dealt with medical issues at a young age, their twins were welcomed during the pandemic and their home quickly felt overwhelming and chaotic.  In this Friday’s episode, I interview Kelsey and Cody about their family’s experience in my Chaos to Connection program. They both share their experiences beginning the program and seeing immediate changes in their family system,...
Published 04/19/24
Ever noticed how it can be really difficult for your highly sensitive child to hear the word “no”? If you are nodding along, you are not alone! In this podcast episode, we tackle this parenting challenge by talking about the 3 things you can do to help your highly sensitive child accept “no” as an answer.  Highly sensitive children often struggle hearing “no” because it brings disappointment. This is a tough and uncomfortable emotion! But here’s the thing: by creating a structured boundary...
Published 04/17/24
Ever wonder why your highly sensitive child loses it over seemingly trivial things? You are not alone. In this podcast episode, we get to the bottom of your child’s meltdowns, and what you can do to avoid frustration and help yourself and your child regulate when feeling tough emotions.  Picture this: your kids spend the night at Grandma and Grandpa’s, only to return and have a simple swing session turn into a full-blown meltdown. Hear the full story AND a practical solution to a problem that...
Published 04/12/24
Ever found your highly sensitive child in tears over a small mistake, convinced they've ruined everything? It's a tough spot, right? In this podcast episode, we're diving deep into perfectionism in highly sensitive kids. Picture this: your child ripping up their artwork because they believe they've made an irreparable mistake. Sound familiar? Listen as we explore three invaluable strategies for responding to these moments with grace and understanding. You will learn how to validate your...
Published 04/10/24
If you've ever found yourself losing your temper with your children, then this podcast episode is exactly what you need. We've all been there, right? Moments where frustration boils over, and we end up yelling at our kids because they simply won't cooperate, like refusing to go to sleep at bedtime. But here’s the good news: in this episode you’ll hear how I experienced losing my cool with my daughter last week, and how I was able to gather myself after; all because of one simple but powerful...
Published 04/05/24
If you're grappling with your child's anxiety and feeling lost in how to support them, this podcast episode is a must-listen. It's tough knowing how to handle our children's worries, especially when we feel like we're supposed to fix everything, right?! Wrong. Most of us feel as if we need to immediately fix feelings of anxiety, but in actuality, we are perpetuating and invalidating those emotions. In this week’s episode, hear a refreshing perspective on dealing with childhood anxiety:...
Published 04/03/24
Sometimes our kids say or do things that seem downright MEAN, and it’s really tough to know how to respond. In these moments, it’s easy to lose sight of the good kid underneath the challenging behavior, and it’s easy to react in big and unhelpful ways. In this week's episode, I share a story from my own parenting where I had to get curious and really look for the need underneath challenging behavior. I share my own struggles and how, once I was truly able to get curious, I uncovered the REAL...
Published 03/29/24
When your child is constantly getting upset over the smallest things, it can be hard to truly welcome their feelings. And so often, we *think* we’re welcoming and validating – but we’re actually making things worse and creating even more meltdowns.  In this week's episode, I share 3 not-so-obvious ways we inadvertently make meltdowns worse with our highly sensitive kids. I dive into each of these and help you understand why they’re unhelpful and shift into a more helpful mindset and...
Published 03/27/24
If your kids are constantly arguing (like mine are), this is an episode you won’t want to miss. It can be so hard to know how to help our kids work things out when they’re screaming at each other across the room and getting more upset by the second, right?!  In this week's episode, I share a tool that we’ve been using in my family for awhile now – and it’s so simple it’s impossible to do it wrong. It’s called The Perspective Game, and there’s literally just one rule. And as a bonus, this is a...
Published 03/22/24
Has your child ever told you to “go away!” … but then gotten super upset when you actually tried to give them space? Yep, mine has too. It’s so hard to know what you’re supposed to do in those moments! In this week's episode, I unpack why highly sensitive kids tend to push us away when they need us most – and what we can do to respond effectively in these moments. I also show you how to know the difference between the times when your child needs you to stay despite their pushing you away …...
Published 03/20/24
Natasha and her family were really struggling; their 4-year-old highly sensitive daughter was having daily meltdowns, showing aggressive behaviors toward her baby sister, and resorting to destruction (like slamming a door and breaking a spice rack full of glass) in really tough moments.  In this week's episode, I interview Natasha about her family’s experience in my Chaos to Connection program. She shares how, almost immediately, the dynamic in her family started to shift, and she started to...
Published 03/15/24
As parents – especially in the gentle, respectful, conscious parenting space – we’re constantly told that we have to “stay calm” in order to be effective with our kids. But sometimes staying calm feels unreachable, and it’s easy to feel like you’re failing in those moments.   In this week's episode, I unpack why it’s so hard to stay calm in the face of your child’s dysregulation and why focusing on this alone sets us up to fail. I then share what to focus on instead and how to set yourself up...
Published 03/13/24
“I hate you!” “You’re the worst!” “I don’t love you!” These words are SO hard to hear … especially when they’re coming from your child!   In this week's episode, I walk you through how I handled it when my daughter recently told me to “go away and die.” I share my knee-jerk reaction and also how I shifted my mindset to show up more effectively for her.   Here’s the thing: Our kids will say mean things sometimes as a way to push us away or to help us understand the depth of their anger. Once...
Published 03/08/24
What do strong-willed, hesitant / anxious, and perfectionistic kids have in common? It might seem like nothing at face value … but actually, all three of these behavioral patterns have the same roots.   In this week's episode, I share how being a strong-willed child, a child who tends to hesitate or be slow to warm up, and a child who tends toward perfectionism are all connected. I give examples of what each of these behavioral patterns looks like and then also help you understand how these...
Published 03/06/24
Have you ever said something to your highly sensitive child, but your child heard something completely different than what you meant? These miscommunications are tough no matter what, but they can lead to huge emotions for highly sensitive kids. In this week's episode, I bring you behind the scenes of my own parenting life and share a miscommunication I had with my son and things unfolded for us that morning. Here’s the thing: Our kids’ feelings might not always make logical sense to us, but...
Published 03/01/24
If you’re stuck in a cycle of meltdown after meltdown, it’s probably tough to see that your child’s sensitivity can have an upside. But I promise you it does! In this week's episode, I uncover the many positives of being highly sensitive, and I help you think about how to nurture these wonderful qualities in your child – while also working to help lessen the meltdowns. Here’s the thing: Being highly sensitive is a wonderful thing – it’s just that most kids don’t know how to hone and nurture...
Published 02/28/24
Have you ever had a wonderful, special day planned for your highly sensitive child – maybe for their birthday or a holiday – but they end up having meltdowns all day long?  In this parenting reflections episode, I share how I navigated my daughter’s big feelings on her birthday. I also reflect on the grief inherent in parenting and watching our kids grow into new versions of themselves each year.  Here’s the thing: Birthdays and special days can be tricky for highly sensitive kids; the...
Published 02/23/24